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rookette22 01-01-06 10:15 PM

Challenge of the Poker Forums !
Hey whatcha all think about 2 poker forums going up against each other?

Not going to mention the pkr forum just yet cus that would be spamming but already spoke to the other forum administrator and he's agreed to it if TP agrees to it too.

other pkr forum VS. TALKINGPOKER.COM should be fun and exciting as well as challenging.

I was thinking; how about making it a low buy in, maybe $5.00 if possible. Only their members and our members allowed; can't wait to see both administrators up against each other :p

Well... just an idea I had ; let me know whatcha all think about it. I love it btw :)

PShabi 01-01-06 10:20 PM

We've done it before. I'm game.

rookette22 01-01-06 10:23 PM

You have? Show me link to it...never saw it. How'd it work out?

Edit: And here I thought it was a first...well, no matter, it's still a great idea .

HEwong 01-01-06 10:33 PM

i saw rookette advertising lol

rookette22 01-01-06 10:38 PM

Shhhh you'll get me in trouble lol

Hmm...k imma going to my room now for punishment :p

HEwong 01-01-06 10:53 PM


PShabi 01-01-06 10:56 PM

It got kinda crazy, but what do you expect?
It started here:

Chip got a little spunky:

Then here, when we dominated:

Then, the carnage that followed:

Edit: This was multiforum by the way. It did lead to a head to head and maybe another tourney with a forum or two. Honestly, we sucked at having people show up.

dmopiela 01-01-06 11:30 PM

Yea, I saw rookette advertising Talking Poker also. Great job. Honestly, I did have a flush with a straight flush draw. Good laydown of those pocket kings.

PShabi 01-01-06 11:40 PM

Alright, so what's the other forum then, since you all know?

Robbie Robb 01-01-06 11:55 PM

Wait...I thought you had to go to TP's room for punishment... :p TP, can you clarify this please???

But yeah, I'm game as well. Lemme know when and where (preferably PS)

Talking Poker 01-02-06 01:23 AM

Yes, to TP's room for punishment. (I like Rob).

We tried this once before, and it sort of worked out, but mostly didn't. A few of our members decided to mouth off a bit (in good nature, but it was taken wrong), and then things snowballed out of control and, well, it made us look bad, IMO. We actually ended up losing some members to the other forums (they were nice enough to PM me and explain why they were leaving), and as best I could tell, gained 0. So.................. all in all, that didn't work out so great.

And yes, we tried being in a league for a while, but our attendance sucked ass, so we basically quit doing it.

If you guys are interested in doing this, I'm ok with it. Here's hoping we can all act like grownups this time, and maybe get some new members out of it, instead of just losing people to the other "friendlier" forum.

Either PM me the details, or, since most everyone seems to know what you are talking about anyway, just go ahead and post them here.

P.S. My room - 5 minutes.

rookette22 01-02-06 01:25 AM

Sorry Pshabi, but would rather wait till I get ok from TP.

BTW...I read the links you posted and that was way kewl...but this wouldn't be a league. This is a one time event. One tourney; that's it that's all. Unless TP decides otherwise. But as it stands, the other administrator is game to this.

Talking Poker 01-02-06 01:28 AM

Well, I still don't have any details to base a decision on, but as I said, if people want to play, sure, we'll play. I'd hate to set it up and have 3 of us show up to face 60 of them though. No thanks...

ChipFish 01-02-06 01:32 AM

If it's the forum I think it is, then 3 vs 60 ought to be about even ;)

Edit to add: in if schedule permits...

Alexandermo 01-02-06 01:37 AM

i'd be in!

rookette22 01-02-06 01:53 AM

LMAO (@ ur P.S.)

ok well the forum in question is......Pokerflea

They had a freeroll tonight and I...again...happened to be in it. (me runs for fear TP will bring out the handcuffs ) lol :rolleyes:

Well, had a nice chat with the administrator there and he invited me to his forum. But since I'm devoted to you TP.... *cough* meant to say, devoted to this forum ;) I declined his invitation to join. Told him your Forum was the best.

