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BrianSwa 07-27-05 01:13 PM

crush me lol

not playing in it but if I was I'm not to worried about you, keep on check-raising. Oh wait no its not check-raising right you have some cool name for it besides that right. You will take my shit and like it my little bitch. Really wish I had the time to play the HU torney so I could watch you get your ass waxed.

Gordogg 07-27-05 01:28 PM

Yes I did go overboard. Heat of the moment. He is the last person that should be making those remarks like you said. I remember a hand where you (Brian) called down big bets with a gutshot straight draw to the river, hit your straight to pick up a huge pot. Then you post the HH on here and sincerely asked if people thought you made the right play or not. That's comedy. I'd like to think my post isn't quite as obvious a play as that one was. From the responses I've gotten (from people who know what they are talking about), my "move" pretty much sucks but that's cool. I'm still learning/improving my game. I don't usually start strategy threads in this forum (or any thread for that matter). This being why. Majority of people have to be a smart ass to amuse themselves and others instead of just typing an honest response. If you are a good player do you have to be an ass about questions that are simple for you, but maybe not as simple for others? Remember, you were a beginning player once as well. Did you enjoy people trying to make you look stupid when you had a question? :confused:

BrianSwa 07-27-05 01:31 PM

look man

look, I was making a joke. Nothing personal about you, and the hand you are talking about was like 4 months into the game for me of course I didnt have a clue if it was a good play. Now I know it was terrible play oh well I was new give me a break. Need to learn how to take a joke, people make them about me all the time. I only go off on people when the jokes get personal, I know I have made stupid plays in the past and I have tried to learn from them.

Gordogg 07-27-05 01:44 PM

OK. Sorry about getting personal. It's in the past now as far as I'm concerned. I easily forget and like to move on when it comes to shit like this. I hope you and others feel the same.

I still hope I get you in the first round when you decide to play the tourney. :D

BrianSwa 07-27-05 01:46 PM


works for me, as for the torney, I really cant make that commitment to play. With Gavin's surgery comming up I have no idea what is gonna happen next 2 weeks and dont want to pull a no-show 1st round and give someone a free win. If you find a site though that does free HU games I would be happy to play, for fun of course.

tell you what has them for free and I will be willing to play any time just let me know.

Gordogg 07-27-05 01:57 PM

I do have Bugsys Club downloaded, lets do it. I won't be able to do it until 9pm, when my son Gavin (great name) goes to bed. That's 9pm pacific I believe. I"m in Oregon just moved from Alaska so I dont know the name of the timezone and I don't feel like looking it up.

BrianSwa 07-27-05 01:59 PM

[quote=Gordogg]I do have Bugsys Club downloaded, lets do it. I won't be able to do it until 9pm, when my son Gavin (great name) goes to bed. That's 9pm pacific I believe. I"m in Oregon just moved from Alaska so I dont know the name of the timezone and I don't feel like looking it up.[/QUOTE

just send me private message when ready, I will check back in later tonight. As long as my wife isnt going to be I will be able to play. Most likley we can get it going, looking forward to it. :)

Gordogg 07-27-05 02:04 PM

Ok sounds good. NLHE of course. Looking foward to it as well.

Talking Poker 07-27-05 04:48 PM

I'm so glad everyone was able to kiss and make up, and I love the idea of a *friendly* heads up match to settle your differences. You guys need to start a new thread when it happens so people can rail if they want to.

Gordogg - I hope you don't feel stupid for starting this thread. Of course "new" players aren't going to know everything, and the best way to learn and to improve your game is to talk about it. I honestly believe that. I'd like to see all posters contribute more around here - not just the so called "experts."

As for your move itself.... let me give you a little more food for thought. The way you are talking about playing this hand is pretty standard. It becomes very obvious what you are olding when you check raise on the turn. It's a fine play, of course, but you should consider leading out on the turn now and then too. Since most players slowplay monster hands (like you described), by leading out with a bet, you are actually being deceptive. People will think, "Well, he can't have the flush because he wouldn't have bet it if he did." Even more importantly, something to consider is if your opponent has one high spade (hopefully not higher than yours). If that's the case and you check, he will likely take the free card behind you, and then when no spade comes on the river, he will fold to your bet. But... if you lead out on the turn (not a huge amount), you force him to call the bet because of his draw.

Just some stuff to think about. Now please kick Brian's ass Heads Up, will ya? Vegas has you listed as a favorite, but the line is closer than you might think...

BrianSwa 07-27-05 04:52 PM

actul advise
Id like to offer actull advice on hand.

