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Aequitas58 08-05-06 02:27 PM

Incredible. Time for a jump in limits!?

:) WTG. :D

Talking Poker 08-05-06 03:50 PM

I was planning on it.... but ended up being out late last night, so I decided to sleep in and take today off. I have non-poker plans for tomorrow, so I may either play on Monday, or just be done. If I don't play in any more events, count on me getting out here for the BEGINNING of the WSOP next year.

Talking Poker 08-05-06 03:52 PM


It's no $44,180, but then again, I don't have to split it with anyone (like last year), so I guess it's even better.

New Guy 08-05-06 04:19 PM

TP how many people we're in this event? Man thats a nice chunk of change!!!!!!!!Great job!

Talking Poker 08-05-06 04:22 PM

2 Attachment(s)
I think I was probaly in about 200 pictures yesterday, not to mention video (Fabrice has a tv crew following him around). I haven't looked for any of them yet (most were from the official WSOP photographers), but I did see these two on CardPlayer. The funny thing is I almost never look at the camera when they are taking pictures, but I guess they like those shots the best, since they posted two of them.

Nice sweatshirt, eh?

Talking Poker 08-05-06 04:25 PM

I think it's been said a number of times throughout this thread, but 1100 (they capped it - 100 tables, 11 handed to start).

BTW - I went completely sunglassesless, and that's how I plan to play from now on. I had them on top of my head (from wearing them into the building), but not once did I put them on. And during dinner break, at the final table, I put them back in the car.

I don't need no stinking sunglasses.

Aequitas58 08-05-06 04:43 PM

This look is much better than last year's, FWIW. And also better sunglasses, even if you didn't use them. Congrats again on the victory.

Everyone who posts in this thread gets a TP sweatshirt? Sweet.

Robbie Robb 08-05-06 05:01 PM

I like the sweatshirt too! I'd definitely wear one of those around town proudly! So...about that TP store...

Robbr25 08-05-06 05:28 PM

Congrats Mark !! That is Awesome !!! With a capital A !!

Tony Cheval 08-05-06 05:59 PM

How about sweaters for your loyal backers. :D

Yeah I know, we're getting caps. Seriously, good job. :thumbsup:

Spuddy 08-05-06 08:54 PM

I dig the sweater.....

make it available!

Nikita 08-06-06 12:18 AM

Yup, I agree with everyone, those sweatshirts are pretty sweet.

Talking Poker 08-06-06 12:45 AM

The sweatshirts (not sweaters) are really great, and they WILL be available. Really. I may not make a fancy store, but they will be available to you guys... I don't know how much they will cost yet, but they are't cheap... probably about $50 shipped. Of course, I'll throw in a mousepad, a pen, some chips, etc. Someone bug me about this in about a week if I haven't made a new thread by then.

Time for today's update:

I slept in, lounged around here for a while, and headed over to the Rio. I wasn't planning on playing, so I worse shorts, a tshirt, and sandals - HUGE mistake. It's so cold in there, I was joking that I expected it to start snowing at any time. I literally ordered a hot chocolate while I was playing (yes, I played).

Anyhoo, when I got thre to do my paperwork to get paid for last night's cash, they told me it would be an hour wait. Ugh. To kill some time, I went and got in line to play one of the $175 SNGs. They are winner take all: $1500 in tourney chips ($T, basically) plus $120 in cash. Most tables usually do a last longer too, which I always take part in, since there's no juice on that money. Today, 6 of us did one for $40 (that was the amount of change one dude had).

I decided to play more aggressively than usual, and it went pretty well. One time, I checked raised a guy all in with nothing (K high) without taking account of his stack, and he called and I doulbed him up. I was right that he was weak, but he committed himself with his bet. Oh well. Eventually, I outlasted the other last longer guys, so I pocked that $240 ($200 net - more than paid for my SNG), and then kept rolling. By the time we got heads up, I had a solid 2:1 chip lead on the other guy (who was the one that I doubled up earlier). I know I'm a better player than he is and I probably would have won, but anything can happen in Heads Up poker, so we made a deal. I gave him $580 in cash to basically go away (I made him leave $10 for the dealers). That got me the $1500 in chips, plus $120 in cash, which I left $40 more or the dealers. So... when all is said an done for this, that's $1620 - 580 - 40 - 175 = 825 + 200 - 40 = $985 net. Call it an even thousand. Not bad for killing time!

