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BlibbityBlabbity 12-04-05 11:01 PM

League Rules/Signup (Summary)
So this is the official summary. This will be the official rules and signup list. I will keep this updated with the current rules if there are any changes.



So far the league setup that seems to have the most support and has the most liklyhood to come off well is as follows...

1) 10 events
2) Each event has a buyin and there for a prize pool. ($10+$1 is the minimum byin for a private event at PokerStars and that seems to be where everyone wants to play.) These will be normal tourneys with standard PokerStars payouts.
3) Each player also puts in a League entry fee. (This goes to TP via Pokerstars transfer prior to first event).
4) Winner of each league event is awarded points based on their place in the event (see points distribution list below).
5) Overall point leaders at the end on the 10 league events will be awarded portions of the prioze pool (percentages as shown in League Payouts list below).



Based on overall points total from top 6 events

1st - 40% - $80
2nd - 30% - $60
3rd - 20% - $40
4th - 10% - $20



--Your best 6 events count toward the overall total

--Number of points in play will be {number of players x 10}

--number of payout spots (splitting up the points) will be determinted as follows:

3-4 players
1st - 60%
2nd - 40%

5-8 Players
1st - 50%
2nd - 30%
3rd - 20%

9-10 Players
1st - 50%
2nd - 25%
3rd - 15%
4th - 10%

11-20 Players
1st - 40%
2nd - 25%
3rd - 15%
4th - 10%
5th - 6%
6th - 4%

20+ Players
1st - 35%
2nd - 25%
3rd - 15%
4th - 10%
5th - 6%
6th - 4%
7th - 3%
8th - 2%

3-4 player senarios are in there just in case, but I don't think we should eeven play an event if it is less than 5 handed. Is it possible to set that in when setting up the tourney TP?



Thursday 1/19/06 9:30 PM EST Password: tpfleague1
Sunday 1/22/06 9:30 PM EST Password: tpfleague2
Wednesday 1/25/06 9:30 PM EST Password: tpfleague3
Sunday 1/29/06 9:30 PM EST
Wednesday 2/1/06 9:30 PM EST
Saturday 2/4/06 12:00 PM (noon) EST
Tuesday 2/7/06 9:30 PM EST
Sunday 2/12/06 9:30 PM EST
Thursday 2/16/06 9:30 PM EST
Sunday 2/19/06 9:30 PM EST



Here is the list of those who have expressed interest in the league...
18 Confirmed

20 paid=$200 Prize Pool
Tony Cheval




So to answer the ineveitable question of "How much is this going to cost me"....

League entry fee: $10 payable to 'TalkingPoker' on PokerStars

Individual event buyins: $10+$1 (minimum at PokerStars), BUT, you don't HAVE to play in them all if you choose not to. Only the top 6 point scores will count.

As far as the passwords, if someone enters that is not a member of the league they WILL generate points (their play will add 10 points up for grabs in that event) but at the end they will be removed from the calculation for placings and WILL NOT recieve any points toward the prize pool.

Talking Poker 12-04-05 11:39 PM

I'm not entirely sure I fully understand this, but I think I get it enough to say that I am definitely in. So, consider me a confirmed signup with Rogue23 transferring his entry fee to 'TalkingPoker' on Poker Stars, just as soon as we decide what said entry fee will be.

Nice job with this. Consdiering all the input that was flying around, I'm glad to see something semi-concrete (and reasonable sounding) come out of it all. I'll sticky this thread if it isn't already.

BlibbityBlabbity 12-04-05 11:42 PM

Funny, paying himself :D

I think this is figured out enough to keep all further questions and discussion (unless there are other polls needed later) in this one thread. I was following it and I was having a hard time keeping tabs on all those other threads.