Then I brought up the challenge and he accepted it. So now I'm asking you if you're willing to go for it. It's a one time deal TP. And we can't make it too pricey. We want to get as much members in it as possible and most don't have a huge bankroll. So as soon as your ready and you agree to this I'll Im him and give him your ok.

I did however try to go in to have a look around at his forum but wasn't able to. They don't allow guests. You either register or nothing. The reason for this was to apologize to him for advertising your forum on his freeroll tonight. Wasn't right but he forgave me so all is kewl.

rookette22 01-02-06 02:02 AM

It's YOU're a member here too lol

Grrr ...I hated to fold those PPK's but had no choice. Heard bad things about the KK curse. lol

Nice seeing you again....and psst gotta admit this forum is much better than the other one right? :D

Talking Poker 01-02-06 02:03 AM

Sounds good. Go for it... Just so you know, the lowest buy in I can set up at Poker Stars is $10. If he'd like to set this up, that's fine with me. We'll be there.

FYI - I'm out of the country from the 4th through the 11th, so let's shoot for sometime AFTER that, if you want me to play.

Now... where did I put those handcuffs?

rookette22 01-02-06 02:13 AM


ok sounds good

Wouldn't be a challenge without you in it TP. Will be fun to watch the poker combat between the 2 administrators; moderators and members :D

So I'm gonna set this up with him and let you know the details a.s.a.p. I'll see what date is available after the 11th; and will check dates from your league so that we don't pick same dates.

This is gonna be so kewl if it all goes through. Thx for the thumbs up TP! :)

ChipFish 01-02-06 02:19 AM

I stand corrected... Sounds like fun Rookette! :)

rookette22 01-02-06 10:37 AM

weeeeeee THAT'S the spirit, Chip! :)

rookette22 01-02-06 11:02 AM

Hmm...I have this idea but don't know if it's possible or if you'd go for it, so I'm gonna mention it to you before contacting the other forum admin.

Was thinking.... how about we make it a $5 buy-in; payable to you in advance & then you use that to make it a freeroll type tourney using the $5/member? No need to call it a freeroll, just name it whatever you want; just asking to see if that's even possible to do.

See, this way you'll get more members from the forums involved, instead of just the ones with a big bankroll. More members, more fun...more of a challenge. (Maybe even more prizes)

Also we'd know for sure how many players would be in it once they pay their buyin. If you just make it the $10 buy-in, most members say they'll be there but might not even show up. This guarantees you that the players will show up; being they don't want to lose their buy-in.

We can also advertise on the outside too. Get new members to come in here to join our team in order to challenge the other team forum.

Did I tell you I'm a damn good PR person lol weeeeee....I'm lovin' this idea.

Just a few suggestions. Let me know what you think. :)

P.S: I don't have any real New Year's resolutions; so I'm gonna help you make one of yours happen. :)

Nikita 01-02-06 11:27 AM

It's a good idea in theory Rook, but even though we don't want to call it a freeroll, without an actual buy-in at PS, it's a freeroll. If we do that, I can see a ton of crashers trying to get in. Look what happened to shabi and the forum with the RVP one. I don't think TP wants to go through that again. And personally, I'd be afraid to put my $5 in and then have a tournament with a bunch of crashers.

I've also actually been at that site. When I wanted to learn more about poker, I started searching for poker sites and stumbled on that one first. All I found there was a bunch of freeroll chasers. People begging for passwords to freerolls they weren't invited to and actually getting them. I've seen people over there that were banned from here during the first freeroll where there was a post requirement. I'd be worried that some of their forum members won't want to pay and will get the password anyway. I didn't like the site and haven't been since I first found it.

I also doubt very many of them will be competition. From what I gathered, it seemed only the admin and mods played seriously for real money.

P.S. I'm soooo glad I found

Talking Poker 01-02-06 11:40 AM

I'm in complete agreement with N1k... sorry rook, but it's actually a really bad idea. Not to mention how much extra hassle it would be for me. $10 should be fine. Unless, as I said, the other Admin wants to set something up wherever.

rookette22 01-02-06 11:51 AM

Yeah you make a good point. Never thought about the crashers.

