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omahilo 08-02-06 06:13 PM

which satties did you play to win the W$? Ive played a $11 DS and had no luck, maybe I should try a different one.

MAYHEM45 08-02-06 06:24 PM

First was a 11+R (in for $31)to the ept online baden final = 215 W$
Second was a 36+3 to the ept online barcelona final = 215 W$

The first one was awesome. I really love that they are offering regular 11R sattys now. The turbos are easy as well, but the stalling is just too fucking gay for my liking, and the 3R takes like 12 years to finish. 11R with 15 min levels is the perfect balance.

omahilo 08-02-06 06:25 PM

I might give those a whirl...

I know the 3Rs take like 8 yrs for them to finish up...

Tony Cheval 08-03-06 01:23 AM

Got another 2nd @ Titan, that's $200 down! :thumbsup:

JDMcNugent7 08-03-06 02:37 AM

that'd be pretty sweet to be playing 5/10 and 10/20 NL with u. i think u can catch up. i know ive moved up and made more $ faster than alot of ppl in poker, but if i didnt have such horrible tilt and could refrain from taking shots that are over my head i could be in such a better position right now, u have the discipline i dont and if u just keep putting in the hands i could see u catching up for sure.

MAYHEM45 08-04-06 05:46 PM

Make that 3 for 3 now. 535 W$ in the bank.

omahilo 08-04-06 05:51 PM


you guys going to try to win a seat to a EPT event?

MAYHEM45 08-04-06 06:08 PM

Yup, most likely barcelona. I would love to go there. All the other ones are pretty boring.

JDMcNugent7 08-04-06 06:21 PM

all ive done is played 1 satty to another $475 satty and won that... now i gotta do the $475 whenever i finally have time, and if i make it im goin, which would be sweet, i dn how much $ i actually want to use up trying to go tho.

BrianSwa 08-04-06 07:33 PM

so far
so far im very pleased with my goal, played some $4 180's and won 2 of them.

BrianSwa 08-04-06 08:16 PM


well I said I might come back eventully and when I did had to set limits for myself and so far I have been able to control my limits so im allowing myself to play right now and if I cross the line I stop simple as that.

I want to be mainly tourney player and cash games on the side but very low ones, I have to have like 40 buyins or something like that in order to play the game. ok 40 little off but you get the point. As long as it dosent take up too much of my time im fine with playing but I do understand where you are comming from I did say that.

Talking Poker 08-05-06 06:11 AM

I would like to add the following to my list of August goals:
-Make a Final Table at the WSOP

And now I would like to update my list of goals:
-Make a Final Table at the WSOP


New Guy 08-05-06 04:25 PM

My goal for Aug is to stay focused in my cash games and not just call any hand just to make sure thier not bluffing!! Thats My biggest problem.Second goal is to make 1k a week thru august and re-think my goals for sept.

Reel Deal 08-07-06 11:20 AM

OK, I've decided on a goal... run my account at Titan up to $1000 playing the $100 NL tables. It was at about $275 when the month started. Had a very good night on Friday and a not so great night last night and it currently sits at about $600.

MAYHEM45 08-07-06 02:33 PM

-2000 for the month in cash games. Im taking a break. Fuck poker.

lightfungus 08-07-06 03:03 PM

So I have taken a nasty hit this last week as there have been too many familiar faces at the casino and not enough "adventurers" for my liking, that combined with sub par play has given me the ugh feeling. So, I am taking one more shot at the ole' casino before I return to school, and then its back to online poker. I bought poker tracker for the first time :o , and will be looking forward to qualifying for the WCOOP, and hopefully make a run at online cash games.

JDMcNugent7 08-08-06 07:22 PM

i suck updates.
ive been taking shots at 2k NL and tilting! awesome. i should probably stop doin that!

Talking Poker 08-08-06 09:40 PM

I don't get you. As gifted as you appear to be with poker, what is your problem? You literally make a goal that says, "Don't do something," and then you go out and do it? :confused: :confused: :confused: That boggles my mind.

That would be like if my goal for August was to not jump out of an airplane and then I went and jumped out of an airplane... you know, instead of just not doing that.


JDMcNugent7 08-09-06 02:27 AM

more like making a goal to not drink alcohol for a month when ur used to drinking it whenever you want and slipping up and drinking it at a few parties without thinking about it.

but, thats not an excuse, i realize i broke promises and thats all there is to it, i need to get better at keeping promises. (in life im V good about this, in poker its a whole different story)

i guess i get confused about which is correct to do. I know i can consistently beat the 1k game, while its not easy, i dont feel too challenged much by it. Look at any top name pro, they almost all played in games too big for their role and often took shots and lost, dropped a level grinded - won, and repeat, till they eventually hit the status they are at today where they could consistently beat the bigger games. I feel like i need to be more challenge, that im missing out on more $ i could be making, and that I can win at the higher stakes games. seriously ive been confused about this lately, someone step in and tell me why my thinking is wrong or what i should be doing different please.

