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GTDawg 04-18-06 12:58 PM



My password is ****** just try it, motherf*cker!

Good to hear that everything is the way to being fixed...Don't we have any upstanding TP members that could go kick his ass or something?

No I don't advocate the asskicking

Talking Poker 04-18-06 01:08 PM

Exactly.... so, random or not, if you thin anyone here (or elsewhere) may have that information about you, do yourself a favor and:
1. Don't keep sensitive information in your Yahoo account.
2. Don't link your poker accounts to your Yahoo account.

Tada. Problem solved. Random or not.

Robbie Robb 04-18-06 01:35 PM

The highlight is the absolute MOST important thing that you can do. Almost EVERYONE who spends any regular amount of time online has an ISP-provided email address. For less than $10/year it's very simple to register your own domain name. Most of the registrars allow simple email forwarding (I use and they have a great email forwarding setup) so you can setup specific accounts for specific things. If you also happen to have a hosting package that uses its own POP/SMTP server then you have even MORE options.

I currently have a separate email account that I use exclusively for poker-related accounts. It is passworded differently than my other accounts as well.

As far as Lou's situation is concerned, it's extremely unfortunate and hopefully restitution will be made in full by the date required. I also hope that Lou will go forward with the prosecution of this person. At the very least I would hope that he has shared the identity with Neteller and Pokerstars (it sounds like he has) and hopefully THEY choose to prosecute.

While it's fine to ask who the perpetrator is, ultimately it really doesn't matter. How is knowing who the person is going to make your accounts any more secure? If the person has your information, they have it. Plain and simple. For those worried, do as others suggest and immediately change any and all passwords that you feel may be comprimised. Basic computer security 101.

I am glad that we were made aware of the situation as silence may have resulted in devistating affects to many forum members accounts. We now know that there is someone who obviously can't be trusted and we should be VERY careful as to what information we present to fellow forum members.

If anyone would like anymore information on how to go about registering domain names and setting up exclusive use email addresses, please feel free to PM me.

bunny 04-18-06 01:40 PM

Only way to have Lou's last name would be if Lou (Aeq?) was close enough to give it to him. So, my guess is he knows him well. As for the hometown and birthdate that's easily attainable on this forum's profile. Glad I didn't give mine out.

I'm sorry for asking so many questions, I'm going to be one dead cat soon, if I don't shut up.

jillaj 04-18-06 01:43 PM

Good news for AEQ is that he is probably going to get the 20 dollars for the longest thread of the month. If it was posted on April 1st it would make me say hmm.

Talking Poker 04-18-06 01:47 PM

I don't think anyone even suspected this, but just to be sure:

In case anyone was wondering, your TPF passwords are 100% secure within the database. They are encrypted and not even I can access them, let alone a hacker, etc.

Aequitas58 04-18-06 02:26 PM

Does this thread even count for that? Hmm, if I won, I'd have a $20 online bankroll. :)

jimmym 04-18-06 03:06 PM

Weve been Punked
bOLLOCKS,,,,,,,,,Sorry for the word but its meant to represent your decision, as a lawyer you know you should prosecute this shit not give him until Friday,that decision is a load of Bollocks.
And why the fuck should us forum members be left in the dark as to know who the fuck the shit is, surely as a crime as been committed and you as a lawyer are willing to turn a blind eye so long as you are compensated from the shit does not make everything ok.
IMHO you should not give the shit a chance to answer for their actions but Prosecute and we should know who he is regardless.
If the shit is bothered then they can hire you to represent them, Fuck its annoying and I am really suprissed on your decision and am sorry to say I know have misgivens about this thread ,perhaps the chance of the longest for April is true if not I doubt your chances of becoming a succesfull lawyer, you seem too soft with criminals...have you ever considered the church.......

:mad: Weve Been Punked:rolleyes:

Reel Deal 04-18-06 03:32 PM

Whoa there jimmym. There's the theoretical side of the law and then there's the practical side. If Lou wants to get his money back through legal channels he'd have to file a civil law suit against this person and, more than likely, he'd have to file it in the jurisdiction where this person lives. The cost of filing the suit, traveling to that jurisdiction to try the case and the cost of litigating the case would far, far exceed the amount he's owed.

