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Talking Poker 07-27-06 03:23 AM

WSOP 2006 - TP's Updates...
I figured it's about time to start my official WSOP 2006 thread, so here it is. To kick things off, here's a link to the main 2005 thread:

It contains links to all my updates from last year, including my tourney report. A number of our regulars weren't here this time last year, so hopefully you guys will enjoy reading through these old threads. There's some good stuff in there.

I think I may reread my tourney report myself to help get me geeked up for the Main Event.

Talking Poker 07-27-06 03:44 AM

Today's update will be short and sweet:

I travelled for most of the day and finally got to Vegas. I rented a car, made my way to my friends' place, and hung out with them and their adorable 2.5 year old kid for a few hours.

I headed down to the Rio tonight, registered for the Main Event (there were ZERO people in line - tomorrow, I expect there to be dozens if not 100+), I let ImageMasters take my picture for their cool facial recognition software, and then I walked around for a while. I railed the 2-7 single draw lowball table for bit and learned that Evelyn Ng and David Williams are a "thing" now. I might have known that, but I'm not sure. Anyway, pretty funny how this guy goes from being a complete nobody (a former Magic player) to going deep at the 2004 WSOP... and now 2 years (and numerous accomplishments) later, he's got a gold bracelet and is on his way to another one, wih the beautiful Evelyn Ng by his side. Yeah, I'd say it's been a pretty good couple of years for David. It just makes me wonder what unknown person will be on top of the poker world 2 years from now. I mean, it stands to reason that the winner of this year's Main Event will be a completely unknown person... but someone who will be a household name this time next year. Isn't that crazy?

Anyway, I digress... All of the suites/lounges were closed, but from the outside, everything looks bigger and better than last year. It looks to me like UB, Bodog, Full Tilt and Stars all have nice suites. I didn't see one for Party, but I did see a Party Poker bus drive by on Las Vegas Blvd - there were at least a dozen models living it up on the open air roof.

The trade show (or whatever they call it) - the Expo thing - starts tomorrow. I expect that to be better than last year's and last year's was pretty cool.

Oh, and I checked out the new food court and extra bathrooms area. Well done, Harrahs.

I guess that's it. Tomorrow, I'll head over to the trade show for a while, get my passes for the UB party tomorrow night, and hopefully get together with Zybomb for that. The UB party was fun last year, and I know a lot more UB people now than I did then, so I'm looking forward to it.

Reel Deal 07-27-06 10:09 AM

Really looking forward to all of your reports TP. GL!!

Nikita 07-27-06 10:48 AM

Keep us posted and GL. Hopefully, you're the one we are all talking about next year! :)

ChipFish 07-27-06 09:09 PM

Good luck man! Taker down!

Stop by the PokerStars Booth.
They have some sort of Battleship Headsup thing going.
If you get a chance to take a peak at the Stars client, it's under private tourneys near the top.:thumbsup:

Talking Poker 07-27-06 10:22 PM

I saw the Battleship thing... it looked kinda lame (at a glance).

The Poker Expo thing is really cool though - I spent quite a while there today and will likely go back again tomorrow. It's fun for me as a player (lots of free stuff), but it's also a great place to network as an affiliate. It's fun putting names with faces too. I mean, who knew the girl from PKR who has emailed me so many times was so cute???

Tonight is the UB party. I'm taking my friend Tim who I am staying with and also meeting up with Zybomb and taking him nd his friend too. I called 2Tone to see if he was here yet, but didn't hear back. I have 6 passes in total though, so if he does show up, he's in.

BTW - huge props to UB. they have a sweet suite, with food, drinks, etc in the VIP area for the people who won Main Event packages through them. They also gave me a nice duffle bag full of UB gear, including a jersey. They even have a dude on scene doing personalized embroidery - Anyone who has a UB account can get their name (or whatever) sewn on a free UB hat. Well done - this is a HUGE step up over how they treated their players in Aruba.

