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Govman6767 01-12-06 07:55 AM

I vote B unless we get 20 or more at 20 I say we go to A

thrash1294 01-12-06 10:03 PM

I vote B

Cmon posters sign up it would be nice to get more players:p

jillaj 01-14-06 01:23 PM

I vote B as well.

Gordogg 01-14-06 02:22 PM

I'll play. I'll send my money to TP in a few.

PShabi 01-14-06 03:49 PM

I officially am in now. Just paid TP.

MAYHEM45 01-14-06 04:19 PM

Im paid and confirmed. Putting in the new motherboard this afternoon, woohoo.

thrash1294 01-14-06 04:47 PM

cool we are gaining momentum. Looking forward to playing with you sharks:cool:

Hawt 01-14-06 06:54 PM

You can mark me off the list as I no longer play.

Talking Poker 01-15-06 05:04 PM

There are a handful of us in this now, but we definitely need more people. Remember, it takes 3 people to even HAVE a Private tourney on Stars, so < 10 isn't going to be enough for this league to get off the ground.

Looking at the first post in this thread, I'm not sure how many more people we're going to get. A lot of the remaining "interest list" are unreliable, to say the least...

jimmym 01-15-06 05:30 PM

Sorry I havnt responded to this earlier.

Count me in allthough I know I will be unable to make lots of the dates mainly due to the start times.

Now is it $10 or $50 I transfer to TP and is it to Rogue23 if so I will send later tonight.

BlibbityBlabbity 01-15-06 07:02 PM

$10 to TalkingPoker on Poker Stars

jimmym 01-15-06 09:09 PM

TY...ive now sent

Tony Cheval 01-17-06 12:00 AM

Sorry, too many Sundays on the latest list for me, cross my name off. :(

thrash1294 01-17-06 05:35 PM

hey you with the face Join up........ one day left.

BlibbityBlabbity 01-17-06 06:50 PM

TP, can you set the first one up for

Thursday 1/19/06 9:30 PM EST

Should we have a minimum # of players? I think we are in fact going to switch over to the points system instead of the "main event" thing FOR THIS TIME AROUND. I still think it would be fun to do if we can get more entries next time.

I will post the points distribution later tonight when I get home. That will give us tommorrow to make any changes if anyone objects to the distribution.

Talking Poker 01-17-06 10:49 PM


Password: tpfleague1

PShabi 01-17-06 11:29 PM


I already planned for tomorrow! No more schedule changes!!!!!!! I have to rereschedule shit now.:eek:

I forgive you. You will lose.

BlibbityBlabbity 01-17-06 11:34 PM

League Payouts (by point leaders after all events):

1st - 50%
2nd - 30%
3rd - 20%

Points for placing in each event:

one point for each person you beat out....

15 players
1st place gets 14 points
2nd place 13 points
etc, etc
14th place gets 1 point
15th place gets no points

\Number of players doesn't really matter, but the more players the more points up for grabs.

Anyone like the idea of having an extra point for each event you play in and 5 points for playing in 8 or more events?

That is really simple, but it makes each spot you move up in the event matter. Thoughts??

BlibbityBlabbity 01-17-06 11:37 PM

That isn't a change....I copied that right off the main post.

That is the final schedule.


Thursday 1/19/06 9:30 PM EST
Sunday 1/22/06 9:30 PM EST
Wednesday 1/25/06 9:30 PM EST
Sunday 1/29/06 9:30 PM EST
Wednesday 2/1/06 9:30 PM EST
Saturday 2/4/06 12:00 PM (noon) EST
Tuesday 2/7/06 9:30 PM EST
Sunday 2/12/06 9:30 PM EST
Thursday 2/16/06 9:30 PM EST
Sunday 2/19/06 9:30 PM EST

I added these to the forum calendar as well

Talking Poker 01-18-06 12:14 AM

Won't the people who play in the most events already have the most points? Or are we only taking the Top X scores or something? IF that's the case, then I like this idea... but if it's raw points, I think this hurts the people who can't make all the events too much.

BlibbityBlabbity 01-18-06 12:33 AM

If we were to do an "X number of events count", how many do you think would count out of the 10 events? 3?, 5?, 7? Only thing I see with that is that there is a pretty good chance of a tie for one (if not all) of the overall placings.

And then add the extra point (s) for attendance?
1 point for each event
5 points (additional) playing in all 10

drewjax 01-18-06 01:19 AM

I have been out of town for the past 5 days or so, and this is sneaking up.

TP, just sent you the $10. Let me know if you get it.

I guess option B would work for now, hopefully A in the future. One suggestion I would have if we get more people and do a main event, is to have that be a freeroll entry for qualifiers only. I would not want just anyone to play in that. It should be the best of the best. Probably next time though, so just think about it BB and TP.

As far as the points go for this, I agree with TP. This points system is flawed. We have used this formula in the past, and I think it works great. Multiply # of entrants *10, then give a percentage of those points to the top ? finishers.
Example, 12 players, 120 points available.
1st 40% =48 pts
2nd 25% =30 pts
3rd 15% =18 pts
4th 10% =12 pts
5th 6% =7 pts (rounded down)
6th 4% =5 pts (rounded up)
(maybe if we had less than 10 players we could give points to top 4 or 5 or whatever?)

One last question, How is this restricted? Could anyone join a tourney, by getting password here? TP already posted first one. Is this going to be invite only based on who joins?

Not sure how many I can make, but at least a few. Thanks to BB, TP etc. for setting this up.

Talking Poker 01-18-06 01:49 AM

Got the transfer.

And don't thank me... BB (and Swa, who seems to have disappeared) did it all. I just set up the actual tourney.

I agree with you about the point system, btw.... and I really don't think we can use ALL the results. Anyone who misses even one or two matches will be crippled. But I'm leaving it all up to BB to hammer out the details. Whatever he says goes.

BlibbityBlabbity 01-18-06 08:33 AM

Ok, I think this would work. I would rather go with something that has worked in the past that something new.


--Your best 6 events count toward the overall total

--Number of points in play will be {number of players x 10}

--number of payout spots (splitting up the points) will be determinted as follows:

3-4 players
1st - 60%
2nd - 40%

5-8 Players
1st - 50%
2nd - 30%
3rd - 20%

9-10 Players
1st - 50%
2nd - 25%
3rd - 15%
4th - 10%

11-20 Players
1st - 40%
2nd - 25%
3rd - 15%
4th - 10%
5th - 6%
6th - 4%

20+ Players
1st - 35%
2nd - 25%
3rd - 15%
4th - 10%
5th - 6%
6th - 4%
7th - 3%
8th - 2%

3-4 player senarios are in there just in case, but I don't think we should eeven play an event if it is less than 5 handed. Is it possible to set that in when setting up the tourney TP?

As far as the passwords, if someone enters that is not a member of the league they WILL generate points (their play will add 10 points up for grabs in that event) but at the end they will be removed from the calculation for placings and WILL NOT recieve any points toward the prize pool.

BlibbityBlabbity 01-18-06 08:41 AM

League Payouts

Based on overall points total from top 5? events

1st - 50%
2nd - 30%
3rd - 20%

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