In theory, yeah, I'm sure he'd love to sue this guy. In practice to do so would cost him a lot more than he'd receive in damages. The smart thing to do is exactly what he's doing... it's the fastest way to get his money back, and the least expensive route as well.

He can, of course, report this to the authorities (and he may well do that, I don't think he's said either way whether he will or won't), but it will then be up to them whether any criminal charges are brought.

jimmym 04-18-06 03:40 PM

I do understand this but there are times I am afraid when we have to suffer our personal losses when fucked by a shit but the law can deal with this scum and in this case its best to get the twat arrested and I for one would be happy to contribute a few $ to Aequitas to help his bankroll back up just to know that this shit who STOLE from him is getting his due rewards in the correct way.

On reflection though its Lou,s desicion and I will respect what he does as we must remember he was the victim in all this.

melioris 04-18-06 03:44 PM

for our Northern friends
If Canadians swore like the Brits, Canadians would be a whole lot cooler.

bunny 04-18-06 03:45 PM

I'm sure AeQ will do the right thing.

Let him first collect his money and then he can call the authorities on him.

Has this twat been banned from here yet?

bunny 04-18-06 03:46 PM

We're already 'cool', no need to swear to be cooler. ;)

Where are you from Mel?

jimmym 04-18-06 04:05 PM

VERY XXX caution if under 18

What a load of Fuckinn bollocks you Canadians swear much more than us motherfuckin stupid wankin twatin brits, all bastarding day you Candaians use shit Ass Monkey Blow Job words. The Fuckin French learned you lot how to talk butthole c0ck launguage and they teach their kids words such as Carpet Muncher, Clit and even cum just to describe food.

The twatin Turks though well fuck me they really know how to cock-suck with their mouths just to talk to someone, dyke is a commonplace word and even faggot has a second meaning.Scotish people cant even talk to us English on the phone without swearing Lesbian masterbater Motha Fuckers is just what they call their sisters and penis-breath pr1ck is what a girl would say to her boyfriend on many a time after kissing.

So how can you even suggest that we Brits swear its just not pussy retard right. sluts yes thats right son-of-a-bitch tit, vagina there the only words us brits use wh0re perhaps now and again.

GeoffM 04-18-06 04:29 PM

Jimmy, I think when I'm drunk I can pretty much swear with the best of them.

Tony Cheval 04-18-06 05:00 PM

Personally, I find it amusing how some people think they know better how to handle this than the actual victim WHO JUST HAPPENS TO BE A LAWYER. :D

Chill, he's got this.

Talking Poker 04-18-06 05:07 PM

Thank you. Have a little faith, people.

Spuddy 04-18-06 06:38 PM


Maybe I can further help him out!


Aequitas58 04-18-06 07:55 PM

Jimmy, I saw your post and was ready to reply... then I saw this. It encapsulates everything I was going to say, and it even worded it better.

C'mon, RD would never use "worded" in a post.

EDITED TO ADD: You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Reel Deal again.

Aequitas58 04-18-06 07:59 PM

When talking to the "accused," I asked him something like: "What's wrong with you, don't you know I'm a lawyer?" He replied: "I didn't know." LOL.

Saying that I got this is an understatement. With the amount of information I have, and the willingness of my sources to cooperate, it's merely a question of whether or not I wanna play ping pong w/ a tennis racket paddle.

Aequitas58 04-18-06 08:01 PM

Come on man, save it for another thread - I don't think anyone wants to sift through this shit.

Talking Poker 04-18-06 09:25 PM

I read almost 2 sentences of it before skipping to the next post.

Consider it his contribution to your longest thread of the month chances.

SirFWALGMan 04-19-06 12:57 AM


Sounds like Brian!

SirFWALGMan 04-19-06 12:59 AM

I am really surprised you got Punked AEQ. Everytime we talked on IM, etc, you were a very suspicious (lawyer trait?) person.. how did this guy get all your information? Did he just guess? Wow!

Talking Poker 04-19-06 01:21 AM

If he "guessed" Lou's full name, hometown, and birthday.... shit - I'd be impressed.

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