Oh, the Celebrity/Media event was tonight. This was my first time NOT playing in it... I was majorly bummed. Celebs I saw: Jennifer Tilly (we chatted for a minute), Cindy Margolis (looking very plasticy, I might add), Norm MacDonald, Robby Gordon, Anthony Michael Hall, James Garner, etc... I hate that I didn't get to play this year.

Ok, time to get ready for the party - meeting Zy in less than an hour.

New Guy 07-27-06 11:59 PM

TP first off bro finish off what I couldnt do for the forum!! We are all pulling for you!!!As far as your recap of last year, that was amazing I never read thru all of that.You put it all down very well and Man I hope its 10x's longer this year.Im off to ct for the weekend ,sure i'll end up at foxwoods but I'll be keeping close eye on you and will be up there if your sitting pretty!!SO JUST DO IT!!!!!

ChipFish 07-28-06 02:38 AM

Remember though: No K-K for all your chips :D

Talking Poker 07-28-06 02:15 PM

So, my friend Tim and I met up with Zybomb last night. The three of us went to the UB Party, which was much bigger than last year's. The VooDoo Lounge on top of the Rio is pretty cool, but I think I preferred the smaller venue at the Palms last year (I didn't even see Phil Hellmuth this year, let alone get to bust his chops). They had an open bar for us, and a sweet spread of food too - from fancy schmancy finger foods to a turkey and pork carving station to a huge desert table.

Eventually, we met up with my friends the Stolzman's, and the group of us hung out for a while and kicked back some drinks. I also traded 4% of myself in the Main Event with Steve for 2% of him and 2% of his son, John.

We hung out until a bit after midnight, but then Tim's back started bothering him (he was in a car wreck last week - got rear ended by a guy doing like 35 and eating), so we called it a night.

The plan for today is to head over to the Rio and check out the Poker Expo thing some more, and the Main Event of course, and then meet up with Zy, 2Tone and lightfungus tonight.

It's 11:15 here now, so I guess the Main Event is under way!

Wow... I can't wait to see what the final numbers are going to be. Alternates??? Oh my - this could make for some long Day 1s.

omahilo 07-28-06 02:35 PM

sounds like alot of fun...

didnt one of the Stolzman win or do very well in a WPT event awhile back? if so that 2% could end up being worth alot...

their 4% could end up being worth even more tho ;)

Talking Poker 07-28-06 02:51 PM

Im hoping the 4% I give them ends up being worth a lot more... :thumbsup:

And yes, John won a WPT Event (Tunica) for about $1.6 million in 2005. It's a GREAT episode if you missed it. He's at a STACKED table (Grinder, Negreanu, Chau Giang, Scooty Nguyen) and a huge underdog, but he played great and pulled it off.

MathBabe 07-28-06 10:03 PM

A few of the things I've seen seem to imply that the ".com' restriction is because of them not being able to advertise onling gaming sites on TV. Since doesn't offer online gaming, you might be okay and not need your tape!

Of course that relies on someone there knowing the rules and being able to intelligently apply them.

Talking Poker 07-29-06 06:54 AM

I'll have a nice update for you guys tomorrow. Need sleep now though.

Highlights include:
-More from the Poker Expo thingee
-The Poker Players Alliance meeting
-Drinks/dinner with 2Tone, lightfungus, and fungus' pilot friend (Zybomb stood us up)
-My first session of poker
-Wicked expensive ATMs

(Yes, those last two items kinda go together)

Talking Poker 07-29-06 03:51 PM

So... I played online for a bit yeserday, having to set up and customize PT, PAH, etc on my laptop - what a pain. I was down early, but ended the session a winner, thanks mostly to Suckout #3 (of my last nearly 7000 hands). I'll post that one later with some others I've set aside.

