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BrianSwa 01-02-06 01:58 PM


I hate to be the one to say this but I will, if the new users cant afford $10 I DONT WANT THEM HERE , I know alot of people were thinking that I just had the balls to say it.

I dont want a bunch of cheapo morons here begging for $1 or something like that. I have been busted out online before but I never asked for a damn cent from anyone. Thats just not in my personality to beg for change from people, frankly if you cant afford $10 then go to some freeroll forum not here.

I only have $160 on pokerstars but Ill play if its $10 buy in.

PShabi 01-02-06 01:58 PM

see bold above.

PShabi 01-02-06 02:03 PM

Thank you.

People are begging for fucking 70 cents in the backer forum. That's more than pathetic. How ashamed would my parents be to know I was begging on the internet for less than a dollar?

BrianSwa 01-02-06 02:05 PM


my 7 year old has more then that in his piggy bank, hell my 7 year old just took $60 to best buy maybe I should ask him if that guy can borrow .71.

pauses while brian asks 7 year old.

he says that if you go to mcdonalds for him and get him a happy meal he will give you a .71 tip.

rookette22 01-02-06 02:08 PM

Cheapo morons????.... So guess that includes me???? Is that it? cus hey... I don't have as big a bankroll as you or any of you do, so I guess that makes me a "moron" ? cus I want to play a nice game for a minimal buyin???

I don't have enough of a bankroll to join the TP league guess that makes me, and I quote," a cheapo moron" ?????

Ever stop to think that, I'd just rather play and have a good time with a less buyin; I'm thinking that's what most members other than you big poker tycoons want.

Sorry I even came up with this idea. Geesh!~

And yeah I do take offense to what you just said Brian. Go team up with TP, Pshabi & Nikita...and all the others that will vote with you guys.

PShabi 01-02-06 02:11 PM


You realize that you did ask for everyone's opinion, right?

rookette22 01-02-06 02:13 PM

Didn't expect the name calling. I didn't have a dime when I first joined here; guess Brian was referring to me too when he made that comment. That's just a rude comment to make, just cus you all have money and some of us don't; doesn't make us less of a person. :(

BlibbityBlabbity 01-02-06 02:18 PM

I think it would be a good idea to have various buyin tourneys for forum members (in various games as well). I think this is less about whether people can "afford" it, but more if they should be playing with it for one event. Think about it, if you are in college and have $50-100 online and no immediate way to reload, $10 on a 1-2 table tourney (of average to good players, not fish)paying out the top 3-5 places, is not the best move.

If it is for fun, it really doesn't matter the buyin so much.

There should be a $10 tourney around here for those who have the bankroll (league starts mid-January!!), but I see no reason we shouldn't be able to have lower buyin events once in a while as well.

Rook, I think we would need to find a different site to host it for us that would allow a $5 buyin. The "send TP the money thing" is not that appealing for this type of tourney (especially two different sites), IMO.

PShabi 01-02-06 02:18 PM

People who have expressed interest thus far....
Rookette - $5

TP - Didn't really say one way or another, but definitely wanted a direct buy-in and that is $10 min on Stars.

ChipFish - Didn't say, but he's a "tycoon" so I'm sure $10 would be okay.

Alexandermo - Didn't specify a buy-in.

Nikita - You said she's on "our" team and definitely supports direct buy-in with good reasons.

Brian - $10

HeWong - Didn't specify buy-in, but he's broke as a joke. He won't even have $5, let alone $10.

KMB - 70 fucking cents, that's all I can say. Good luck on coming up with $5.

RobbieRob - Either way, so he isn't opposed to $10.

PShabi - $10

So, tell me again what MOST of the forum members want.

I'll tell you right now, most of the people who will say they want $5 buy-ins won't even have that much when it comes time to put up or shut up. Print it.

PShabi 01-02-06 02:20 PM

He didn't directly call anyone anything. He said he didn't want a bunch of cheapo morons on the forum begging for bucks.

Me neither.

Now, are you a cheapo? Maybe. Are you a moron? Hmmmm, I don't think so :p .

So why take offense? If the shoe fits..........? :D

PShabi 01-02-06 02:22 PM

Other than YOU CAN'T SET UP $5 TOURNEYS AT STARS and no one wants to put up the money in advance for a "freeroll" and then collect from the other forum.

BlibbityBlabbity 01-02-06 02:23 PM

I Thnk I just guessed one of your secret resolutions, Pshabi.... :p

BrianSwa 01-02-06 02:24 PM

guess what

guess what I dont have enough to play in the leagues either, but that dosent mean if something came along that I would want to participate in I wouldnt deposit to play in it. Dont concider you a moron because you never asked for any money from anyone here but go look at the backing section its full of "cheapo morons".

