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rookette22 01-04-06 12:00 PM

Who you talking to? Didn't we agree you wouldn't talk to me anymore?? :rolleyes:

In reply to your question; it's not 'easy on the eyes' like this one is. Comprende?

BrianSwa 01-04-06 12:06 PM


its because he has other stuff going on besides just a forum, he also runs leaugues in stuff. Kinda harsh telling him his site is terrible and a real good bunch of guys there. Guess I just didnt get the point of telling him it is terrible site and all but hey to each his own.

From talking to him in PM about his site he seems like nice guy also. Not as good as my "best friend" TP though. :rolleyes:

Gordogg 01-04-06 12:08 PM

I think all you need is a Happy Bowl. Head over to BC, they have the kind buds over there. Load up a fat one, take a couple puffs, then meditate until the cows come home. It will do wonders for your SWA complex. :D

rookette22 01-04-06 12:10 PM

but ...but .... I don't wanna be a SWa :(

BrianSwa 01-04-06 12:16 PM


was gonna make a reply but you know what really not worth it your way past any help anyone could give you. Gl though rook.

gonna let thread die, hopefully unless you post some more dribble to keep it going.

BrianSwa 01-04-06 12:17 PM


shes way past what I ever did dogg, I usually realized how stupid I was being the next day.

Gordogg 01-04-06 12:21 PM

LOL, too late. But all is not lost. People make mistakes. Brian has changed major for the better in the last month or so. You can redeem yourself as well. No more ranting and getting offended. Take advice however you want personally, but don't criticize if you don't like it. Take your herbal medicine, it will help. :) Nude to semi-nude pics of yourself would earn you + Rep points as well. ;)

Oh, clear your PM box. I tried responding to you yesterday but couldn't send it because your shit was full.

rookette22 01-04-06 12:23 PM

In reference to the Bold type: Oh yeah? Who?

All I heard is that they were a bunch of freeroll chasers. Most of them are there only cus you can't be a guest, you have to register to be a part of that forum.

Maybe pokerflea is a nice guy; don't know... haven't had the pleasure of really chatting with him. I did however apologize to him for saying it here out loud. Not going to take back what I think of his site though. There's always space for improvement. Maybe brighten the place up a bit.

From what I've heard PF's forum gives pw's to other forum freerolls. Don't take my word for it though cus it's just hearsay. Most of the members that go there, are there for that reason. I got that little bit from HOTT ( the wannabe PF admins.) who btw blocked me from yahoo after I called him a few names on that site lol .

But enough of that; I apologized to PF and he accepted my apology so all is hmm...ok, I guess. 'Cept that TP cancelled the tourney now. Bummer!

rookette22 01-04-06 12:27 PM

lol ...thanks Dogg...I'll try taking your advice; just that I ran out of salt :(

hmm how much rep points would that earn me to be exact? Cus I'm at -40 right now lol

Gordogg 01-04-06 12:27 PM

She did that too. Post #161 and #167 of this thread. The similarities are scary. :D

Actually, I kinda miss the entertainment. This thread was very entertaining to me. I'm sick like that.

Gordogg 01-04-06 12:30 PM

You'd definitely be out of the negative zone, that's for damn sure. Only one way to find out I guess. Strike a pose. :p

rookette22 01-04-06 12:30 PM

LMAO....Well least I livened this place up a bit, don't you think?? lol :rolleyes:

Don't I at least get a cookie for that? lol

rookette22 01-04-06 12:32 PM

No can't do sir. That would be considered... Repstitution ; TP could have me arrested for THAT!!:rolleyes: :p

Gordogg 01-04-06 12:38 PM

1 Attachment(s)
All out of cookies. You get a candy bar...

rookette22 01-04-06 12:41 PM

LMAO .... you are sick dude! lol :rolleyes:

BrianSwa 01-04-06 12:45 PM


man did you even read any of there threads? hardly any of them play freerolls. Thats your problem you dont read before you open your mouth. Go to the accomplishment section.

from the threads I have read and the responces I have gotten from my introduction thread im happy to have it as my 2nd forum. AND wtf freeroll chasing forums should be right up your alley. Remember you dont deposit because you want to eat ice cream!

JimInOregon 01-04-06 12:48 PM

Sometimes when trying to straighten things up, I make them worse, but I'll still give it a shot!

I started Protilt with Hutton, and can guarantee you, Halvey (the Pokeflea admin) was only a member, and never banned anyone. As a matter of fact he was banned himself! I left Protilt about a year ago (creative differences) and while I never banned anyone...I am absolutely sure Chip Fish is right...and many people were banned (including me).

Hope this helps! By the way, this is a very professional, well put together, forum layout...easy to read, and navigate. Mad props to the admin!


rookette22 01-04-06 12:52 PM

Huh? When did I ever make that bolded comment??

Oh btw...had to say this when you came on, :

And HHHHHHHHHHHHERES........BRIAN! :rolleyes:

As for the freeroll chasing comment, I got that from Hott ...did you read my post or just skim through it? And read N1kita's post # ...hmm wait a sec let me get you the # ..............................................

hmm Post #23; check out what she says ok?

As for checking out that site, well didn't really have much time bud; I was banned within 7 mins lol Just said a few chosen words to that wannabe admin (Hott) and then got banned. Maybe if they let me back there I'll check it out again; but that's a big MAYBE.

rookette22 01-04-06 12:55 PM

Did you read the BOLD type Brian??? same thing I said, this site is 'easy on the eyes' the other is not! Maybe it's cus I'm in the best forum (TP's forum) & now all the others seem worse. That could be it.

BTW...Welcome Jimmy; I'm the crazy staying away from me unless you wanna have some fun ;) lol

BrianSwa 01-04-06 12:58 PM


or maybe its because his is not just a forum?

rookette22 01-04-06 01:01 PM

Well like I said, didn't have much time to check it tell me about it.

What else is it?

BrianSwa 01-04-06 01:03 PM


you can log on as a guest so go look for yourself not about to spam someone elses forum in here.

Robbie Robb 01-04-06 01:12 PM

Depends how good the pictures are. Granted, you may need to spend some time in TP's jail (read: bedroom) down in Florida, but afterwards all will be forgiven! :D

rookette22 01-04-06 01:14 PM

Forget it; it's like talking to a brick wall. *I'm banned from there rem?* Meaning guest or no guest I can't get on. And btw...they don't allow guests to log on.

We already know which site we're referring to; so it wouldn't necessarily be considered spamming.

BrianSwa 01-04-06 01:16 PM


speaking of brick walls, actully you can log on as guest even if you are banned.

hey but what do I know I only ran a billboard system for 3 years.

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