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Talking Poker 12-09-05 11:19 PM

Would prefer you to not link to those sites (no need to give THEM any business), but feel free to copy/paste what they are saying here. Especially if you can cross-reference usernames. That will make it really easy when it comes to deciding who to ban, or at the very least, who not to give the password to.

BDMK 12-09-05 11:25 PM

u know i dont do that...ill just PM u with the stuff...

anywho, we can cross-reference all the usual suspects till we get blue in the face, but all it will take is one clever/quiet pass leaker to sneak thru under the radar and give it to enough many peeps before gametime...and boom!

bottom line, just pvt PM the pass and keep this event among us guys/gals from the forum...pretty please? :D

xfreak 12-10-05 03:36 PM

Talking Poker, Awesome job on making the WSOP. Ill try and watch u on television when it comes on :)

akajeff 12-11-05 11:23 AM

Pokerstars username: 9|$JeFF$|9


Thanks a lot TP!

Tony Cheval 12-12-05 02:07 PM

On the other hand, one can make an argument that if you are not prepared to risk ANY of your own money playing poker, perhaps you are not really prepared to play for real money?

Just a thought.

puckstopper4 12-12-05 08:20 PM

Username : puckstopper4

Thanx alot for the freeroll man!!

OOOHYEA69 12-12-05 08:36 PM

Hi all. Been away on business and am just catching up. Congrats to you TP, give em hell. I don't know if I'll be back in town in time for the freeroll, or if I am back if I'll have time. I admire you for doing this and I hope everyone thinks long and hard about what TP is doing and doesn't ruin this for him by mass posting the PW. I'll put in my name on STARS and if I can play I will, if not I'll at least try to peak in and rail some for you guys. For some reason, people sure need a great deal of consulting right now. And to think I was gonna try real hard to work less for the next couple of weeks. Any how my STARS name is: OOOHYEA69. Happy Holidays to everyone and if it's not too much to ask, let's try to do something for someone who doesn't have it quite as good as we do. This is a very happy time for most, and a very desperate time for many.

tjh22 12-13-05 10:11 PM

My PS name is TEEJaROO, and ill be looking forward to the Freeroll! Whoooo.

eraseReptile 12-14-05 01:04 AM

FREEROLL?! Count me in!
Hello, I am new to this site. Digging the freeroll opportunity. My POKERSTARS is: eraseReptile. Thanks for the invite!

Oh and by the way, it's a celebration bitches, I'm rickjames.

redsox4life 12-14-05 06:58 PM

pokerstars id - redsox4life

badabing soon enough we will all be in the WSOP and it will be like dutch boyd and his crew.. taking over the tables one by one.. peace -mike

bluffer96 12-14-05 07:37 PM

So what's the password for this tourney man?


PokerStars: bluffer96

Hawt 12-14-05 07:40 PM

Password: Will be PM'd to those who post in this thread and/or posted here just before tourney time...

TP I have a bad feeling about this freeroll. These guys aren't even reading the man post anymore. He didn't even post his Stars name, just his e-mail. I smell a leaker.

bluffer96 12-14-05 07:50 PM

Hey HAWT sorry i forgot to put my ps name on there i didn't even notice until u said something so thank you

yankeesfn08 12-14-05 09:38 PM

Hey my ps name is yankeesfn08

Talking Poker 12-14-05 10:30 PM

I don't think you have to worry too much about him getting the password anytime soon.

TyKing 12-14-05 10:48 PM

Im a new member as of this day I think this is amazing.

Poker Stars ID: TyKing01

TyKing :)

bc west 12-14-05 11:26 PM

sounds good ps id is bc west

rezplaya 12-15-05 04:36 AM

Good luck in the new year. Thank you for the freeroll. I'am hoping you win the WSOP 2006 maybe we'll see alot more freerolls. CHEERS!!

Pokerstars username = rezplaya

Boobie Lover 12-15-05 05:31 AM

I can't help from laughing that their are seperate forums telling people about $100 freerolls. What is the average expectation made from these? $1, maybe $2?

Talking Poker 12-15-05 09:16 AM

Something like that. It's pretty funny, isn't it? You weren't here for the last one, when there was a post requiremenet and all hell broke loose. We got a handful or so of new, quality posters out of it though, so all in all, I thought it was worth it.

Hawt 12-15-05 09:24 AM

I love how so many posters in this thread all have one post, just in this freeroll thread. The majoritiy of them are always kissing TP's ass and leaving their Stars name, then something like

studiopet 12-15-05 09:51 AM

I figure I've partially financed this freeroll so sign me up. :p

stars: studiopet

Smush7 12-15-05 01:57 PM

Pokerstars ID: Laimbeer47

Spuddy 12-15-05 03:35 PM

My pokerstars ID is Spuddy19

yeah.... and TP its up to you... no biggie either way

Tony Cheval 12-15-05 04:28 PM

Something here is amazing, all right.

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