Hmm...but $10 is still too pricey for some members.

Let's just stop and think for a minute; do you really think that the members that put in their $5 would want to give the pw away? I would think once they put their money into this tourney they wouldn't want to give their pw away to crashers. And we'd only give out the pw 15 mins before tourney. I'll take care of that myself by emailing or pm'ing everyone involved once i have the list. I'd never post the password, that too me is asking for trouble.

Talking Poker 01-02-06 11:55 AM

You're being really naive, rook. What's to prevent Person X from paying $5 for the password and then selling it to 10 of his buddies for $2 each?

It's a bad idea.... if that's how it's run, I can promise you that you won't get my $5.

If $10 is too much for someone to spend, then they probably shouldn't be spending $5 either.

rookette22 01-02-06 12:01 PM

Don't give up on the idea so quickly. :(

Look at when pshabi sent out the password, all went well remember? It could work out if the right precautions are taken. Bad idea to post the password, Good idea to send pw 15-20 mins prior to start of tourney.

BrianSwa 01-02-06 12:03 PM

another thing
this goes for the freeroll thing when you do a freeroll dont put the forum name in the freeroll or little buy in event or whatever.

do like TPfreeroll or something along those lines the other forum I belong to does PPPfreeroll and we NEVER have crashers. Im sure the ones that really want to figure it out will but most are lazy.

rookette22 01-02-06 12:22 PM

Call me whatever you like; Pshabi's idea to pm the password worked out fine...I think if you give this a chance it will too. But then again if you want to do it your way at the $10 buy-in and play with 7 or less ppl that's fine. Whoop-ti-doo... wonder how much fun that'll be?!

All that within 15 mins prior to tourney???? Nice of you to give them all THAT idea now.

Think about it? I said I'd take responsibility for the pm of password; I think you're making it sound worse than it actually is.

HEwong 01-02-06 12:24 PM

ill participate in a challenge between poekr forums.

rookette22 01-02-06 12:27 PM

I wouldn't even suggest putting down 'freeroll'. My friends have one every Friday night; they put whatever name. This way you don't get a bunch of crashers. Common sense if you put Freeroll in the name you'll get crashers; duh. And don't make it stand out so much by using a different color font. Blend it in with the rest of them.

You think it's a bad idea too Brian?

Nikita 01-02-06 12:29 PM

I'm still interested in this, but I just think it needs refining. Brian seems to have a good idea, but I'm really worried about that other forum. What's to stop them from posting the password in their forum? Or PMing the pw days before the event leading to possible leaks?

BrianSwa 01-02-06 12:31 PM


could be yes could be no, putting TPfreeroll is fine because if someone can figure out what TP stands for good for them. But like you said putting no name is fine also. I wont be joining because I got too many things going on right now and dont have alot of money to spend right now.

there are reasons why its good idea and reasons why it is bad idea just have to weigh the good against the bad and see if its worth it. I honestly dont want to see the forum go through the mess it went through a couple weeks ago so id probobly vote no on freeroll idea. If you make it a $10 buy-in id probobly say sure.

rookette22 01-02-06 12:35 PM

This is my idea...I'll take responsibility for it. I won't tell anyone the pw until the right time. The other admin will have to do it my way or no way. And he's kewl enough to agree with it, I'm pretty sure of that; now we wait for TP.

I did it this way so as not to let TP or the other admin make it a freeroll out of their pocket. Didn't think it was fair, cus TP's given us so much already. That was the first idea mind you. But that's a sure fire way to get all kinds of crashers.

We have lots of time to work on this; we're not doing anything till TP comes back from his trip; but I would however like his blessing on this, if not then forget the whole idea.

kmb13592 01-02-06 12:36 PM

Sounds good, as long as my bankroll isn't too small at the time I'm in. Hope I can help out the forum.

BrianSwa 01-02-06 12:38 PM


your bankroll? what bankroll?

rookette22 01-02-06 12:38 PM

Would you also agree to play if it were to be a $10 buy-in instead of $5 ?