I went and sold the three $500 chips for $1500 cash (this took me all of 2 minutes), and then went back to the cash out area. I did some paperwork, had them give me $1030 in cash and wire the remaining $29k to my bank. Daniel Negreanu was standing in the window next to me, claiming his cash rom the Main Event... He didn't look particularly happy (it's a bad time - I know this first hand now), so I didn't even talk to him.

I came back here and hung out by the pool for a bit, and even took a little nap out there. Now I just need to decide if I feel like going out tonight or not. I'm leaning towards staying here and not playing poker and not drinking, but you never know. If things go according to plan, tomorrow will be a fun non-poker day. I'll update you on that later.

Penguinfan 08-06-06 07:42 AM

My buddy Jack is gonna play in the $1500 event that starts today(?) It would be very cool to see the two of you heads up for a bracelet.

I'm just saying....

Robbie Robb 08-06-06 08:33 AM

Hmmm...guess I should check CP more frequently. I wasn't even aware that DN had busted out. Ah well, my main reason for watching CP busted out earlier on in the ME but then went on to do really well in event 40 :)

ChipFish 08-06-06 11:01 AM

Tell us again how much you Won TP?:thumbsup:

Talking Poker 08-06-06 02:53 PM

$14,150 less than I won last year, in the same event when I finished just one spot higher.

Go figure.

Talking Poker 08-07-06 01:23 AM

I played absolutely NO poker today, and had a really great time. It's so crazy to me that I was BORED here just a few days ago and was thinking about changing my flight to go home early. Things sure have changed since then and all for the better!

Today, I went out with a new friend of mine. And yes, my new (female) friend is a FRIEND, so no need for you guys to speculate, etc. We went and had lunch at a cafe overlooking the pool at the Wynn, and then we headed up to Red Rock. This is a beautiful area that I've heard of before, but never visited. It really is impressive, and not all that far from here.

We went horeseback riding (this was the third time in my life, and first time in 8 years or so) for about an hour. It was slow and relaxed, except for when MY horse decided to get spooked. No worries. The only way I'm falling off a horse is if the whole thing comes down on top of me. I'm not even kidding.

After riding, we went exploring a bit... We did the scenic drive, which has about 5 or 6 stopping points where you can go hiking. We went off for quite a ways on the first one, and ended up doing a little bit of climbing. I love climbing things (always have), and there was one spot (ledge?) that I just HAD to try. I made it up, but coming down was tricky, to say the least. If and when she sends me the pics (the batery in my camera is dead), I'll post one or two.

After exploring the area some more, we headed out and stopped by the Red Rock Casino. This place is NICE. We had dinner there, and then played some 1c slots just for fun... well, fun for her - not so much for me. I typically hate all slot machines, but I suppose it was an entertaining $20 spent.

Definitely, definitely, definitely a fun day. I'm so glad I stuck around Vegas, not only for my Final Table, but for this too...

As of right now, I'm thinking I'm going to play in tomorrow's $1500 Event, but rather than head over and register now (I'm tired and don't feel like it), I'm just going to go in the morning. If it's sold out, so be it - I'll take that as a sign that I wasn't supposed to play. But I'll probably get in, and when I do, I'll send RR some updates. I don't have super high expectations (it would be awfully hard to repeat my performance from the other day), but I have been playing excellent poker lately, so you never know.

Oh, I also have to find Fabrice before I leave, since he owes me $1000. He's playing in the $10k at the Bellagio tomorrow - too rich for my blood.

omahilo 08-07-06 01:26 AM

sounds like fun...

did you just meet this friend in vegas a few days ago? if so thats pretty sweet...

Anyways good luck tommorrow if you play the 1500 event.

Talking Poker 08-07-06 01:34 AM


And yeah... she's actually the one who registered Zy and I with less than 10 spots to go before the tourney sold out (they capped it at 1100). She was really cool and stalled for me, while he was literally running through the building with cash. We've chit chatted ever since, and went out for drinks to celebrate my Final Table the other night.

