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ashmc2 04-30-06 12:20 PM

I started a blog also
OK, I started my own blog. It is a work in progress. I don’t even have any links yet. (That’s because my dumb ass can’t figure out how to put links on my blog.)

Van_Broke 04-30-06 12:26 PM

Nice intro anyway. Just curious ashmc2, when do you plan on moving up to $100 NL in terms of bankroll?

Nikita 04-30-06 12:31 PM

Great blog. I've got you linked on mine already. :)

Robbie Robb 04-30-06 12:35 PM

Look for this section:

and copy and paste the following right after it:
There should be a closing bracket for the UL tag right after the links.

And, if you want to include the 120x60 image in your sidebar, include the following code in that section somewhere. I put mine immediately below the links (after the closing UL tag):

If you run into any problems, just ask. Oh, some of those links you may not necessarily want to have there. The Loving & Loathing poker is another poker blogger that frequents the WWdN tourneys weekly. Pick and choose. Just delete the ones you don't want.

BrianSwa 04-30-06 12:43 PM

thanks for linking me Robb I plan on doing same thing for you later on when I get chance to. Im off next 2 days look for it then.

Robbie Robb 04-30-06 01:00 PM

No problemo. I'm trying to add links to everyone on here that has a blog that they update at least semi-regularly. (Ya hear that RD??? Update your freakin' blog and I'll add you to the list! :D You haven't updated since my birthday!)

BrianSwa 04-30-06 01:08 PM


your added, pretty easy once you get used to it, seemed much harder when I did it before. If anyone else wants to be added speak up and be happy to link you think i got most of them.

JDMcNugent7 04-30-06 01:12 PM

sweet RObb, ill add all u to mine too once i figure out how.

BrianSwa 04-30-06 01:14 PM


Just follow what robb eplained like 4 posts up, thats what I followed and took me less then 5 minutes. Even though I know time is money to you :thumbsup:

Talking Poker 04-30-06 01:22 PM

Any chance I could get you guys to change your Poker Stars links to the following:

That's my affiliate link. I suspect it will lead to 0 new players, but you never know. No sense in SOMEONE not getting credit for the referral, so it might as well be me, right? :)

Thanks much.

Nikita 04-30-06 01:23 PM

Feel free to link to me. I've already got a link to yours as well.

ashmc2 04-30-06 01:24 PM

I’m going to add all your links on my blog. Hope that’s ok with you guys. If not PM me and I’ll remove your’s.

Thanks anyways Rob, but I found the help me file.

I'm having fun Weeeee.:thumbsup:

Thanks all for the support. Weeeeee.:thumbsup:

Damn I'm a retard. wait for it. wait. Weeeeee.:thumbsup:

BrianSwa 04-30-06 01:27 PM


I saw yours in the info Robb sent but didnt upt 2+2 together to figure out it was yours but ill add it now.

added you and ashmc.

ashmc2 04-30-06 01:28 PM

I'm being a little bitch about it aren't I?

I don't honestly know. I just made all this cash in the last 2 months and I'm just starting to get comfortable playing the $50 NL tabs.

We'll just have to wait and see when my balls finally drop.:D

Nikita 04-30-06 01:30 PM

Ok, this post just deserves a link to this:

Robbie Robb 04-30-06 01:36 PM

Done and done. I've updated my blog as well as changed the code up above that I pasted in for everyone.

ashmc2 04-30-06 01:37 PM

Thank Rob
The cut and paste was a nice touch. Kept my slow-ass hunt and pecking to a minimum. thanks again.:)

eejit101 04-30-06 08:17 PM

I love how after all your split decisions on moving from 25 to 50, your goal is to play this "big time" in 200.


good luck

ashmc2 04-30-06 10:20 PM

Holy crap N1kita, that weeee clip was batshit crazy.

Thanks and I liked it. weeeee:thumbsup:

ashmc2 04-30-06 10:27 PM

Eejit that is what a goal is. Something that you must work hard to achieve. Right?

I realize that I harped on the decision to make the move up, but I did it. And with some hard word, experience, and a little balls,(And no, I'm not swaying I have little balls. I think one is actually slightly on the large side,) I will surmount this challenge.

OK, my self-imposed pep-talk is over. Rock on eejit. :thumbsup:

Plus it's nice to know that someone is reading and remembering all my posts - stalk much

ashmc2 05-03-06 03:02 PM

I wasn't sure where to put this
It is poker (blog) related, just not TPF related. So if it is in the wrong spot, consider me bitch-slapped *smack*, ouch, son-of-a. You guys sick of my catch-phrase yet. Too bad, especially you eejit.:D Just too bad.

I thought it would be cool to have a how many visits ticker in my blog's sidebar. Any one have one or can get me one? I'm still pretty new at this kind'a stuff. Shit, just got your links and the cool TP link on my site. TP link looks nice on there.

Thanks all.

Boobie Lover 05-03-06 03:16 PM

There are many stat counters that are free. I currently use , but I know others who use .

Talking Poker 05-03-06 03:22 PM

Rather than start yet another thread about your blog, I decided to merge this post into your old one.

I also merged a couple of your "Update" threads as well. They had the exact same subject line and everything...

ashmc2 05-03-06 05:39 PM

I feel some hate.

Just joking - sorry about being a thread starter. Son-of-a

ashmc2 05-03-06 06:16 PM

Thanks a lot Boobie. That is a nice addition to my blog. 2 thumbs up :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Talking Poker 05-03-06 10:52 PM

No worries, eej... err, ashmc2. It's all good.

eejit101 05-03-06 10:56 PM

id take offence, but im too bored.

Good job threading these all together, i was getting confused as to what the hell was going on.

And yes ashmc2, the son of a.... is pissing me off now:thumbsup:

ashmc2 05-03-06 11:29 PM

Hear Ye, Hear Ye
Eejit is confused, say it ain't so.:confused: Could happen, no way, no how. Anyone picking up the sarcasm.:confused::D

eejit101 05-04-06 12:21 AM

i think you make less sense to me than i do to the americans

Talking Poker 05-04-06 12:29 AM

Don't count on that one, champ. You'd made my head spin with your completely random comments countless times.

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