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Gordogg 01-06-07 12:49 AM

Nice job Boobie, keep it up. I hope TP and Kurn represent the forum as well as Boobs. GL guys :cheers:

juiCe[3x] 01-06-07 12:56 AM

Wow, very nice Boobie. Your recap was awesome and good job. Lets see if TP/Kurn can outdo you :D

Talking Poker 01-06-07 12:56 AM

Good recap. I saw Vanessa's table earlier in the day, and one of the other girls is someone I remember from Aruba 2005. She was pretty solid and took down one of the side events there.

Sounds like you played well overall (at least compared to the donks - that 1/2 his stack bet followed by a fold from the former Interpoker pro is just sad), and getting some cards helps too. I'm looking forward to us both playing on Sunday. I'm shooing for 81,700 chips, of course.

BTW, for that first hand against Vanessa... you think you could have gotten more chips out of her in any way? Maybe by betting a bit less, or by counting your chips differently or anything like that? Do you think she made a good read on you?

With a hand as strong as yours there, I think I may have checked it and given her a free shot at a straight if she had a 9 (or JT or whatever). I'll bet she would have bet there if you checked to her, and depending on how much you raised, she may have moved in on you if she had a pair and a draw. That said, I like the bet too if you're trying to get it all in the middle. She's aggressive and there's a good chance she'll raise you right there drawing awfully thin... Yeah, I don't know.

Time to call it a night. GL to me and Kurn tomorrow.

JDMcNugent7 01-06-07 01:05 AM

wow awesome.
i wish i was there so bad.
theres no way im not going next year if its still this big.

New Guy 01-06-07 02:56 AM

Unreal updates!!! Im so jelous! I want to be there so bad.Bobbie holy shit way to go.You set the bar high now tp and kurn you guys need to represent!Im sure you will.Lets go fourm show some love!!!!!!

Aequitas58 01-06-07 03:17 AM

BOOBS: Nice report, but even better "end" to Day One!

KURN: Teach those young whipper-snappers what it's like to be a founder of 2p2. Yea, you're that old, but you still own. Take it down!

TP: Your domination started with Brian and it ends w/ EVERYONE ELSE at the PCA. Looking forward to your report.

melioris 01-06-07 06:31 AM

Awesome Report Boobie-and even better news on your Day 1 success. Continue to kick ASS!!!

Kurn-Aeq said if first and better. Good Luck!!!

TP-are you going to let Boobie become the new darling? Go out there and get your name at the top of the lists.

Boobie Lover 01-06-07 12:20 PM

The hand where I turned top set against Vanessa, I certainly could have checked there, but I probably appear to be some Internet person (which I am), so I suppose live pros would assume I am hyper aggressive. Plus, I assume that men probably play more aggressive against women since they don't want to lose pots to them in general. Or, maybe I am just overthinking this whole thing.

Boobie Lover 01-06-07 01:27 PM

Talked to TP who said he lost about half his stack when he flopped two pair and some guy rivered a flush. I tried to see how Kurn was doing also, but that tourney was on break when I got down there.

MAYHEM45 01-06-07 02:19 PM

From the moneymaker million blog:

12:09pm The first beers just arrived in the room. They were delivered to Table 3. We'll just let you guess who ordered them.

Kurn? :D

drewjax 01-06-07 02:21 PM

This is strange from the MM blog:

2:01pm--Players are on a five minute break. We are down to two tables.

2:11pm--Blinds increase to 125-250. Cards are once again on the table. We have 25 players left. Lee Jones pointed out that no one will go home with less than $5,000. Cheers from the crowd.

Gotta be a mistake right? They are not making these guys play 13 handed!


of course, TP and Boobie too


X-Longshot-X 01-06-07 02:26 PM

This confused me as well unless they are playing 12/13 man tables o.0

P.S. Cmon TP mount the comeback

X-Longshot-X 01-06-07 02:33 PM

2:23pm--Rich DiLondardo from Warwick, Rhode Island just won a big pot at Table 3. It was AK versus AQ, and a king came on the flop. DiLonardo just upped his stack by a good bit.


melioris 01-06-07 03:30 PM


"One of the cool things about PokerStars offering a blog is that it helps a lot of the fans who can't be here keep up with their buddies and favorite players. We're seeing tons of people come in here from 2+2, Neverwin, and other forums. One in particular that I've noticed is TalkingPoker. As it happens, I met one of the honchos from TP last year during the PCA. TP's Mark Petrillo is playing in Day 1B today and we're keeping an eye on him. I just grabbed him after the break. He's down a few chips from his starting stack, but has made it through the first couple of levels. Here's to a little good luck for Mark."

