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xfreak 04-02-06 01:25 AM

Hey, are we allowed to advertise chip buying/selling websites here? Because i would like to advertise mine :D

Talking Poker 04-02-06 01:36 AM

Sure. I'll move this thread to the SPAM section for you. Advertise away.

xfreak 04-02-06 03:11 AM

Alright thanks.
Well, I created a pokerstars play money selling/buying site called
. I literally just made it last week. So resources may be low. It is great service and very legit.

slaughter9 04-02-06 03:15 AM

That's cool, it's a good looking website, well done. Well, I was wondering, it's a bit late, but would you mind if I sold 1 mill right now? I can talk to you in live chat.

slaughter9 04-02-06 03:30 AM

Thanks for the deal xfreak, I love your prices, and you were nice and fast. Thanks again. I just want to let everyone know how great of a site that is, thanks .

Talking Poker 04-02-06 10:20 AM

Well, I guess this ageless question has FINALLY been answered!

A: To make money.

Talking Poker 04-02-06 10:24 AM

BTW, in case anyone was wondering, yes, slaughter and xfreak do appear to be the same person (shocking, I know).

So, which account do you want to keep and which one do you want merged into it? Or should I just ban them both for this little semi-scam of yours, where you pretend to have a conversation with yourself? Very few things annoy me more around here.

Because you were nice and ASKED about posting this thread first, you get a second chance if you come clean.

bunny 04-02-06 10:57 AM

As I read their posts, I too realized they were one in the same.

I'd ban them, pronto.

No need having scammers like him around here. Innocent people might fall for this buy/sell playchips scam site of theirs. (for some reason Hewong comes to mind). We're looking out for you, Hewong ;) and all others like Hewong.

Ding Dong....I HAVE AN IDEA! .... How about we create a site(link, thread, or something to attach to this forum) for this forum.

A buy/sell playchip site. Something really legit. You'd get loads of new active members. (Just throwing a few ideas out...right now. )

I want to be a big part of it, by the way. My idea....Hmm... Maybe I should copyright it or patent it? What do you think Eejit? lol

All jokes aside...I'm really serious about this TP. Think about it, before you say no.

CardSharp 04-02-06 11:05 AM

Bunny has a good idea going. Theres lots of money to be made buying/selling chips. If only I had enough money in my stars acount I'd be into the chip selling racket myself.

bunny 04-02-06 11:12 AM

I have a good list of buyers and sellers. I am one myself from time to time. Have no playchips at the moment. I've been too busy bonus whoring, that I haven't had time to play for funny money.

Do you have any play chips Card? I'll buy some from you, if you do. If you don't, go make some and then come see me.

Talking Poker 04-02-06 04:55 PM

I'm not really interested. Not worth my time, IMO. If I was going to set that all up, I'd set up a site to buy/sell $W/$T instead. MUCH more money to be made there...

Of course, there are already sites doing just that. In fact, I nearly bought one of them a couple of years ago. Decided against it, because even though I knew I'd make a fortune, I just didn't have the time.

But if you think it's a good idea, and don't mind competing with what's already out there... go for it. The worst you can do is fail and lose nothing but your time.

As for the banning, I'll give him/them a chance to explain himself/themselves and apologize before putting my banning boot on. Their IP addresses weren't EXACTLY the same, btw... but certainly close enough that in conjunction with this second guy's FIRST TWO POSTS being in this thread, it seems VERY suspect.

eejit101 04-02-06 04:55 PM

why do people but them!!!!! I still dont get it. Who not play penny games instead of buying $1million of play money.

And making a play money buying website? Hmmm, doesnt seem worth the effort IMO.

And why is their site a scam? I understand the double posting, which is just daft. But why isnt it legit?

eejit101 04-02-06 04:57 PM

TP, can u PM me with a few details on the above, its something ive been interested in doing, and im wondering how to get set up, or if to buy one already made. And exactly how much money there is to be amde IYO.

Thanx man if u do

xfreak 04-02-06 04:58 PM

If you guys were wondering, me and slaughter own that site. He was just saying that to try and get other people to the site. We do not scam people, and no we are not the same person.

Talking Poker 04-02-06 04:59 PM

I swear to you, if you recreate here, I will hunt you down and kick you square in the nuts. Don't even ask, ok? Obviously there is a market for this, whether you are interested or not. I don't understand why people buy and sell Pork Futures, but they do. And wherever you can find a buyer and a seller, there is money to be made. Facts is facts.

And I agree, btw, that the double posting is shady, but not necessarily scammy. Definite red flag though.

Talking Poker 04-02-06 05:00 PM

Different people, but from the same town, yes? Surely you see how your little charade above (the fake transaction and happy customer) is a little shady, right?

Thanks for coming clean. No bannings for now.

xfreak 04-02-06 05:02 PM

I am sorry for any confusion. We live in the same city therefore that could be why our IP's are close to the same. We are very legit though and different people. But I just came here to advertise our site here because it is not allowed on pokerstars. I can see how it was shady though

bunny 04-02-06 05:08 PM

I honestly don't know if it's legit or not. I was just saying, if they're willing to "act this scam" out here, then their site might be just another act.