I drove down to the Rio in the mid afternoon. Did I mention how hot it is here in Vegas??? It was 111. And my rental car's AC sucks. It usually starts to cool off (to like a cool 98 or so inside the car, if I had to guess) about the time I'm pulling into the Rio parking lot.

Anywa, I bounced around the Expo thingee for a while, got some more free loot, and then went to the Poker Players Alliance thing. They had free food (I didn't eat) and drinks (I drank). Speakers included Ferguson, Lederer, Raymer, and the dude who runs the PPA. If you guys aen't members yet, you really should be. It's $20, and they even send ou a nice tshirt:

At 7:30, I met 2Tone at the Irish Kilt bar in the Rio, as planned. Lightfungush and his frind Rob showed up a while later, and Zybomb sent a few text messages saying he was running late. Running late turned into standing us up - jerk! hehe... Anyway, we had a nice time chatting, drinking, and eating.

The four of us then went down to check out the Main Event, and Rob left us. We got on the list for some cash games ($4/8 limit for 2 Tone, and $2/5 NL for fungus and me). After a good 45 minute wait (ugh) we finally sat down.

Stupid me only had $600 in his wallet, so I bought in for the max. After folding every hand for two orbits, I lipmed in from the button out of boredeom with T6s. One of the blinds raised (to $20), another guy called, and I called. The flop came 234 with 2 spades. The SB bet $45, the other guy called and I called. The turn was a blank and it checked around. The river was a K and they both checked again. I bet $120, the SB folded and the other guy called with KQ. Well, that play didn't quite work.... just bad timing, but an annoying start.

I reloaded for my last $100, and continued to not win a single hand for a while. I took a walk to find an ATM so I could reload properly, and it had a $31.99 fee on a $500 withdraw!!! No thanks - I'll play short stacked, even though I hate it.

Well, eventually, after taking a beat or two but mostly being card dead, I get 64s in the SB. I flop a 4 and 2 hearts and bet. One caller. The turn gives me a flush and I bet again, and he calls gain. The river pairs the board and I check/call, and sure enough, he shows me a bigger flush. This left with with a whopping $55 in my stack.

I literally laughed and said it would be stupid for me to stay, but then I jokingly said I'd play until the BB (why not, right?), expecting to get AA and double up to a whopping $110. Ohhhhh....

Well, first hand on the button, I limp in after a few others with QT. The flop comes Qxx, I check raise all in and get no callers. The next hand, I am dealt AA. Are you kidding me??? There is a raise preflop, I reraise, the button and original aiser both call. The flop is 3 rags, it checks to me and I push in. The button calls and the other guy folds. the button shows KK! I double up.

The very next hand, I call a raise from the CO with KQ. The flop is QQx with 2 spades and the raiser bets. I call. The turn is a K - he checks and I check, hoping he'll catch a flush or something on the river. The river is a J and he bets about half of his stack, so I push in and he calls, showing JJ for Jacks full of Queens. I flip of my Queens full of Kings and actually take his entire stack, as I had him covered. Note that this was THREE HANDS IN A ROW from when I almost left with $55.

The very next hand, I continue to play my rush and limp in with T9. I end up flopping an open ended straight draw AND a T high flushdraw (with a Q on the board), but I let it go on the turn, because I'm all but certain he has a bigger heart than me and I don't have nearly as many outs as it looks like. He later told me he had KK with the Kh, meaning I had 6 outs, and not 15. Good fold. The rush is over, but I'm back to having a reasonable stack, in the $400ish range.

I play for another hour or so, and finally leave a bit after 3 with..... $602, for a sweet $2 profit! The Main Event was still going on when I left, so it looks like I can expect to be playing until about 3:30 AM Sunday night, give or take.

BTW - 2Tone left an $11 winner and fungusboy was up when I left him, so hopefully he had a nice session.

Ok, that was a long update.... More later. No poker or alcohol for me today, so don't expect anything too exciting from me. Tomorrow is the big day!!!

