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Talking Poker 12-05-05 12:19 AM

$50 SURPRISE Contest....
That's right, people - We're having a $50 contest right now, and none of you suckers even knew about it! :eek:

Everyone reading this is, in theory, eligible to win. Now for the fun part:

-Only I know the rules.
-Only I know when it ends.

Feel free to speculate all you want, but you're not going to get a peep out of me until I announce the winner. And while I could announce the winner at any time, I highly doubt it will be in the next few days. Then again, you never know. Sometimes this place is crazy like that and surprises even me!

Best... contest... ever!!!

Good luck everyone. :D

Talking Poker 12-05-05 12:20 AM

Seriously now.... is this the coolest forum on the net, or what???


Reel Deal 12-05-05 12:23 AM

Oooo, I know...

The contest is an open auction with the highest bidder winning the right to come out to Vegas and rail you in the WSOP Main Event (wearing TP gear, of course)!!

JDMcNugent7 12-05-05 12:23 AM

HELL YA!!!!!!!
so did i win ? :rolleyes:

Talking Poker 12-05-05 12:28 AM

Let me check.

Nope - not yet!

Talking Poker 12-05-05 12:30 AM

No auctioning involved. And no, the prize is fifty bucks.

Sheesh! :D

Hawt 12-05-05 06:59 AM

I'm excited.

Nikita 12-05-05 07:18 AM

Damn, TP, I didn't realize you were this funny. :)

Cool idea. Can't wait to find out more.

S2peck02 12-05-05 07:33 AM

i sware this forum gets better and better each day....a 50 bucks that sum1 is going to win...and they wont even know how? haha wow TP is a GENIUS

Hawt 12-05-05 07:51 AM

My guess is that the winner of this contest is the one who put an end to the that TP hates and wants to die. (Note how this contest came about roughly 6 hours after he posted that he wanted that thread to die.)

Well, no worries, I put an to that thread with a quick google of the terms "poker hand nicknames".

Stars Account: Hawtness.


jimmym 12-05-05 08:22 AM

Columbo, I may not be .

But I was thinking the same as Hawt, then I read his post and thought "no way can 2 people be so stupid" so his thought is all is and atleast its only 1 of us thats stupid.

Now a free $50 is massive and what I find suprising is the lack of comments from are begging side of the forum, you know them guys asking for a dollar and promissing a 1000, So I have worked out what TP is looking for, infact it is so easy that its verging on genius here goes.


Well thats it folks, I guess the comps now over. Just incase am wrong ( :eek: ) Perhaps TP is judging it on best info given to forum members so if thats the case I submit this.

Again pure clas................Now am of too spent $50...........perhaps a new hat?????

Hawt 12-05-05 08:27 AM

Haha Jimmy, I think you may be on to something with asking for it. It's so simple! I can't believe I didn't think of that one!

jimmym 12-05-05 08:34 AM

Its always the easy option....Now thread closed.....mmmmmmmmmmm what can I buy for 50,,I like the new hat option or should I buy some socks...

rookette22 12-05-05 10:02 AM

Contest is for all those who............" have logged into this forum, everyday, no matter what;since they arrived; right? "

Hey, I've logged in everyday, no matter how busy my schedule was; and even deleted all my cookies when you had your downtime lol ........weeeeeeeee! I win right? lol ...sooooooo where da money at? lmao

Talking Poker 12-05-05 12:30 PM

I love the guesses, but alas, you are all wrong.

Oh, and nice job disqualifying yourself by begging for $, jimmym!

Ok, I'm kidding, but you have to admit that's funny. :D

jimmym 12-05-05 12:46 PM

Just pass over the 50 TP or I will send the boys round. :eek:

You see I have guessed that TP is waiting for someone to argue with its logical ;)

Talking Poker 12-05-05 12:51 PM

Too funny. Nope.

And I don't think I should continue to say if people are right or wrong in their all-over-the-place guesses. I think I should just announce the winner when we have one.

Wait... let me consult the rules. Ah, yes. I am indeed allow to tell you when your guesses are incorrect, but with "my own discretion." So yeah, I may have to cut back on that a bit. I prefer leaving this as mysterious as possible.

BrianSwa 12-05-05 12:52 PM

i know

I goes to the person that can get banned the a shoe in with this contest.

jimmym 12-05-05 12:56 PM

Dont you all agree that TP is beautifull and the best poker player in the world ;)

BrianSwa 12-05-05 12:57 PM



rookette22 12-05-05 12:58 PM

How about kewlest avatar in here?
Btw....mine's pretty kewl don't ya think ? ;)

BrianSwa 12-05-05 12:58 PM


that would go to tilter hands down.

MAYHEM45 12-05-05 12:59 PM

/me for ripping it off for a month. :D

rookette22 12-05-05 01:05 PM

hmm ... trying the 'suckin up technique' I see huh ? lol
Don't think it'll work on TP though; but just in case I'm wrong ....