I will bold names as they are confirmed on the list above.

lightfungus 12-05-05 01:27 AM

Im interested, I dont know if this is the right place for me saying this but count me in.

drewjax 12-05-05 03:23 AM

I'm in.
Random thoughts.
1. I would lean towards the higher end for league fee ($10). Would allow the most prize money/overlay.
2. I would like to see the final tourney changed a bit. I think it should be another $10+1. Reason being that this again would allow the most prize money for league leaders. Getting the buy-in to final if you win one is great, but I think there should be more than $30 or $40 for the top point leaders after the 10 tourneys. For instance if we were to have 25 players/$250, I think it would be better to have ten $11 buy-ins, and $140 distributed between top 3 or 4 point leaders, than ten $22 buy-ins and $30 for point leaders. This would really benefit the better overall players, and those that play the most and support the forum etc.
3. I would actually rather see the final tourney restricted. This would be like our own TOC! A 14/16 person tourney, with all 10 winners and top 4/6 point leaders among non-winners getting in. It would be a great reward to have this 'freeroll' for the winners and most consistent players, without anyone coming in and playing like a maniac and taking it down. It would really be for tons of bragging rights as well. If there were one or two new forum members who didnt register for league but wanted to play in final tourney, I would rather see them rail this tourney, and look forward to playing in the next league etc. Even if there were those who wanted to join league late, we could simply let them in. If they pay the $ to join, and would like to try to qualify for TOC in fewer tourneys, that would be no big deal.

These are just my opinions of course, but I think this will be great either way.

drewjax 12-05-05 03:31 AM


Thursday 1/19/06 9:30 PM EST
Sunday 1/22/06 9:30 PM EST
Monday 1/23/06 9:30 PM EST
Saturday 1/28/06 12:00 PM (noon) EST
Thursday 2/2/06 9:30 PM EST
Sunday 2/5/06 9:30 PM EST
Wednesday 2/8/06 9:30 PM EST
Saturday 2/11/06 12:00 PM (noon) EST
Tuesday 2/14/06 9:30 PM EST
Sunday 2/19/06 9:30 PM EST
MAIN EVENT: Wednesday 2/22/06 9:30 PM EST

Also, BB, looking at the schedule I would think that back to back nights might not be the best. Maybe have the week we have a Monday tourney, after a Saturday tourney. And without looking I think Feb. 5 might be
Super Bowl Sunday. Maybe Saturday is best that weekend as well.
Thanks for doing the legwork for this, looking forward to it!!

BlibbityBlabbity 12-05-05 03:39 AM

1) personally, I agree, if all the tourneys are $11 buyins, $10 for the league free really isn't out of whack.
2) I think this is something we can decide on when we know how many people we have (how much prize money we have to work with). I like your suggestion though.
3) The idea behind it being an open event worked better when I was thinking it might be a $40-$50 buyin where it would be a signifigant cost for those that didn't qualify adding value to the free entry that the qualifyers won. If it is another $10+$1 main event, this is perhaps not the greatest idea. Perhaps we could hold off on manking it an open event till the entry could be higher (say when we have 60+ people in the league we could have a $40+$4 entry Main Event and still have $160 left over for the top 3 point leaders). Then having additional entrants would be a bonus to the players that qualified for $11.

I don't "think" there is any reason someone could not join late in this setup.

BrianSwa 12-05-05 07:39 AM

Great job BB in sumerizeing everything in this thread.

Hawt 12-05-05 07:39 AM

Great work to all who helped put this together and get it organized. Like TP said, there was a lot of clutter surrounding this whole ordeal but it has come together quite nicely.

thrash1294 12-05-05 08:48 AM

I'M in :)
I should make most of the night games

jimmym 12-05-05 09:12 AM

Good Work Guys.


Should be a good league if all enter.

studiopet 12-05-05 09:26 AM

Count me in on the league as well. I should be dead money based on the past couple of days on PS. :cool:

rookette22 12-05-05 10:49 AM

To be honest here; don't think I can afford being in this league.
Secondly, I definitely need more practice before joining a league; heck I'm not even able to get 1st place in a play money tourney lol! I seem to be playing better in Omaha hi/lo than Holdem right now. From what I've seen so far, you guys are great holdem players, I'm nothing compared to all of you.