Brijac 07-29-06 03:57 PM

Wish I Was There...
Sitting here at work at 4pm on a Saturday, I am daydreaming about watching you kick ass tomorrow. Good Luck!

BrianSwa 07-29-06 05:07 PM

great updates, thanks for this and for last years updates Mark and gl dude. I might be there next year on vacation with family to watch you repeat :)

Talking Poker 07-30-06 03:32 AM

Time for today's update...

First, an addendum from yesterday: I forgot to tell you guys I bumped into Isabelle and we chatted for a few minutes. She's playing on Monday and was headed to "the mountains" today, to get away from everything for a bit. I told her to drink lots of water. :)

I played online for about an hour today, four tabling $2/$4 NL at Full Tilt - Four tabling on my laptop is not particularly fun, btw. I needed to play one more day (earning 200+ points) this month to qualify for their Gold freeroll next month, so I figured I'd get that out of the way today. After some sick hands, I ended up down a bit, but no worries. At one point, I flopped a set of 7s on one table and trip 9s on another. The set ended up losing to a flush and the trip 9s lost to the oh so annoying bigger full house, when the board paired the overcard (99T flop), which my opponent was naturally holding (AT). Ah yes, I do love the three outers.

Anyhoo, back to Vegas. The first thing I did today was go out and buy some new shoes. I got a pair of Merells that I really like. I had never even heard of them, but they are apparently very popular. They are sneaker style shoes, but made for hiking, which I fairly often back home. They are waterproof and also designed to keep your feet cool... they fit me better and cost less than all the other brands I tried on, so I'll be wearing these for duration of the Main Event. Comfortable shoes are a MUST.

After my big shopping spree, I headed down to the Rio and once again missed Zybomb, even though he was there. Dude's avoiding me, me thinks. In the UB VIP Suite, I got to talking to Krazy Kanuck (one of the UB Pros) for a minute... just small talk about when we each play (both tomorrow), etc. Anyhoo, it turns out his girlfriend Monica (I met her in Aruba and the Bahamas) won the $1000 tourney at the Bellagio last night! Well, she was part of the final chop anyway, pocketing over $37k. Nice! As I was congratulating her, Phil Hellmuth came over and hander her a pile of casino chips. I guess she's playing so good lately that he wanted to buy 20% of her. That's got to be pretty flattering. She won her way in on UB after winning an $11 qualifier to a super satellite. Well done!

They had the Amazon room (that's the name of the HUGE room where 2200+ people play poker) closed off to spectators today... well, sort of. You could get in if you waited in a huge line - no thanks. I walked to the front, told them I was going to play in a cash game, and got right in. I went to put my name on the list (even though I didn't know if I'd actually stick around and wait to get called), and instead of writing my name down, the girl with the pen pointed me to a table a few feet away. FINE - I'll play. No sooner did I buy in for $500 than did the Main Event players go on break. Steve (aka stolz in this forum) called me and told me where he was going to eat. I finished the orbit and left to join him and Linda for a while. I wasn't planning on eating, but Linda INSISTED (and I'm not even kidding) that I eat half of her sandwich and a bunch of her fries while Steve was telling me all about his day. These are seriously two of the coolest, nicest people I have ever met.

I stuck around for 45 minutes or so and then headed back to my cash game. No huge hands today, good or bad... I did miss one monster draw for a big pot, but I also got paid off when I was holding a nut flush with a five card straight on the board. Don't you just love when your opponent leads out at the river when you are holding the nuts? I actually did a little acting before raising his $50 bet to $150, and sure enough, he paid me off. I didn't play all that long, because I wanted to get out of there early and get a really good night's sleep tonight. I finished the session up $30. Ohhh - look at me go! First 2 bucks and now 30! I'm a machine.