BrianSwa 01-02-06 12:39 PM


click link provided :D

Nikita 01-02-06 12:43 PM

It's a great idea Rook, don't get me wrong. And as I said, I'm interested and if the criteria is right, I will be joining. I'm glad you are taking on this project, but just be warned, planning and implementing might lead to headaches. But if it works out, I think it will be a really amazing tourney.

rookette22 01-02-06 12:44 PM

lol ....

Thanks for the laugh...needed that.

Tony Cheval 01-02-06 12:45 PM

...and we have an early candidate for Post of the Year! :D ;)

rookette22 01-02-06 12:50 PM

I know I could do it & make it work; infact if it would be my forum it would be in the works already. But can't do anything without TP's vote. His forum, his rules. And as it stands now he's not budging on the $5 pre-buyin.

rookette22 01-02-06 12:52 PM

LMAO... out of context! :o

Robbie Robb 01-02-06 12:53 PM

Whichever way the decision falls regarding buy-in, count me in. The one thing to consider though regarding transferring the money to TP: this would require the players from the other forum to transfer the money to TP as well (I *think* it would require all moneys to go to the same person). WE all know and trust TP - I'm sure the admin over there realizes that TP is a trustworthy guy, but will the users accept that? Honestly, if I were a member of the other forum and was told to transfer my money to a 'Rogue23' at PS, I'd be very hesitant. A lot of those folks have probably heard of the forum, but that doesn't automatically mean they trust it. After all, we could be in one giant conspiracy to bankrupt the other forum by fleecing them $5 at a time :D

I think this is a great idea and, as mentioned, I'm in! We just need to flesh out a way to set it up so that there is no hassle for anyone and is affordable for the maximum number of players! (after all, if I'm going to win, I want to maximize my winnings ;) )

rookette22 01-02-06 01:03 PM

Thanks for the vote of confidence, much appreciated.

I'd trust both admin to look after their own members.

PShabi 01-02-06 01:19 PM

Alright, I can't take it anymore.

If $10 is too pricey, then really, should you (not YOU, rook) even be spending $5? Probably not.

PShabi 01-02-06 01:20 PM

Great minds think alike.

PShabi 01-02-06 01:23 PM

Did you read the freeroll thread, rook? Everything hardly went fine. I had to weed through endless idiot posts and retarded PMs to get the password out. It was annoying and it brought a bunch of assholes to the forum. That's it.

$10 buy-in. Print it.

rookette22 01-02-06 01:29 PM

Have you been spending lots of time with TP? Cus that's exactly what he said! :confused:

The whole point to this is to make it fun and maybe get a few new members in here and make this forum well known. Only way to do that is to make it cheap enough for members to join in the tourney. If you make it too pricey then you'll be the same ppl that you were when we had the last tourney that you were in charge of. How many were we? 13? Ok since there is 2 forums, maybe you'll get 20 peeps at most. Is that what you all want??

It was fun mind you but same o same o. We want a big turnout. We want people to talk about this tourney. Well those were my plans. Guess you guys just want to play each other. If that's the case, I'll suggest it to the other admin.

I think we need a vote on this....we need "Superman" ..wait.... no; wrong dude lol....we need Blibbity to set up a vote count thing-a-ma-jig. ;)

rookette22 01-02-06 01:30 PM

That's cus it was a freeroll...this one isn't!

Edit: that's what happens with freerolls; this one will be set up almost like the league thread should run a lot smoother than telling everyone it's a Freeroll cus it really isn't a Freeroll!!!

It will be advertised as a $5 BUY-IN tourney! Payable in advance to their forum adminstrator. We will have the list of players prior to tourney. I'll be looking over the list, if I see someone I know on there that I don't trust I might even disallow him/her from joining.

Another thing; if PS allows it maybe we can close the registration to tourney a few hours beforehand. Maybe we could even set a player limit.

I'm really fired up about this, and I really do think it will work. It won't work if none of you are interested in even giving it a shot, though.

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