johnp158 08-09-06 03:36 AM

I honestly think you lack discipline. I'm not saying that I'm the most disciplined or anything, but when I read these posts that go back and forth like this, it seems like there might be a maturity issue. Now, don't get me wrong. You've had the best results out of anybody in the forum, and you seem to have amazing instincts and can absolutely kill cash games. You haven't even started college yet, you have more money than 99.9% of people your age have, and you know that you're good. I know that you've never just put your whole bankroll on the line or anything. But it seems to me that, if you make a set of goals, you should have a well thought-out reason for each goal. There must be a reason you think you shouldn't be playing 10/20 right now. It would probably help if you keep that reason in mind, so that you can resist talking yourself into doing it.

I don't say this in a negative way, but whenever I read you say that you plan on sticking to a certain limit, etc., I always think that it's unlikely you'll stick to it. Again, there haven't ever been disastrous consequences, but you have to be careful.

P.S. I'm only 22 myself and don't mean to sound like I'm lecturing the youngsters or something. Please don't take my comments as condescending.

On a side not, my goals for August should have included "Don't play any poker if you value your bankroll." The $27 Turbos along with a string of bad luck in MTTs and a needed cashout have been brutal.

sjay2k 08-09-06 06:36 AM

damn i missed this thread until now. i wanted to make 10k for august (this would pay for my 5-week backpacking trip that im going to take to the US at the start of next year)

i made about 3500 in the first few days (5/10 to 15/30 lhe), then didn't play for a few days, then made another 1500ish in the past couple of days (10/20 lhe, $1 blind NL and some $15-50 donkaments). i think i'll continue taking breaks so that i don't go crazy and start tilting.

speaking of tilt, i lost $125 last night in our 10c/20c NL home game playing for about 90 minutes. lol.

sjay2k 08-09-06 08:00 AM

haha, this made me go read that big TP updates thread.

good work big man!!

melioris 08-09-06 10:14 AM

I only have a few things to add to what Johnp wrote. And I offer this only as my 2 cents and not to condescend or lecture the youth or anything like that. In fact, John wrote it all so well that his qualifications count for me too.

You need to be exceptionally disciplined about how you manage poker. Right now it isn’t a big deal because you don’t have a lot of responsibility and it is fine with you to fuck around, but poker can be a terribly destructive force and the way to mange that is to stay completely in control of it. That means when you state some goals to yourself (like not giving the 10/20 a crack for a month) then you need to stick to those goals to ensure that you are controlling poker and poker is not controlling you. Because the deal is when you allow yourself to break these promises with yourself (that is all a goal like this is, really) then you allow how you manage your poker playing to become more emotional, and that is how your kick ass poker skills slide into gambling and then you are doomed. Don’t get in the habit of breaking your promises to yourself and then you don’t have to worry. Your other goals (like 4ppBB/100) are not completely in your control and are more traditional goals, but not taking a crack at 10/20 is a poker management issue and there is no room to fuck around with those goals at all. I agree with John that it is probably ok to play at those levels even if it is a little beyond your bankroll, just know why you are doing it when you give it a try. “fuck it, I’m bored” is not good enough when you have promised yourself you won’t try for a month. Furthermore, you are starting college in a few week, which promises to be a mind-blowing time consuming experience, so maybe instead of moving up in levels right now the best thing is to stay at 5/10 NL and if it is getting boring, don't play as much? But really, WTF do I know from down here an order of magnitude or more below your levels?

Your drinking analogy is apt except I think gambling can be more destructive than booze, just because I think it is easier to become addicted to gambling and have that ruin your life than it is to become a full blown alcoholic and have that ruin your life. But this might a debate for another time.

Aequitas58 08-09-06 10:18 AM

Paragraphs. Use them.

lightfungus 08-09-06 11:25 AM

I honestly think JD is where he is because he had this incredible urge to compete...sure he can do this at the same level, but I guarantee you he would not be where he is this fast if he followed bankroll management. I mean really guys, do you think he followed the 5% and was able to get a 75k bankroll in less than a year? from fuckin play money? JD, I think you have to find a balance between what you have been doing to get where you are and being more responsible so your roll doesn't take these periodic steps backwards...this is hard for most (maybe even all) pros to find, from what I hear. But be careful going to school, as your attention will be focused in different directions and your game isn't going to be as sharp as it is now during the summer when you have nothing else to do. So for now, you have to start literally cutting yourself or something if you sit down at 10/20NL and stick with things you can beat until you are ready to challenge them correctly, and seriously. Frankly, 10/20 is almost within your bankroll, but I think your major problem is the tilting, that absolutely has to stop, and it will when you are tested with more things in life that require self-control...I know you said you are good in life, but isn't poker a part of your life :D ? So learn how to chill with the tilting, and then keep attacking the game like you have been, thats my 2 cents.

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