I guess that's about it for today's update. I'm just getting caught up online right now, and then it's off to bed. As everyone knows by now, I start playing tomorrow at 12:00 (3 PM ET). I won my seat back in NOVEMBER of 2005, and all the waiting is finally over. I'll be text messaging Robbie Robb with updates throughout the day (mostly just chip counts as my stack changes significantly), and he'll be posting them here. Based on the number of people who will be playing, I highly doubt CardPlayer will be running my chips counts, but you never know... if I end up at a table with a big name player, you may see my name there, but otherwise, I'm thinking the updates from RR will be about it.

I'm not setting any specific goals for myself tomorrow, other than to play he absolute best poker I can play. And for what it's worth, I am totally ready. I'm feeling really good, which is very important going into a big tourney like this. Of course, even when you are feeling good, you can have a bad day (see Hellmuth today), but that's beyond your control.

Anyway, I know I just said I didn't have any specific goals for tomorrow, but I guess I do have one: I want to survive and make it to Day 2. I'd like to have about 45k chips at the end of the day, but that's not a "goal" - just something I'd be pretty happy with.

Penguinfan 07-30-06 07:21 AM

I like the idea of not having a chip count goal, screw that. I have heard a few people say they want xxx amount to start day two or it's not worth it, BS.

Play EVERY hand the best you can, doesn't matter if you come back from 2000 chips or if you chip up to 100,000 the first day, as long as you have them all in the end. Obviously the 100K stack makes it easier but I guess I'm saying don't let a goal of 50K dictate your play at the beginning.

I don't know if you'll see this before you play today or not TP, but best wishes, I'm honestly rooting for you hard!

Robbie Robb 07-30-06 08:20 AM

Well, hey, look at this way - with the $32 you're up from the cash games, you can now cover the juice on the ATM withdrawl!

Penguinfan 07-30-06 09:22 AM


melioris 07-30-06 09:39 AM

TP-best of luck. I ain't going to offer any advice, just good luck.

PS-Merells are nice comfy shoes, well done. But if you have time, try to pick up a pair of. They are ugly as sin, but the most comfy shoes/sandals out there.

Robbr25 07-30-06 12:20 PM

Good Luck today TP !!

Talking Poker 07-30-06 01:36 PM

Yeah, that ridiculous - the "it's not worth it" part. What, if you only have 5 BBs, it's not worth getting up and going to the Rio for a shot at $10 million??? On what is basically (at this point) a freeroll for you, since you've already paid?

Specific chip goals are fine, so long as you don't let them dictate your play. And since it's not really a goal if you don't work towards it, I agree that they are a bad idea. But I'll say again I'd liketo have 45k at the end of the day! :thumbsup:

BTW, not this this will matter for anyone unless you are here in Vegas, but I will be at Table 56, Seat 8. I've scoped out the table, of course. I like the 8 seat on a table, but this one will have my back to the rail - not my first choice of where to be (people standing behind me, more body heat, etc), but I'll deal with it.

Time to get ready. Catch ya on the flop side of Day 1.

left68wing 07-30-06 01:39 PM

Good Luck!:thumbsup:

MathBabe 07-30-06 01:53 PM

I didn't get this posted in time for you to see it... but MadDog, the boy and I are all watching eagerly for updates! Best of luck to you...

MathBabe and Co.

Hawt 07-30-06 01:55 PM

Good luck man, I'm rooting for you.

Talking Poker 07-30-06 01:56 PM

Actualy, yes you did. I'm on my way out right now, and I am READY.

Here's hoping for some good luck, or at least, very little BAD luck.

Aequitas58 07-30-06 02:00 PM

Hit some sets for me. :)


Robbie Robb 07-30-06 02:18 PM

I'm supposedly all over the updates. As soon as Mark sends me a message, I'll get it posted here.

Mind you, I *probably* (read: no way in hell am I doing this with a baby that gets up at 7am) will NOT be staying up until the end of the day. That would be about 6:30am my time... I will stay up as late as possible though to keep the updates coming in!