But not giving up, I'm gonna stay in this forum; getting good advice and tips from all of you guys ofcourse;and practice, practice, practice; and when I better my game, I'll come join you guys. Till then, I'll be in the cheering section ok ? ;)

BlibbityBlabbity 12-05-05 11:09 AM

No Problem, I will hold you to the cheering offer :)

BrianSwa 12-05-05 11:11 AM


can we get her one of those skimpy Talking Poker cheerleading outfits? :cool:

Talking Poker 12-05-05 12:47 PM

This may be the single best idea you have ever hand. Come to think of it, this may be the ONLY good idea you have ever had.

(Cut me some slack - I haven't gotten a nice Brian dig in yet today).

BrianSwa 12-05-05 12:50 PM


had lots of great ideas you just too busy yelling at me to listen :eek:

but guess your entitled to your Brian dig.

Zybomb 12-05-05 03:28 PM

I think Im pretty sure I have an idea whats goin on here

So Im in

jillaj 12-06-05 11:41 AM

I am in.

drewjax 12-06-05 04:09 PM

Ya either would work. Basically if we open it up to anyone, the league would work like a 'series' with a main event. If we keep it restricted, it would work more as a Tournament of Champions at the end.
We COULD do both. We could have say 9 regular tourneys, a 20+2 open main event, and a TOC. Maybe?

Talking Poker 12-12-05 01:09 PM

So, what's the status of this. There has been no activity in this thread for a week. Does it need to still be a sticky? Are we still waiting on something, or can we go ahead and finalize the details, start the league fee money transfers, and have me start setting up all the tourneys?

BlibbityBlabbity 12-12-05 02:05 PM

I was still hoping to get a few more people into this (we currently have 15 signed up). For anyone who is interested and whose name is NOT in bold at the end of the fiorst post in this thread just post here and I will add you to the list.

I would suggest keeping this stickied for another week if we could and then we can take it down until it gets closer for late signups (re-sticky it in early January).

As far as payments, I think we can hold off till it gets closer.

For the schedule I think we need to go through it and make sure there are not any conflicts (two days in a row, Super Bowl were mentioned earlier). I haven't had a chance to do this yet, but I will unless someone else wants to.

Talking Poker 12-12-05 02:11 PM

Of the 15 names signed up, two are studiopets and one is a Hawt. My guess is we really only have 13 people. Max. We'll know for sure when it comes time for people to pay.

HEwong 12-20-05 06:34 PM

im interested. also.

FatRufus 12-20-05 06:42 PM

Hewong, you told me you had no money cuz you got cheated? If you've had money and took the 100k thats low but i hope you didn't you seem like a good guy

HEwong 12-20-05 06:43 PM

oh.nvm not interested, just reread the first postand noticed it says it would cost us to get in. i take back what i said cuz i dont have anymoney . srry didnt read the entire first post earlier.

MathBabe 12-20-05 06:47 PM

Well, I've been playing mostly limit lately, but this sounds like fun and I just got a call to do some work in January/February - so that means a little bit of cash!

So put me down for sure... MathBabe.

StevieD33 12-20-05 10:01 PM

Would we still need to sign up if we only wanted to play in a few events ?

mikesizl 12-21-05 07:42 AM

i will join
hey , ill join the league sometimes i dont get off work til late but ill play when i can ...

BlibbityBlabbity 12-21-05 06:05 PM

Yes, these will be private league events, so if you want to get the password for them you will have to pay the league fee. Then you can play as many, or as few, as you like.

StevieD33 12-23-05 10:43 PM

i am interested
TheLaterDays is my usernam i might want to play

Akverno 12-26-05 07:53 AM

Well, I'm in, but, I don't know if I'm going to have pstars on my computer when I get to my new college. I have to ship my computer from Florida to Idaho, so there's a very good chance I won't have it till february. But barring my roomate not having a computer that he'll let me play poker on, I'm in.

jillaj 12-28-05 05:24 PM

How much do we send to TP? I will just send 10 and if the buy in changes to 5, I will get it back later.

Tony Cheval 12-29-05 02:30 AM

I'm interested, however I would like a final confirmation of the final event structure, if we're gonna allow people to buyin it really should be a steep price (IE underlay).

