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pokerflea 01-03-06 09:28 PM

I have no idea what you're talking about... :confused:

thrash1294 01-03-06 09:38 PM

please explain this protilt issue?

I checked out their forum and it has alot of posts about getting into other
peoples freerolls by password fraud. But hey no one said poker is an honest

pokerflea 01-03-06 09:40 PM

I am in NO way affiliated or have anything to do with Protilt, I was a member long ago, and that's it.

rookette22 01-03-06 09:41 PM


Hey pokerflea? Do you know how to view your pm? Click on Private messages at right hand corner, right under where it says Welcome, pokerflea.

We need to chat.

pokerflea 01-03-06 10:25 PM

Okay, I am officially done talking to Rookette, he/she is an...idiot. Rook keeps interrogating me about not being the real admin, and that I shouldn't be posting in here...

Anyways, if the admin here (Sorry, don't know your name) wants to talk to me, you can contact me at .

Good Luck - Halvey

rookette22 01-03-06 10:35 PM

I been talking to someone ... who I thought was the your forum administrator cus he said he was. How am I suppose to know who's the real one. He said he was the real administrator.

You chicken now? Hey np if you want to deal with the administrator here, feel free to work it out with him.

As for your post that you want to join the forum tourney lol it's stupidity to join here. The deal with your friend ( who lied about who he was ) was that he gives me a list of interested players and I give him mine. Your job is to get a list of interested players from your forum. duh.

pokerflea 01-03-06 10:37 PM

When did I say I wanted to join the forum tourney?

Hott is not my "friend" he's a member of my site, if he lied to you thats too bad, but don't blame me and start accusing me of shit.

rookette22 01-03-06 10:47 PM

Never accused you of anything; But I just asked you what was going on. I've been setting things up with Hott and he told me he was the admin. And then you invited me to your forum. So when did you get all hot & bothered? Was it just now when someone insinuated that you're involved with Protilt?

Btw...I'm in your forum; lol. You might wanna ban me before I LOSE CONTROL in there lmao.

Talking Poker 01-03-06 10:57 PM

LOL...... Post of the year. :D

GawdDAMN that's funny.

rookette22 01-03-06 10:57 PM

Geez what a badly organized site he has. Can't make heads or tails of it.

It's so confusing; I'm getting a headache and I've only been there 5 mins. lol

rookette22 01-03-06 10:58 PM'd I know you were going to be on his side too.

EDIT: Actually is kinda funny lol

I'm so crazy....can't believe I went all nuts on you all today. lol

I was gonna go to that site but ewwwwwwww it's awful. Maybe I'll try another one tomorrow. As for now until I'm banned I'll stay right here lol

pokerflea 01-03-06 11:01 PM

I was never hot and bothered, I am still a little pissed because you tried ordering me around in your PMs. Then you tell me you're a member, and now you say it's giving you a headache looking at my site, here's an idea, stop looking at it. See if that relieves the headache.


rookette22 01-03-06 11:05 PM

EDIT: hmm here's the 2 PM's I sent you please point out where I ordered you or harrassed you?

Originally Posted by rookette22
hey we need to talk...

If you are the real administrator of; who is the imposter that's making believe he's you?

Hott? He said he was administrator of

What's going on here?

Originally Posted by pokerflea

Hott is not the admin, where did you see that?

And yes, I am the only admin of

Originally Posted by rookette22

I've been talking to him about this forum tourney challenge...he led me to believe he was the pokerflea adminstrator. That's what he told me!

All lies then huh? This tourney was my idea...I proposed it to Hott...being he was the PF administrator...we've been chatting on yahoo. He said he had to have a staff meeting to see if all of his members were in agreement. I didn't understand that part being if he were the administrator he's in control.

NOw I know why!

Originally Posted by pokerflea
Ya, Hott is just a member of the forum, you can go there and check yourself.

Does anyone see any harrassment of any kind in my PM to him????

