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Talking Poker 11-30-06 11:07 PM

Oh, come on - get the hell off my day!

I was gonna wait til the last minute to post. Bah!

drewjax 12-01-06 12:07 AM

I was posting this either way.

Just send me $500 and we'll call it even!! :p

Talking Poker 12-01-06 12:12 AM

The entry period is now over. I'll be updating the first post in this thread with all the eligible guesses shortly.

Talking Poker 12-01-06 12:17 AM

Here is the list of guesses. Please check to make sure I have your guess recorded properly, as this is going to be the official list. If I screwed up your guess (adding 12 to all those PMs gets tough!) or if I left you off the list entirely and you think you are eligible to be on it, speak up ASAP. Because as soon as we cross jimmym off the list (when his time passes), this will be the official list, even if I made a typo somewhere.

BlibbityBlabbity 12-01-06 12:19 AM

Shit! I totally missed that part in the first post. Well I guess 2/2/07 @ 2:22 PM EST if you want to accept it 15 minutes late. If not, no big deal. SHIT! I was procratinating, planning on giving it some thought tommorrow and then tommorrow, etc, etc. and then I see your entry period closed and go HUH?:confused: :rolleyes: :o

Talking Poker 12-01-06 12:20 AM

Sorry man... If I make one exception, blah blah blah... you know how it is. Your guess would have been way off anyway, FWIW.

drewjax 12-01-06 12:21 AM

drewjax=12/22 14:22

BlibbityBlabbity 12-01-06 12:21 AM

no problem. My fault for not reading and waiting too long.

Talking Poker 12-01-06 12:22 AM

TP = idiot.

I forgot to add yours to the list I was working on, even though we were talking about it. :o


Talking Poker 12-01-06 12:44 AM

Just for fun... Some of you may remember that we had last year. 14 pages of nonsense later and you'll find a link that takes you here:

It was a contest to see who would post our 50,000th post. There were a lot of fine pront rules and it's a good thing because of the freeroll that was going on around that time (lots of crap on the board), but the eventual winner was Robbie Robb for making this post right here:

Now, you will notice that he made said post on 12/20/05... approximately 345 days ago. If I press submit right now, this will be Post #97890 (actual post number), meaning we've had 47878 posts in the past 345 days. Do the math and that averages out to 139 posts per day.

Now, you need to remember that that includes some CRAZY times, like , some crazy railbird threads (like my thread from this summer), and even the ever so popular, "" thread. That said, it also includes some weekends where this place was completely dead, like this past holiday weekend, for example. So the 139 is better than nothing.

Right now, the main page of the forum says we have 97,210 posts, 2790 shy of paydirt. At 139 posts per day, that means we're 20 days away from 100,000 - bringing us to right around 12/20.

How crazy woud it be if the 100,000th post came exactly one year to the day after the 50,000th??? Ironically, if this happens and depending on the exact time the post was made, ChipFish (aka Mr. Exactly one post made in November prior to the contest) would be the winner.

Anything can happen, of course, but I'd be very surprised if the 100,000th didn't fall within a week of 12/20, either way.

lightfungus 12-01-06 12:47 AM

After a long period of statistical analysis, too long since I waited till after the deadline, I say we are going to hit it 14 days 18 hours from now...but accounting for weekends (less posting I believe) but adjusting for the TOC and all the posts that will generate (this cancels weekend down times out)...we will hit it at Dec 16th 6:40 pm.

Talking Poker 12-01-06 12:54 AM

What is with you people?

Aeq's unofficial guess, via PM:
December 20, 2006 at 8:45 pm.

Interesting, given the little analysis post I just made.

Kurn 12-01-06 08:54 AM

Damn that Freeroll!!
All these new posters are wreaking havoc with our post-count calculations. :mad:

Talking Poker 12-01-06 01:02 PM

OK, here's the deal... We are now 13 hours past the entry deadline, so I'm definitely not going to make any more exceptions, so don't bother posting any more guesses. Seriously.

But..... I did add BB, Aeq, and fungus' guesses to the list (and robthedlphin's too - he posted in time, but has 0 rep). It wouldn't be fair to the people who entered in time if I gave these guys the prize for winning, so their guesses are unofficial. In other words, if one of these guys wins, he doesn't win - The next closest guess still wins.

BUT..... I will give these guys a little somethin somethin if they would have won... I'm not sure what yet - but I'm thinking maybe 1/2 of the Base Prize Amount they would have won, or some TP loot or whatever. I'll figure it out if I need to. These guys are NOT eligible for the Big Money Bonus though...

Hopefully everyone will be happy with this. :)

Here is the new and improved Official Guess List, copied from the first post in this thread:

eejit101 12-01-06 01:23 PM

its be the 20th of decemeber at 17:52 by my calculations, but i cant guess so i just wanted it known!

Aequitas58 12-01-06 01:44 PM

I PM'd first. Aeq owns. :D :thumbsup:

jdiana86 12-01-06 03:28 PM

not sure if i made a post in november so for what it's worth i guess dec. 14th(my birthday) at 6:30 am

Talking Poker 12-01-06 04:15 PM

1. You didn't post even once in November.
2. You are a day past the deadline for the contest.

robthedlphin 12-02-06 02:41 PM

Shoot, If I win just give me some green rep so I'll be official in the next one and I'll be happy. :)

BlibbityBlabbity 12-02-06 03:19 PM

Welcome back:cool:

Any way to have a subset of the "need a backer" section called "need a +rep backer"? TP?

GeoffM 12-07-06 03:00 PM

I'm personally 2 points off of a 2nd green bar :(

Edit: Just noticed I got it :D

Talking Poker 12-08-06 01:07 PM

2013 (after this one) posts to go. At the current (recent) pace, it looks like most people's guesses are gonna be too early.

Boobie Lover 12-08-06 02:23 PM

I guess it's time to create several different accounts to spam the boards.

Talking Poker 12-08-06 03:08 PM


Robbie Robb 12-08-06 03:29 PM

Does NOT posting count as cheating???? :D:thumbsup:

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