Nice love there.....

Boobie Lover 01-06-07 03:53 PM

They are playing three tables still at the Moneymaker Million.

Nikita 01-06-07 04:00 PM

Now that everyone is actually playing, I will wish all three of you good luck.

Here's to each of you making it to the final table at least. :cheers:

robthedlphin 01-06-07 05:39 PM

Sweet thread. I'm rootin for ya guys!

Gordogg 01-06-07 07:04 PM

May Kurn Boobs and TP do the opposite of the Chiefs offense today :cheers:

jillaj 01-06-07 07:12 PM

That would mean they couldn't lose a pot which would be very impressive.

Tony Cheval 01-06-07 07:41 PM

Interestingly, neither TP nor Kurn are getting any mention by PS. I suppose that can go either way, especially in Kurn's case.

Robbie Robb 01-06-07 07:48 PM

Yeah, and CP doesn't seem to be tracking Mark yet either...Grrrr

X-Longshot-X 01-06-07 07:51 PM

7:45pm--Chris Moneymaker has just taken the mic in the Moneymaker Millionaire.

Expect players to start dropping like flys from the sheer stupidity obsorbed by the fact that moneymaker is on the mic.

melioris 01-06-07 08:03 PM

11 players left and in this case no news is good news. We know that Kurn is still alive!

Robbie Robb 01-06-07 08:05 PM

I'm not sure if it is 11. There is no mention of anyone getting eliminated in 13th... It goes from Hill in 14th to Cassano in 12th. I think Cassano may actually be 13th.

redbank09 01-06-07 08:12 PM

anyone know kurns chipcount and place

Boobie Lover 01-06-07 08:14 PM

Kurn just made the final table (10 players).

X-Longshot-X 01-06-07 08:16 PM

Fuck Yeah, Go Kurn Win That Bitch!

kkirk1329 01-06-07 08:17 PM

Go Kurn

juiCe[3x] 01-06-07 08:19 PM

Go KURN, You got this :thumbsup:

jillaj 01-06-07 08:20 PM

Kurn might end up being Moneymakers protege. Now that would be great! :thumbsup:

X-Longshot-X 01-06-07 08:23 PM

Uh OH!
8:20pm--We're down to final table! Bobby DiLonardo just got eliminated. Bobby moves all-in for 13.200 and gets called by Robert Skanes. Bobby shows AK and Robert has 88. The flop comes J-T-7, Bobby needs a A,K or a Q to improve. The turn is a king. Now Robert needs a 8 or a 9 to take down the pot. The river is a 8 which eliminates Bobby from the tournament. We're down to final 9 players. The players will have a 1 hour break where they can sit down and eat. We will join them and make interwies and take photos and chipcounts. See you in an hour!

I certainly hope it was the last name that was misprinted!

eejit101 01-06-07 08:24 PM

wow, eveyrone is still in. Gl all

Robbie Robb 01-06-07 08:25 PM

I don't think it was. I think the first name was wrong - the ONLY person that could be "Bobby" was the person that called "Bobby DiLonardo" - Robert Skanes...


X-Longshot-X 01-06-07 08:26 PM

:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

Well, Lets hope for the best

X-Longshot-X 01-06-07 08:29 PM

Sadly they fixed it and it was Rick rather than bobby......good run Kurn!

Robbie Robb 01-06-07 08:31 PM

freakin' suckout on the river (well, okay, a re-suck, but still...) typical PokerStars shit...

GG KURN! Still a nice payday!

eejit101 01-06-07 08:31 PM

thats just booolchit.

Ul kurn man, great achievement though, let nothing stand int he way of that

Tony Cheval 01-06-07 08:34 PM

Skanes is definately looking like the luckbox of the tournament. GG Kurn.

juiCe[3x] 01-06-07 08:35 PM

GG Kurn, You gave it an awesome run.

melioris 01-06-07 08:40 PM

live poker=rigged.