Robbr25 07-30-06 02:23 PM

Aww, come on, where is your dedication to the TP ? lol
(I am sure I will only be reading until midnight EST anyhey)

Robbie Robb 07-30-06 03:15 PM

And the first updates are in!
Mark's sent through the first updates. First off, he's hot wearing a sweatshirt. (my comment: hot? in a room with 8000 people??? go figure! :))

He also said that he has no big names at his table but there is one other at the table that he has played with before.

He also mentioned that one guy is out already - first hand. He didn't specify whether it was his table or another though.

Mark won blinds second hand.

left68wing 07-30-06 03:21 PM

Robert Burton Eliminates the First Player on Day 1c
No Limit Hold'em Main Event
Jul 30, 2006 / 15:19:38 EDT
After a flop of J43, a player was all in against Robert Burton. They showed:

Robert Burton JJ
Opponent 33

The last two cards were 79, and Burton's opponent was eliminated in a set-over-set situation. Robert Burton can also claim to be one of the early chip leaders.

Tony Cheval 07-30-06 03:21 PM

30 down, 86 million to go? :D

Penguinfan 07-30-06 03:26 PM

I'll be up most of the night tonight, if you want to pass the update baton to me around midnight I should be able to take over.

Robbie Robb 07-30-06 03:38 PM

At the moment it does appear that CardPlayer is tracking Mark as well. His chip stack is appearing in their list!

Robbie Robb 07-30-06 03:48 PM

Mark's chipstack: 9600 (from Mark - not CP)

melioris 07-30-06 03:58 PM

Isn't your kid around 8 months or so? How and the hell are you getting him/her to sleep that late?

6:00 is sleeping-in for my kids.

Robbie Robb 07-30-06 04:01 PM

He's 11 months. He usually goes to bed between 8:30pm-9:00pm and USUALLY sleeps through until at least 7am - sometimes 8am. Once in a while he's up at 6 though...

Nikita 07-30-06 04:07 PM

I also think it helps that Rob and I are night owls, so it's sure to be in his genes as well.

melioris 07-30-06 04:09 PM

Ah, I put mine to bed at 7, so we are on the other sides of the sleep trade-off.

threadjack over

GO TP!!!

Quint 07-30-06 04:15 PM

live poker is rigged
post moved to proper thread. carry on.

Robbie Robb 07-30-06 04:20 PM

Mark's back up to 10K in chips and there was a hand at the table that CardPlayer watched that he wasn't involved in: KK vs QQ all-in on the flop. The board shows a straight and the two players choppie-choppie.

He also says he's feeling good at the table and is now comfy.

Robbie Robb 07-30-06 04:56 PM

Back to 9600. Not much to report. He's playing tight. The player in seat 4 is getting a bit frisky so Mark's hoping to snap him off later when seat 4 has an overpair.

Robbie Robb 07-30-06 05:11 PM

Latest update: down to 9025 now in chips. Missed a big draw hand just before break. No worries though.

Robbie Robb 07-30-06 06:07 PM

Starting to get a bit frustrated. Completely card dead. AJ is the best hand he's had all day. Biggest PP was 33 UTG. 8525 now. It's all good.

Robbie Robb 07-30-06 06:19 PM

"I've won exactly 2 hands and one was blinds on 2nd hand. 8375."

ChipFish 07-30-06 06:24 PM

Better Text him back quick and let him know the blinds are only 50/100 right now.
So last time I checked, he still has 80+Big blinds.

If he starts getting frustrated (which apparently is happening) he won't make it to day 2

ChipFish 07-30-06 06:28 PM

Avg Stack according to Cardplayer : Not quite 11000 chips.
Tell him to go for a smoke. (2182 of 2200 left)

left68wing 07-30-06 06:30 PM

there is no way that is right, 18 people out in 3 hours. no way

Robbie Robb 07-30-06 06:33 PM

Finally! AA in BB. Raised 2 limpers to 500. Both called. 900 bet took it down on ragged flop.

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