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Zybomb 11-26-05 03:37 PM

rookette -- your last few posts have absolutely nothing to do with the thread --- $100 Dollar Freeroll. If you are going to start new discussion, make a new thread, or put it i the correct thread.

Also I'd re-read the bold part of of the first post in the tournament information

(I'd say read the other Freeroll Information post, but TP hasn't been around yet to confirm it)

chrisash 11-26-05 05:05 PM



rookette22 11-26-05 07:45 PM

I thought i was in the general section ....hmm guess not

Zybomb 11-26-05 10:45 PM

This is the general section -- but you are replying inside a thread within the general section -- this thread is about a freeroll........

HEwong 11-26-05 10:52 PM

hmm well i think about the password sharing you should have it where if your caught sharing it.. or posting it on another forum.. you should be banned.. hard to catch but worth a try to scare some people

Ando05 11-27-05 01:01 AM

i know when i started to use this forum, i started with worthless posts, but i changed and i am making posts that are actually worth something. i would like to say sorry for what i did. and i was just wondering if my rest of the posts are actually worth reading will i have a chance at the freeroll, just wonderin TP.

PS: i think i am going use this site from now on for discussions.

durstn7 11-27-05 03:16 AM

do we have to give u are stars username too?

Favre[4] 11-27-05 05:24 PM

When you get the # of posts you need to get how/ where do you get the password?

olysports 11-27-05 05:35 PM

You pm TP when you have reached the required amount of posts and then he pms you the password.

Favre[4] 11-27-05 05:40 PM

Is TP here or is he on vaction or something, because around the forum people have been saying wait untill he comes back for things..

norwell 11-27-05 08:28 PM

Post #1
I really wanna get in this freeroll! 49 more to go!

Talking Poker 11-27-05 10:17 PM


See, you got banned for making useless posts, double/triple posting, etc, etc, etc.

Funny how that works.


Talking Poker 11-27-05 10:22 PM

I assumed this went without saying. I've banned a numbr of people for this already.

The next step is me banning everyone who even ASKS anyone but me for the password.

Talking Poker 11-27-05 10:24 PM

Actualy, 50 more to go. 50 QUALITY POSTS.

As for the people asking the questions about how this works, just read the first post in this thread. PLEASE.

I think I've given myself whiplash from shaking my head so much.

drkneenie 11-27-05 10:32 PM

3 days and 43 QUALITY posts to go, dont think its gonna happen. maybe next time. :(

why do people ask questions in the thread where the 1st post HAS ALL THE ANSWERS!!!

how much is there freeroll pay?
when is it?
is there any requirements?
can anyone join?
where can i get the pw?

please people, pull your head out of your ass! make QUALITY posts. do not ask a bunch of questions in a thread that has the answers in the 1st post. AND USE THE EDIT FEATURE!!! stop with the 3, 4, or 5 posts in a row. if u submit and u still have a question or statement u want to add then edit your post. and this isnt just because of the 50 post requirement, i see this on other forums. its like people are too lazy to look up the answer themselves or they are just trying to build their posts up, who knows? people are crazy. also, there is 3 days left. if u dont have at least thirty something by now most likely u are not going to be able to make all the QUALITY posts u need to get in so dont go on a bogus posting spree or do and get banned :D

Talking Poker 11-27-05 11:10 PM

I don't think you understand just how much I value QUALITY and dislike worthless post padding.

Don't count yourself out yet.

jaeh00d 11-28-05 05:49 AM

hi guys,

new to the site, looking around and came across this topic. I know i am nowhere near the minumum post requirement to be in the freeroll. Nor will I post pointless stupidity just to get there, as seen by a few people here. I would really like a chance to be in this freeroll knowing that I am nowhere near your suggested criteria. Senior members i would like your feedback.


Talking Poker 11-28-05 09:58 AM

The feedback is simple. Make an effort to contribute something to the site over the next couple of days... QUALITY over QUANTITY. I can't say it enough.

rookette22 11-28-05 10:28 AM

"The freeroll was the worst idea EVER." <<-- WHY???

I think it was a good way to attract new ppl into joining your forum ...isn't that what your intention was?

I think you're only saying that it was a bad idea ....cus of your other members talking bad about us newbies....

ok maybe we over did it a bit by trying to get the 50 posts just to enter the freeroll but so's all in about u change it and just let anyone join your freeroll ........*QUALITY over QUANTITY* rem...?

cus i'll tell u one thing...i've browsed through this forum and it's truly entertaining.....

some of you guys are a riot...while others are just plain dumbasses ...yet still

so.....i'm just saying that you had a good idea..... don't let anyone tell you otherwise....

just want to point out that when i first got here i wasn't treated very yeah that pissed me rite off ....and if that's what other newbies have to run into maybe you should have a one on one with your older members....

Gordogg 11-28-05 10:37 AM

Ok. This doesn't make any sense whatsoever. What does Quality over Quantity have to do with the fucked up sentence you typed? This is a big reason why you suck. It's not because you are new. The forum would be better off without another illiterate crybaby around here so scrizzamm.

BrianSwa 11-28-05 10:39 AM


can the drama stop, treated bad what are you like 12? Who cares if some faceless guy calls you a moron or whatever happened that made you feel hurt and violated. I mean damn come on dude posts like this are just invites to bash you, just drop it let TP do this his way seeing as he is the admin and accept what he decides.

BrianSwa 11-28-05 10:42 AM


Yea there is only room for one ME...i mean one illiterate crybaby.

rookette22 11-28-05 12:33 PM

ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH................grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrr................

you guys can both just .............................*curse words go here*

go to hell...ok.... !!!

GorDogg get off my case would u ........

as for you ....BrianSwa... i thought you were pretty kewl until just ignore me from now on m'kay as i will do the same ......same goes for u GorDogg

BrianSwa 11-28-05 12:38 PM


I know im hurt how about you dogg? dont know if I will be able to function today now that I know you dont like me!!!!

you thought i was cool damn you were mistaken.

stop saying stupid shit and we wont have anything to complain about, just dont fuel the fire.

rookette22 11-28-05 12:42 PM

Quality over Quantity wasn't suppose to be in there....i had edited the post and forgot to delete that......guess you or any other person in here has never made a typo huh?

and hey if it makes you feel like a bigshot calling me names go for it ....u think you're all that...well you're not ...calling me names just makes you a bully........and.....

If TP wants me out so be it ...i'll leave ...not up to you ....and stay away from me ....don't answer to any of my posts ok?

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