As for the buying aspect....

Look at it this way. Are you willing to spend $100 for a concert ticket or $20 on a movie ticket? Those are both enjoyable events, right? Well for some, playing with funny money is also enjoyable.

bunny 04-02-06 05:12 PM

Alright. Do you mind if I set up shop here for awhile?

Xfreak: would you need an extra hand with that little site of yours? And no funny business. This better be legit or else I'm going to hunt you down and ........

Talking Poker 04-02-06 05:15 PM

Ummmmmmm........ depends, I guess. You need to play by the same rules as everyone else. If you want to start a SPAM thread linking to your site like xfreak did, go for it.

But no, you can not start dozens of different threads and work out the deals here, etc. That adds no value for the forum. And don't say that it will bring new people here, because while that may be true, TYPICALLY (certainly not always) play money players don't add much to the forum, and they certainly don't help pay the bills.

xfreak 04-02-06 05:16 PM


what do u mean an extra hand?

bunny 04-02-06 05:20 PM


Talking Poker 04-02-06 05:23 PM

Does anyone else find this to be about the most absurd statement you have ever read?

bunny - if you are playing for real money, and presumably winning (including your bonii, whore), why in the world would you want to play for play money? I can not think of a single logical reason (and no, I'm not trying top recreate that annoying thread).

Typically, poker players progress along a scale something like this (starting anywhere along the way and sometimes moving back a level after struggling at the next level up):
Play money --> Micro Limits --> Low Limits --> Mid Limits ---> High Limits --> The Big Game

I have never, ever, ever heard of anyone doing this:
{Any real money limit - micro, low, whatever} --> Play Money


bunny 04-02-06 05:30 PM

I'll go wherever there's money to be made, whether it be real money bonus hopping or play chips sales. If there's money to be made....I'm there.

edit: And you of all people should know that when I set my mind to do something profitable....I get the job done. ;)

I just ran across someone giving up the business and I decided (TODAY) to take over it. :D

Had 0 playchips in the bank. I asked some guy to loan me some and he just dropped 1,000,000 in my account. So I'm good to go. lol (I guess you all chose the right pic to display, afterall ;) )

bunny 04-02-06 06:01 PM

How about one sticky thread in SPAM section?

Most of us were play money players when we started. I doubt it everyone had a bankroll and started out playing real money right off.

By bringing play money players into your forum, they'd be impressed and eager to become real money players, just by reading all the good posts and advice. Most play chip players want to venture into money playing but just can't afford to.

edit: I'd also like to point out that many people sell their play chips in order to play at the real money tables.

xfreak 04-08-06 12:17 AM

Well, if anyone is looking to sell or buy some chips,

is the place to do it.

eejit101 04-08-06 01:23 AM

Sorry TP, had to comment

bunny 04-08-06 01:37 AM

My reply in red.

I'll go wherever there's money to be made, whether it be real money bonus hopping or play chips sales. If there's money to be made....I'm there. Im sorry, but spending days making 1,000,000 play money for chips to sell for $9 isnt making moneyDays? What days? I spend time with friends at the play chip tables while playing at many other poker sites. And never said I sold for $9.

edit: And you of all people should know that when I set my mind to do something profitable....I get the job done. I have no idea about this, suggests otherwise This was a comment for TalkingPoker. He needed referrals to his affiliate program at Party poker and while none of you gave him any new members, I did. Guess that's not even appreciated now.

I just ran across someone giving up the business and I decided (TODAY) to take over it. Whose business, i havent seen a link What link? The guy was giving up the buy/sell business and gave me his clientele list.

Had 0 playchips in the bank. I asked some guy to loan me some and he just dropped 1,000,000 in my account. So I'm good to go. lol Im sure

(I guess you all chose the right pic to display, afterall )

The above bracket comment is possibly the vainest thing vie ever seen on here. I dont care what you look like if i send you money, and i certainly dont believe if i ran into someone that looked like Shannon Elizabeth in their avatar, which can easily be someone else, online and she asked me for money, id in any way say yes.Now funny you should mention that. Seeing as you've been hitting on me ever since I came on here. And you've asked me twice to back you and loan you some money, and I have...both times infact. I guess this is your way of saying thanks? :confused:

I've never asked you for money, but you've asked me plenty of times. Don't bother asking me to back you anymore.

One more thing. For all of you to know about this guy. He needed backing last night, made a deal with me asking me to loan him $11 to join a tourney and he'd send me $15. I never received $15 from him as per the deal. He did however send me $11.

eejit101 04-08-06 02:42 AM

""Now funny you should mention that. Seeing as you've been hitting on me ever since I came on here.

I've never asked you for money, but you've asked me plenty of times. Don't bother asking me to back you anymore.

One more thing. For all of you to know about this guy. He needed backing last night, made a deal with me asking me to loan him $11 to join a tourney and he'd send me $15. I never received $15 from him as per the deal. He did however send me $11.""


I have never "hit" on anyone online. I may have commented on your looks with TP and AEQ on that private table, but thats about it.