GG Kurn. You made us Proud!

Robbr25 01-06-07 08:46 PM

GJ Kurn, still a nice payday.

Tony Cheval 01-06-07 09:20 PM

TP listed at 14k at the end of Day 1B.

ChipFish 01-06-07 10:11 PM

Way to go Kurn! Nice Little payday! :thumbsup:

TP, Way to stay alive man! You're still taking this down! :D :thumbsup:

Tony Cheval 01-06-07 10:32 PM

No he's not.

He's finishing 2nd to Boobie. ;)

Boobie Lover 01-06-07 10:49 PM

Finally, someone making some sense around here.

Talking Poker 01-06-07 11:43 PM

Hey guys... man, I'm not even sure where to start. What a day.

Quick summary for the "tl;dr" crowd:
I played at SIX different tables today, was card dead for most of it, played ok but not spectacular, had to dodge a number of bullets, got very lucky exactly once when needed it most, and somehow survived through the day. I'll start Day 2 with 14,400 chips. I'll be short stacked, but by now, I'm freaking used to it.

Now for more details...
Things started off well and I got up to a whopping 23k chips early (woohoo - go me!). For pretty much the rest of the day, all I wanted my original 20k starting chips back. About 30 minutes into play, I call a raise in the BB with 87s. This was a multiway (5?) pot. The flop comes 874 with two clubs, and I am 00% sure I'm ahead. I lead at the pot and everyone folds but the most aggressive player at the table who raises me. Now, I'm sure I'm ahead here, but for whatever reason, I put him on a medium over pair. I thought he though I had a flush draw. I don't like playing for huge pots in tourneys, especially early on when the stacks are so deep, so I decided to just call and keep the pot under control. The turn was a J, and I check/called his bet of 3200ish - we've got ourselves a nice pot now. The river was a Q, completing the stupid flush, and I check/called another 5600 from him. He turned over AcKc for the nuts. Ugh. I don't know... in hindsight, I definitely could have played it a lot more aggressively and probably taken it down (but you never know). Boobie says I should have check raised (probably all in) on the turn, and I think he's right. Anyway, this cost me about half my stack. I then bounced around the 12-13-11-14-12k neighborhood forever. It was ridiculous, but I stayed patient. At one point, I was moved from one table to another and then to another - having played a total of ONE hand on those two tables in between! Yeah, 9T on the button. A monster. This should give you an idea of how annoying it was getting. I saw more suited connectors and less pocket pairs today than I think I ever have in a tourney before. And the suited connectors didn't work out so great for the most part.

At my 4th table (and moving a lot is annoying, since you have to get reads on everyone all over again), I had a terrible seat. The chipleader or someone right up there was 2 seats to my left, and almost every time I opened, he repopped me and I'd have to fold. TWICE, he smooth called me and someone else (Andrew from CardRunners, actually) came over the top and I had to fold. It was driving me nuts. I got al he way down to 4k, and pushed in twice with 7 high (it is SO important to time these plays right, but if someone wakes up with a hand, there is nothing you can do), picking up the blinds and antes both times. Back down to 5-6k or so even, I pushed in UTG with 98s (blinds were 300/600/75 at this point, btw). Here's an example of what I was just getting at - the big stack guy smooth calls me and Andrew goes into the tank. He finally folds and then some other dude pushes in. I chuckle knowing that I'm dead. The big stack calls and shows KK and the other dude had AK - no clubs though, I don't think. As son as I saw these hands, I said "Oh - I'm a huge favorite here!" The flop comes 933 which may look good at a glance, but it's not at all what I was hoping for (straight or flush). Drawing to 2 outs, I hit a 9 on the turn and faded the river for a nice triple up and then some. I stole the BB from the SB two hands later and was in the 23k neighborhood.... finally!