This reminds me, I still owe Zy some $$. :)

omahilo 08-07-06 02:00 AM

sounds awesome.

Penguinfan 08-07-06 06:28 AM

Great, another EEJIT on our hands.

Robbie Robb 08-07-06 07:29 AM

That sounds like an AWESOME(R) day. There's just so much around Vegas that I've read about that I want to visit. Well, as far as I know I'll be home all day so I'll leave my email open for the updates! GL!

kkirk1329 08-07-06 11:07 AM

Just got back from a cruise to mexico and belize, just saw this and thought id say congrats TP, great job.

Talking Poker 08-07-06 12:39 PM

Yeah, not really. He was paid in full within 5 minutes of me making that post.

Penguinfan 08-07-06 12:43 PM

:D :D

Playing today?

Talking Poker 08-07-06 01:00 PM

Hopefully. I'm leaving here right now, and if they aren't sold out when I get there (I don't think they will be), I'm in.

Robbie Robb 08-07-06 02:11 PM

Let the updates begin!
Okay, got the first update from Mark. He's registered and says it's a small field so far. He also mentioned that he witnessed a player having a seizure at a satellite table. Scary stuff.

Penguinfan 08-07-06 02:19 PM

I think there was less than 600 for yesterdays $1500 that concludes today.

By the way, root for James Mitchell, all around decent guy. They are down to 12 players and he has 12K in chips which puts him in 10th place, but if you just make the final table anything can happen.

Good luck TP, and James as well.

Robbie Robb 08-07-06 03:07 PM

Two updates whilst feeding the baby...
#1 11:41am: 1775
#2 11:59am: 1100

Robbie Robb 08-07-06 03:18 PM

2300. Mark's AK beat AA!!

edited to add: Just sent me a followup saying that was his first suckout out of the year at WSOP

Robbie Robb 08-07-06 03:36 PM

Apparently there are tons of big names today. 420 players paying 45.

Robbie Robb 08-07-06 03:53 PM


Robbie Robb 08-07-06 04:06 PM

"3500. just made a sick play. no fear."

Robbie Robb 08-07-06 04:26 PM

So Mark's sitting @ 3550 at break. From his table he can see Chris "Jesus" Ferguson, Jen Harman, Doyle Brunson, Minh Tran, Andy Bloch, Mel (Judah???), (Johnny???) Chan, TJ Cloutier, etc. "Tough Field"

3550 at break. from my table i see jesus harman doyle minh block mel chan tj etc. tough field.

omahilo 08-07-06 04:28 PM

thats one helluva field lol...

so far so good.

Robbie Robb 08-07-06 04:44 PM

And more...

Clonie Gowan, Plastiq (???? who the hell is this ????), Phil Hellmuth, Shannon Elizabeth

Boobie Lover 08-07-06 04:46 PM

Taylor Caby (Green Plastic)?

omahilo 08-07-06 04:53 PM

David Plastik

Robbie Robb 08-07-06 05:19 PM

ah, thank you!

Robbie Robb 08-07-06 05:44 PM


lightfungus 08-07-06 05:47 PM

This increasing chip stack thing is beginning to become a trend with Mark, hot dog.

Robbie Robb 08-07-06 05:56 PM


Robbie Robb 08-07-06 06:46 PM

Jen Harman is at Mark's table now. His stack is at 6200.

Robbie Robb 08-07-06 06:52 PM

Mark's stack is almost at 6,000. Jen's stack is around 3,000. She's sitting 3 seats to his left.

Robbie Robb 08-07-06 07:04 PM

6075 at the break

Robbie Robb 08-07-06 07:06 PM

Jen busted the hand before the break!

Robbie Robb 08-07-06 07:13 PM

Dear god
"Hellmuth just tried to dance with me in UB suite. lol. he has 2300."

Reel Deal 08-07-06 07:19 PM

Ask TP to get Jen's number for me... I'm way better looking than that grease-ball she married. :D

Seriously though, go TP go!!!

Robbie Robb 08-07-06 07:33 PM

Okay, there's about 120 left. Mark's at a new table. Clonie to his right. 5800ish. (Not sure if that's his stack or her's...)

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