You offered to send me the $11 for the TP HU thing, i send it back.

I did say id send u $15, I have sent you $11 as i brok even. I owe you $4.

Ive asked you ONCE. ONCE EVER. when you said yes, and i sent it back. U offered the first time. I asked u the second time, u said happily yes as i sent it back the first time.

And i was only asking about your profitability as ive never heard anything of you owning a site, it was mroe of a request for a link was that accusing you.

Soorry for the misconfuion, but dont lie bunny

ChipFish 04-08-06 03:09 AM

Why not "SELL" some "Advertising" space to Bunny TP?

eejit101 04-08-06 03:10 AM

OK, after rereading this it may appear i am a total fuck.

Id like to clarify my views please.

1. I in no way meant to upset bunny, without meaning to make excuses, im tired, ive covered a 12 hour barshift cos im broke, staff drinks after, you know how it goes;) I believe you if u say you sell play chips now, congrats for the extra income, but i thought the average selling price for $1million was $9ush, and why someone would give you $9 of money for nothing is beyond me.

2.I did accept $11 from you twice, once for the TPHU thingymajig, which i sent back after the best ring game in my life, the other last night for a tourney which i then sent back instantly again after breaking even. Yes i owe you $4 as i said id give u $4 extra, which i will.

3. I have just been sacked. I know before anyone says anything i shouldnt be playing, and looking for a job. But the problem i have, which i hope you will sympathize with, is i dont drive. I live on Wales, not the best place for new jobs, and i dont drive, cos ive never needed to working for a cab firm. I cant get a decent paid job, and as im suing i need to be in till when the people who i need to phone me phone. Ive had to take offline any money i had recently, i do have a cashout pending of $500 which i will keep online, but home comes first. I need to pay bills. This in turn affects my playing of poker, as im home all day theres not much else to do, so i guess being fired and playing poker dont mix, damn 24/7 poker sites

4. The one thing i will defend is the vain coment. I like all the people on this forum. Your all great and make this a great place. I can take the constant swearing from shabs, the sarcasm from TP and Aeq, and everything else that goes on. I just hate vainness. I know your attractive, everyone does. but the whole Pshabi infactuation and you basically telling us your damn attractive, got a bit out of hand. Im sorry if this is taken the wrong way by anyone.

5. Bunny, your a great person, i misunderstood half of what you typed looking back, you did do well to get TP some moeny for his party thing, as i know from you asking me to help you out:D

One question, if u make money being a whore, and by that i mean bonus whore, why do u still play play money tables? If you are making alot of money we all dont know about then im daft for asking, but i was just curious as to someone who has stepped up to what is now 1/2 Fixed Limit as far as i can make out, and who is asking question on real money FL all the time, and figuring out where you have gone wrong, why do u play?

Thanx for reading.

If anyone has a problem, or if your still offended by this bunny, i dont know what else to say.

I guess i shouldnt have posted in the first place.

bunny 04-08-06 12:17 PM

Just so you know, I'm not upset that you typed up your thoughts. Most of it is all crap, anyway, but you're allowed to have your opinion of me, as I am of you.

1. I never said I sell chips, I said I have the opportunity to start. Too busy with other bonus offers right now to be bothered about it though. And I'm not a good play chip poker player. I'm not about to reveal to you how much people are willing to pay for their chips. None of your business, really.

4. Not conceited (never felt as if I was better than anyone else). Not insecure about myself, either. Make of that, what you wish. I don't really care.

5. Yes, I recall my asking you for help and you telling me how broke you are. Good thing I didn't take you up on that bonus offer you kept messaging, emailing and pming me about, day after day. Doesn't look as if your profiting from it. I do my homework, maybe you should talk to TP about some good (profiting) offers.

In answer to your last question....Bonus? You'd need to clear them by playing real money tables, no?. :confused: The better poker player (profiting ofcourse) I become, the more money I can make with the bonus offers.

In the month I've been here at this forum and with TalkingPoker's bonus offers alone..... I've made close to ............
(none of your business) amount of money. TP knows.

As for the Sharkscope site....Stars isn't the only Poker site I play on. And I lost 2 accounts prior to this one. But still....none of your business.

eejit101 04-08-06 01:16 PM

Huh? The 40-50% rakeback?

I dont have any money to be playing there. I have no job remember. Ive got $500 coming tomorrow as far as i know, thats it till i sort a job out

xfreak 04-09-06 08:56 PM

Hey bunny, PM me.

Talking Poker 04-09-06 11:26 PM

Wouldn't a better way of getting a message to bunny be to, you know, PM her? Rather than to make a post that hopefully she will see so she can PM you and ask what you want so you can then.... PM her?

I think this thread of yours has gotten PLENTY of extra exposure thanks to all the drama, so no need to force it any more, ok?

Let's just let this die.

SirFWALGMan 04-11-06 11:33 AM

At least it was amusing.. like immediatly someone sells 1MIL chips and has such a good experience, I bought it right away and was going to get the play chips I had in the sock under my bed and sell them... lucky TP figured things out!

slaughter9 04-27-06 06:17 PM

, check it out. sorry for all confusion.

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