Talking Poker 12-29-05 08:38 PM

So... is this league happening? If you guys want me to set up all the matches, I'd like to do so before I leave for the Bahamas next week (or else we could push the schedule back)...

BlibbityBlabbity 12-29-05 11:30 PM

Thursday 1/19/06 9:30 PM EST
Sunday 1/22/06 9:30 PM EST
Wednesday 1/25/06 9:30 PM EST
Sunday 1/29/06 9:30 PM EST
Wednesday 2/1/06 9:30 PM EST
Saturday 2/4/06 12:00 PM (noon) EST
Tuesday 2/7/06 9:30 PM EST
Sunday 2/12/06 9:30 PM EST
Thursday 2/16/06 9:30 PM EST
Sunday 2/19/06 9:30 PM EST
MAIN EVENT: Wednesday 2/22/06 9:30 PM EST

I shifted the dates around a little based on suggestions (and the SuperBowl), does this look all right to everyone. If so, I would suggest setting up the first 4-5 matches on PokerStars ($10+$1). The $10 league fee will be sent to TP via his PokerStars account (by 1/15?). The league prizes will be announced when we see how many players get the money to TP (but before the first match).

TP, when will you be leaving and when will you be back?

Comments/Suggestions anyone?

BlibbityBlabbity 12-29-05 11:31 PM

it will be $10

BlibbityBlabbity 12-29-05 11:35 PM

We will have to see how big the prize pool gets and see how much the buyins that will be given away to the winners of each tourney allow.

Talking Poker 12-30-05 01:01 AM

I will be gone from the 4th through the 11th. I'll be taking my laptop, of course, but it looks like my access will be limited, so I'll probably fall behind on the forum.

So far, jillaj has sent in $10, and I'm now officially paid up too. I'll be interested to see how many people officially sign up (which will be determined by who sends $10 to TalkingPoker on Poker Stars).

Govman6767 12-30-05 08:35 AM

Loading to PS tonight send me an email on what I should do with the full details I"M IN

BrianSwa 12-30-05 09:16 AM


try reading the thread for details.

Govman6767 01-01-06 06:03 PM

TP i sent my 10 bucks did you recieve it ?

Talking Poker 01-01-06 06:35 PM


Tony Cheval 01-01-06 06:45 PM

I certainly like these dates, would probably miss only the two Thursdays. Put me down as tentative pending finalization of the details.

thrash1294 01-03-06 12:02 AM

Sent ya $10 TP I am In :cool:

jillaj 01-10-06 11:53 AM

Thought we would have at least 10 people in for this already. Didn't think we would get the 20 that said they would play but 5 is still low.

PShabi 01-10-06 11:57 AM

I'm definitely playing. I'll send my $$$ later tonight.

JDMcNugent7 01-10-06 07:13 PM

I'm IN and just sent my money to TP- i must say i dont get what's going on with the final match tho (do we have this determined yet- and if not what are the options?)

BlibbityBlabbity 01-10-06 07:28 PM

I think we need to see how many sign up.

Option A:
--if we have, say, 20 people
--$200 prize pool
--10 first place finishers (in the league events) get a free $11 sent to them at PS.
--$90 to be distributed to the top three overall players (with points assigned at each event based on place in the event)
--this is more of a "tour" setup

Option B:
--if we have, say, 11 people
--we just do the second part where it is based on your place in each event and the top 3-5 overall point leaders get part of the pize pool.
--this is the typical "league" setup

Personally, unless we get the 20+ people (and even then...), I like option B as the "main event" can't be a big buyin event anyway (just another private $10+$1 for the winners).

If we can grow this to 40-50+ players then I think the tour setup could be REALLY cool with a $40 buyin final event or something....

Those that are registered (or are going to register) speak up as to what you want to do. I vote Option B for this time around with the hopes of changing to the other format if we can build up the number of players.

If we decide to switch I will work up and post a points list for each event and the prize pool payout percentages for comment. If not we will leave it as is and see how it works.

wdson01 01-10-06 07:37 PM

How long do we have to be able to register? can it be up to say half an hour b4 tourney starts because i'm interested but dont know what plans i have yet.

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