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TajaUk 10-22-04 07:38 PM

Chip Tricks!
What's peoples take on chips tricks to pass the time?

I got interested in tricks like many when Dutch kept yapping on about them at last years WSOP.

The two main sites I used were:

I have lots of poker chips and love playing with them when i play online 5-6hrs daily. After a couple of weeks of pure fustration and not believing I could manage ANY of them, it soon all clicked into place. Now I can perform all the tricks and love playing with them to get all my nervous energy out.

It's rare I play live games, but when I do its generally just with friends and family and it certainly impresses them with all the tricks I can do now.

I know its kinda lame, but anyone else have some good sites or idea's?

Talking Poker 10-22-04 11:18 PM


(Still a work in progress)

eddo31 10-23-04 12:17 AM

haha, nice plug

when i play live i generally just shuffle chips to relax myself and pass the time. that is the extent of my tricks though, and im not really that worried about learning any more.

Aequitas58 10-23-04 12:58 AM

What's better than watching someone do cool chip tricks? Watching someone fumble over and over (and over) as they attempt to do chip tricks. :)

NavyFC 10-23-04 10:22 AM

When playing in our home game I don't bother with chip tricks anymore. Everyone I play with is used to seeing me do them and has no affect on them. However, when playing in a tournament that a local radio station puts on I do shuffle them. People get intimidated when seeing this. I don't know why they do but it happens. They get more focused on trying to learn to shuffle chips and forget about the cards in front of them.

Tuff Luck 10-23-04 01:40 PM

I've started trying to do cip tricks, but I can't do much other than shuffle.

Aequitas58 10-23-04 01:51 PM

For me, it's less an "intimidation" play than just being bored at the table. Dutch said something about intimidating players because he can do chip tricks, they'll think he has played a lot, etc. What happens when he runs into someone with a chip trick he can't do? Does HE get intimidated?

Tuff Luck 10-23-04 01:55 PM

No, but that guy sure won't be intimidated by Dutch. :D

Defendant 10-23-04 10:35 PM

I dont know any sites to help out, but I sure appreciate the ones you posted :)

Even though it might just help my game more to distract my opponents by making them laugh at me looking stupid when my chips splatter all around me :p


TajaUk 10-24-04 05:50 AM

If I didn't play with my chips at the table I would pull my hair out.

robert2504 10-24-04 03:28 PM

Wanna Learn
I definitely want to learn the tricks so that I can show the guys at my home game. :cool:

Tuff Luck 10-24-04 03:47 PM

^That's where you get the best reactions.

Talking Poker 10-25-04 08:53 PM

You know, if you hit the quote button, you won't need to use that ^ thingee ;)

Tilter 10-26-04 03:15 PM

Thanks for the sites. I know only two chip tricks. The twirl and the shuffle. Took me a good 2months to do the shuffle.

hackers238 11-05-04 09:52 AM

haha same with me. I'm currently in the "learning the shuffle" phase, and I can do the twirl, where you slide out the middle chip, turn it 180 degrees and stick it back in. As for the shuffle... I can do stacks of 3 pretty consistantly, but more than that and its out of control.

Kidd7138 11-05-04 06:10 PM

During home games I generally shuffle a small stack of chips usually between 6 and 12 chip stacks. Its just something to do to pass the time between hands or if your in a hand, its something to focus on so an opponent can't read you.

TajaUk 11-05-04 06:23 PM

Yep, it does not have to be anything special just something to keep the player entertained while hes waiting for a hand.

jdiana86 11-14-04 11:34 AM

I strongly believe chip tricks can have a positive boost to your bankroll. Being able to perform a difficult chip trick under pressure like during a bluff can be noticeable. If you can shuffle your chips the same during a bluff and a strong hand then it can really help. Otherwise, it's just a tell.

Tilter 11-15-04 03:30 PM

I can now to the roll back chip. Where it spins forward and comes back. Reminded me of what I used to do with a Hula Hoop in Gym class when I was a kid.

bigjohnstud2o 11-17-04 03:42 AM

best site with vidoes is

Aequitas58 11-17-04 10:09 AM

Nice link.

This is the coolest one, IMO:

Tuff Luck 11-17-04 04:24 PM

I know what a quote button is- thanks though. And the ^ thingee is a carret. ;)

bigjohnstud2o 11-18-04 07:14 AM

This site is by far the best because of the multiple view vids. A must see site for any chip trick person. Some are just retarded like the sweep but it is very detailed.

Drizztdj 12-02-04 08:01 PM

I can shuffle chips fairly easy, I've haven't progressed to anything beyond that yet :P

taco loco 11-21-05 01:26 PM

new poker chip tricks site
There is a new poker chip tricks site out. It doesn't have any videos of tricks, but promises to add them soon.

cmck85 11-23-05 08:15 PM

good chip tricks mate :rolleyes:

Aequitas58 11-24-05 01:36 PM


akajeff 11-24-05 06:34 PM

Thanks these are pretty cool sites. I can now do the chip through each of my fingers and the most obvious one whcich is chip stacking.

Pretty cool sites! and ya get up that new link Talking Poker! LOL

Danjiro 12-21-05 04:44 PM

I have just got beyond the shuffle and one of the simple flip tricks...other than that been concentrating on my game. Anyone ever find that the tricks help intimidate your opponent?

I'm not sure how much value there is in the tricks other than the fun factor.


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