Then it went downhill all over again, with me not winning a pot for like an hour and a half. For most of it, there was nothing I could do, but here's the one hand that I hated: With a limp in front of me, I decided to limp also with KJs (and you know how much I hate playing junk like this). Two more calls and then the blinds after me. The flop comes down J9x with no flush draw, and it checks to me. I bet at it, and everyone folds except for he button who raises. He's short, so his range could be pretty wide here. His raise was in the 3500 range and he had about 5k more behind. I deliberate, and I'm really only afraid one ONE hand (AJ).... there are so many other hands I'm ahead of, and I'm getting nice pot odds to go all the way and I've been so frustrated all day etc etc etc, so I finally decided to go with it and push. He calls and shows AJ, which of course holds up. to give you an idea of how close of a decision this was for me, I would have folded QJ here.

Anyway, back to the short stack for me. I doubled up again after pushing with A3 from the SB and getting called by KQ in the BB. He turned a King but I rivered an Ace!

I ended up moving to two MORE tables (it was pretty ridiculous). With less than 10 minutes to play and me under 10k, I got it all in the middle three times, trying to get some damn chips or go home and not have to come back tomorrow. The first time, I picked up the blinds and antes. The second time, my AT all in reraise from the button was called by the original raiser's A8. We chopped, of course. Finally, my AQ all in reraise was not called and I finished the day with 14,400. Certainly not much, but hey - I'm still in it, and I know from experience that all it takes is one or two big hands and anyone can get deep.

Other random notes:
I had AA, KK, and QQ a total of 0 times today. I had JJ once and outplayed QQ with on after a King high flop (I knew he had QQ and played it perfectly, IMO). I had AK twice and AQ once. ALL DAY. Trust me, that's not many premium hands for so many hous of play.

I played at two different tables with Mark Seif, Andrew from CardRunners (muddywater) and two other dudes. Seif gave me the old limp/reraise all in at one point when I popped him from the BB with AJs. I pitched it, of course. He had AA. Andrew is a nice guy and a solid player. He had some TOUGH breaks (mostly against the chip magnet/card rack guy who was sitting between us). He got thorugh the day, but he lost most of the chips he had earlier. I think he's in the low 20s.

When I was on my 3rd table, I noticed that Andrew and Taylor (both from CardRunners) were at the same table.... with JohnnyBax... and Joe Hachem! Damn - that's some draw right there.

At one point, I was seated next to Fabrice Soulier for the third time in a major tourney (Aruba, WSOP, and today), but this was he first time I had position on him. He's a nice guy and we chatted a bit. He told me more about that movie - it sounds like it will be pretty cool, and he said I'll be happy with how I'm portrayed. I guess it follows him, Isabelle, Hachem, and a couple of other players - I forget who right now... sounds cool though.

I kept bumping into Brad from the Poker Stars blog. He'd always laugh because I was at a different table and then he'd check on my usually patheic stack. That was cool of him to write what he did in the blog. Glad to see you guys have been going to read the blog from here enough for him to notice us as a referral. :thumbsup:

I also met Cashman Brian today. Look for some integrated W$ buying and selling in soon.

Man, I don't even know what else... my head is spinning. I'm sure I'm leaving a lot out, and I know this is all over the place, but hey, it's an update.

Hopefully tomorrow will start off well for me. If it does, I'm going deep. But there's also a really good chance I'll be out in the first 15 minutes. :o

Lastly, major bummer that Kurn busted 10th, but still a big congrats. They had their own private room and were doing lots of filming, so hopefully we'll get a chance to see that sometime. Congrats Kurn!

X-Longshot-X 01-06-07 11:50 PM

Great Report TP.....Get There

Talking Poker 01-06-07 11:59 PM

I almost forgot - I talked to Steve Paul Ambrose (he was standing right behind me at one point when I was playing) and he really did make that laydown yesterday with 7s full. He's still questioning it, but said nothing else makes sense with his opponent's betting parrern. I'm not sure that I agree, but I guess we'll never know - Someone at the table offered the guy who scooped the pot $500 to show, but he wouldn't. Damn....

juiCe[3x] 01-07-07 12:00 AM

Yah, Great report. GL tomorrow along with Boobie. Be funny if you guys got the same table :D

New Guy 01-07-07 12:28 AM

Kurn way to go man well done.TP and bobbie lets go.Day two is where the magic happend so let see it.Im sure you both will do great!!!!!More updates!

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