"Yeah! TP is the kewlest by far ;) "

Talking Poker 12-05-05 01:06 PM

I do like your avatar. Do you have a bigger pic of it? I can't quite make out the word written across the bottom.

And Brian is right - Tilter has the best avatar.

rookette22 12-05-05 01:10 PM

Yes I do have a bigger pic of it.
I uploaded it on ImageShack so as not to waste space on here.

And I was just kidding about... my having the best avatar.

kmb13592 12-05-05 03:13 PM

I'm pretty sure i'm the winner.

Am I right?

Zybomb 12-05-05 03:18 PM

:confused: :cool: .

S2peck02 12-05-05 03:35 PM

is it when sum1 does sumthing that they get the 50 or r u just giving it to someone? lol i think you should just give it to someone who really needs it

(Im not saying that to sound like you should give it to me)

Talking Poker 12-05-05 03:43 PM

Thanks for your input. When you run a $50 contest with your money, you can set the rules up however you like. In the mean time though.......... we play by my rules.

Which again, only I know.

S2peck02 12-05-05 03:45 PM

haha i no i was just trying 2 be nice but ya i cant wait to see what the winner has 2 do

jimmym 12-05-05 03:57 PM

Columbo,,my son, what are you doing sitting infront of that pc.

Well it goes like this, TP is giving away $50 in a comp, problem is no one knows how to win.

Columbo, looks around scratching his head !!!!! One more question sir.

The first person who posts in this thread on the 50 post wins the $50, you Columbo are great...

Columbo sits back in his chair, lites his cigar and smiles to himself "I am a genius"

BrianSwa 12-05-05 04:10 PM


if thats true TP wins since he posted 1st after offer was up, good job TP you win 50 bucks from TP.

jimmym 12-05-05 04:23 PM

Columbo sits back in his chair, lites his cigar and smiles to himself "I am a genius"

if thats true TP wins since he posted 1st after offer was up, good job TP you win 50 bucks from TP. says Brian

Columbo, slowly takes a puff from the unlit cigar, which is so wet from salva that he can not lite it.

Brian, turns to leaves the room......One more question..

Brian turns to face the genius.

What the hell are you talking about...asks Columbo

Brian stands in the doorway ....OPENMOUTHED.....

wdson01 12-05-05 04:51 PM

^^^^ WTFF??? :cool: :)

BrianSwa 12-05-05 04:58 PM


you really starting to worry me now.

jimmym 12-05-05 05:13 PM

Brian stands in the doorway ....OPENMOUTHED.....

you really starting to worry me now. he says to columbo.

Columbo, now knows he has his man,,,,he smiles :) .............Its too late Brian,,,,its too late....he says.

TP has reached the final frontier,,,hes boldly gone were NO man has gone before.

Columbo knows hes right, and looks down at his watch!!!!!!!!!BEAM ME UP SCOTTY,,,BEAM ME UP, he shouts......with that Columbo dissapears into space were no man has gone before.

Brian rocks back as if being hit by sledgehammer,,,,he looks at nothing :eek: . and then says to himself "THAT MAN WAS RIGHT,,,THAT MAN WAS SURE RIGHT,,,DAMN YOU TP, DAMN YOU"

With that brian leaves the room knowing that the possability of him ever winning TPs $50 has gone forever... :confused: :confused: :confused:

Robbr25 12-05-05 06:01 PM

The repeat of when you were on TV at the 2005 WSOP was on ESPN2 around the time you posted this Thread.

BrianSwa 12-05-05 06:10 PM


Tp's event where he final tables wasnt televised.

Robbr25 12-05-05 06:10 PM

Not his event, when he was on TV. In the background.

X-Longshot-X 12-05-05 06:14 PM

I think that i know what itt may be, but i will keep it to myself as i actually may be correct in my guessing and wouldnt want anyone to get a head start....

jimmym 12-05-05 06:15 PM

Well thats gonna work :rolleyes:

Favre[4] 12-05-05 06:30 PM

Too lazy to read what everyone has posted so far so whats going on so far? Anyone win?

PShabi 12-05-05 06:36 PM

You did.

Talking Poker 12-05-05 06:37 PM

That narrows it down to about 6 episodes from this year :)

Talking Poker 12-05-05 06:38 PM

Lazy people who don't read what's going on almost never win.

As for jimmy's theory that went over Brian's head..... it is an interesting one, that's for sure. I will neither confirm nor deny it. I guess only time will tell.

rookette22 12-05-05 06:41 PM

HINT! lol

hmm You think it's easy enough for a n00b like me to guess it? :rolleyes:

jimmym 12-05-05 06:42 PM


jimmym 12-05-05 06:42 PM


jimmym 12-05-05 06:43 PM

50 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

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