I personally would of bet out turn when the flush hit, not overbet it but a nice lead bet. Most people would think there is no way you would bet out the nut flush and might try to bluff you out of the pot. Think you can make more money this way because if you re-raise all in he is gonna fold.

Didnt read all of TP post before this one, basicly saying same thing he is just not as good.

lightfungus 07-27-05 06:06 PM

In the words of Tony Soprano, "Always with the drama..." I know i saw this on another thread but I've been doing a marathon of the show. Its a classic in my opinion.

junYUN 07-27-05 07:39 PM

im gonna whoop your ass at TP HU tourny

i am so strong

Gordogg 07-27-05 08:30 PM

Thanks for your input TP and Brian. I'm actually not a "beginning" player, but I'm not as advanced as alot of people on here seem to be. I've been playing seriously for about a year and a half.

As far as kicking Brian's butt, I will IM him later and see if he is up to playing. If so, I will start a thread so whoever wants to rail can. It's nice to know Vegas has me as the favorite. If anyone wants to bet on Brian let me know and I'll throw the match for a percentage of the winnings. :D

Gordogg 07-27-05 08:31 PM

I'll send you back to your trash can Oscar, if we meet in the HU tourney. ;)

Gordogg 07-28-05 12:21 AM

I PM'd Brian half an hour ago, no response. Lets do this another day. Peace.

BrianSwa 07-28-05 10:12 AM


my electicity went off last night about 7:30 pm and just got it back today at about 10 am. Sorry about that, I can play any morning until 3pm or any tuesday or wednesday anytime. Stupid storm.

ChipFish 07-28-05 10:32 AM

Now Brian....
Pay the bills first.
Then play poker if you want! :D :p

Talking Poker 07-29-05 12:27 AM

Is this match going to happen? I have a 20 spot riding on it with another forum member, who will remain nameless. I will also not tell you who I bet on.

But I definitely want to rail this one if it ever happens!

Aequitas58 07-29-05 02:48 AM

...although everyone's analysis is correct [it is simply a semi-bluff followed by a check raise giving the strength of your hand away], "the move" is quite effective at lower limits. I can't explain how, or why, etc, but I have used it in the past ... and even at the $1/2 tables, it actually works pretty well.

Obviously, you're not going to stack off a world class player, but if you're a low limit NL grinder, it's a weapon that I've certainly used in my arsenal often.

Gordogg 07-29-05 03:47 AM

Thanks for the support Lou, glad to see you are back. I actually used the "move" earlier today and it worked great. $25NLHE on Party. The guy only had about 12 bucks left but he put them in the middle on the turn, trying to bluff me. See, when you bet the flop, then check the turn when the flush comes, it makes it look like you are afraid of the flush and that makes your opponenet think he can represent the flush and make you fold. Plus he thinks since you bet the flop you must have a made hand of some kind, not just a draw. Not world class by any means, but very effective on the fish that swim in the low limit waters of Party Poker.

As for the heads up match with Brian, I'm still interested in playing. I'm available in the afternoons sometime between 11am and 3pm. It all depends on when my son takes his nap, how long he sleeps, etc... It's better for me at 9pm when he is in bed. I'll be available pretty much anytime starting Monday so post here Brian or IM me your availability.

As for the twenty dollar side bet TP, let us know who you bet on after the match is done and who you bet with. I want to laugh in the face of whoever bet on Brian. :D

BrianSwa 07-29-05 06:26 AM

pretty sure of yourself arnt you?

today might be bad my wife is going to florida so I got the baby all by myself. Usually this wouldnt be a problem but with all the care Gavin takes not sure. Morning are only time thats good for me, working doubles this tuesday and wednesday, If we can set it up today that would be ok I guess should only take me 10 minutes to beat I mean play you.

Im ready to play..........

Talking Poker 07-29-05 11:01 AM

Why don't you guys PM each other, agree on a time, and then start a new thread (in Railbird) to let the rest of us know when it's going down.

GeoffM 07-29-05 11:05 AM

I always thought "the move" was what I'll be employing on you, TP, when you come up to my great city :D.

Talking Poker 07-29-05 11:29 AM

Hey now!

bdawg31 07-29-05 11:52 AM

I agree with Lou 100%. There is a HUGE difference in playing low NL hold em and high NL hold em. I can not believe some of the hands people call my all-ins with at the 1/2 tables. its like they think 'You will NOT bluff me out of this pot". At the higher tables, it is a completely different story.

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