And for the record im not a big poker tycoon, I play .05/.10 NL. I have played higher levels but with 0% sucess, according to pokertracker im +$300 at .05/.10 and - everywere else so thats where I play. According to your last post where you played a $10 buy in honestly you play higher stakes then me seeing as I dont play anything more then a $5 buyin. Like you I play for fun but I also concider this forum my home, I have been here for awhile and am one of the origional posters. I protect my home, I dont want to see my home trashed, you see were im comming from?

rookette22 01-02-06 02:28 PM

Nice to know you grew up with a silver spoon in your mouth. Most of us didn't. And for you or anyone to put us down cus we don't have or make the same money you do is uncalled for.

Like I've said many times before, I never put any pocket money in PS for the sole purpose that I don't have any, not to waste on poker that's for sure. But I won some chips and sold them and made some money to play in here, that way. But some of you namely you and Brian, are turning it into a disgraceful act. Not everyone is loaded as you all seem to be.

BlibbityBlabbity 01-02-06 02:28 PM

Keep Reading.....

There are sites out there that will do $5, or even freerolls (where the SITE fronts the money) that we qualify for as our forum grows.

PShabi 01-02-06 02:32 PM

my bad

BrianSwa 01-02-06 02:33 PM


again you blow things way out of porpotion.....once again! Neither of us are rich, but we both are long time users of this forum and like it alot. We both have been here in the growing stages of this forum, and neither of us want to see it go to hell. I think $10 is very very reasonable. If you dont want to deposit then thats your choice, if you want to try to run it for $5 then by all means be my guest but I know I wont be there. I trust TP but I wouldnt expect the other forum members to so I doubt there gonna send $5 to him without knowing him.

I wouldnt want to play anywere but stars because thats where all my money is and not moving it just for a torney. There is no way id do a freeroll NO WAY. So whatever you do rook good luck but do us a favor and chill out a little and take advice and opinions for what it is ADVICE AND OPINIONS.

PShabi 01-02-06 02:38 PM

I'm going to laugh this one off. You're getting personal and you don't know shit about me. I'm going to let you slide on this one, but in the future it would not be wise to try and make personal attacks against me. It's a lose-lose situation.

I didn't put anyone down, unless you are a CHEAPO MORON. If you are, then yes, I was talking to you.

You ask for opionions and then blow up and take it personally when people don't see eye to eye with you.

Again, if 70 cents, or 5 bucks, or even 10 bucks was a lot of money to me, I wouldn't be playing poker with it. I'd put it in a savings account.

rookette22 01-02-06 02:42 PM

Laugh it up...keep going. Wonder, how much you'll like it if one day you find yourself alone and in a hole, not being able to pay your bills or can't afford certain things.

When you have a minute download this song and listen to it... I mean really listen to it; "GOD BLESS THE CHILD ...that’s got his own"

ChipFish 01-02-06 02:48 PM

So it's settled then?

$100+9 ?

Sounds good ;) :D

PShabi 01-02-06 02:51 PM

I don't have that much $$$$!!!!

If I kill a homeless person, a worthless one of couse, do you think I could sell him/her as firewood?

BrianSwa 01-02-06 02:52 PM


ok rook im done with you, you are getting way too personal and obviously dont have a clue what you are talking about. Pay my bills why because I'am able to actully deposit once and awhile? I have a good job and if that means im allowed to spend a certain amount of money on entertainment then im happy. Not gonna go into my personal finances because honestly its none of your damn buisness but I make more then enough to spend a couple hundred on poker If I wish.

I dont because id rather spend money on taking my kids to disney or taking my wife out to dinner like Iam tonight but again thats really not your concern. You have a problem rook you blow things way out of porportion, you ask for advice then if everyone dosent agree with you then you either blow up at them or you say your leaving the forum. You sound like me when I was in mass depression and my son was in bad shape, thats my excuse though whats yours?

you are the worst person to critisize because you dont take it for what its worth you just think its a personal attack on you. Im seriously done with all your posts, I wont reply to them ever again its pointless in my opinion to. I would block you but because you post like 500 posts a month it would cause too many holes for me.

good luck rook.

ChipFish 01-02-06 02:54 PM

Seriously though....
How about we pass on the old "Drive up the membership" speel for a bit here.

$10 is a couple of starbucks coffees...
If someone can't get $10 online, well... perhaps online poker is not the proper hobby for them.

You want the solution to avoid crashers?

#1 Set the tourney up as a private $10+1 tourney on Stars....
#2 Agree on a time to hold said tourney....
#3 Set up Tourney 1 HOUR before it starts...
#4 Name the tourney "Rookette's Super Awesome Faburiffic Poker Tourney" or something like that... (See no reference to Forum = No crashers)
#5 Post password 10-15 minutes before tourney starts.
#6 Have a fun time with people we "know"

ChipFish 01-02-06 02:56 PM

You lie! :p

BrianSwa 01-02-06 02:59 PM


its gonna be hard seeing as the stuff she writes almost begs me to reply. Its just really painful replying to it sometimes because I know no matter what I say unless its exactly what rook wants to hear im gonna get flamed for it. Well im off to dinner guys ill be back in morning to do next round of fantasy matchups. Might check in later tonight to see how else rook can disagree with reason. :)

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