Nope gonna do one better...going to delete my account from there. At least that was easy enough to find lol

It really is badly organized, maybe you should stay here. lol

Ask all your members, all except the lying Hott, to join here. Close that site down bud. It's awful!

Talking Poker 01-03-06 11:06 PM

So you don't even like their site, yet here you are trying to set up a forum vs forum tourney with their fake admin?

Man, what a clusterfuck this has turned into.

I just emailed pokerflea's real Admin. I told him if his guys want to play, we'll play, but if not, that's fine too - no offense meant or taken.

You have to admit this is funny. ALL OF THIS, and their admin didn't even know WTF you were talking about, and one of his very first posts here was him stating that he is "done" talking to you.

For the record, pokerflea and anyone else from that site are more than welcome to post here any time they like. This is assuming everyone plays nicely, of course, but why wouldn't they? This is an open community rook - so please don't tell people they can't post here.

Talking Poker 01-03-06 11:08 PM

I love this guy. He's me.

I just gave this post Positive Rep.

Talking Poker 01-03-06 11:09 PM

Rook - wtf? You need to learn to be nice. I haven't looked at the site myself, but just because it's "different" doesn't mean it's bad. And even if it is, why good comes of you ripping into the site's admin, other than making our members look bad?

rookette22 01-03-06 11:17 PM

Ok my apologies to the PokerFlea dude. Post here anytime you like, infact would be nice to ask some of your members to post here too :)

Welcome to TP's forum!

pokerflea 01-03-06 11:18 PM

AHHHHHHHHH FINALLY! I knew Rook had to be a horrible representation of Talking Poker, there was no way you could be as "whacked"... LoL...

I'd be interested in a forum vs forum game, I was about to tell you about proheadquarters, but I checked and you're already a member! I'm going to talk to Cap about getting off his lazy ass and get some games running, Xmas break is over, time for him to get back to work!

The same goes for your site, everyone besides the one person who has been banned (2nd person ever, congrats Rook) for posting degrading things on my forum, spamming during my freeroll, and making rediculous accusations is welcome to post on my forum.


P.S. Rook might not be the best person to represent your forum when dealing with other admins... :rolleyes:

rookette22 01-03-06 11:18 PM

Psst...shhh It really is that bad...but let's keep it between me and you ok? lol

Rook - wtf? You need to learn to be nice.

Bite Me!

Talking Poker 01-03-06 11:28 PM

hahaha.... too funny. Most of us around here are perfectly sane, FYI.

Oh, and I emailed you my thoughts on the tourney. If you want to set something up in a couple of weeks, great. If not, no worries.

And yeah, we tried the league thing, but our turnout sucked and it kind of fell apart. I'm not saying we definitely wouldn't do it again, but it's not high on my priority list. We're trying to get our own league off the ground first. We can worry about playing other forums later.

Catcha around...

pokerflea 01-03-06 11:33 PM

Sounds good, I'm also looking to get my own league going. Okay, I'm tired of posting...

Maybe I'll post again tomorrow... :cool:

ChipFish 01-03-06 11:45 PM

Hey PokerFlea...
Sorry man.... The name sounded familiar... Thought you were the someone else.

Welcome to the forum.

BrianSwa 01-04-06 07:54 AM

I logged on your site yesturday pokerflea, had no problem finding anything. Im stormswa over there, dont think rooks opinion speaks for us all I actully think the site is very very easy to navigate and think its fine. Welcome to forum, like TP said you are very very welcome here along with any users you would like to send!:)

rookette22 01-04-06 10:23 AM

smoocher* lol

Hey btw...I was thinking; you still got those Happy Pills?

BrianSwa 01-04-06 11:50 AM


yes got the prescription sitting at grocery store filled, waiting to pick up havent picked them up in over a month becuase dont need them but you are welcome to. Honestly though why is his forum so hard to navigate click the bar go to the form and search seems kinda simple to me.

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