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Talking Poker 01-02-07 08:56 PM

Bahamas (WPT-PCA) 2007 - Official Updates Thread...
All right, here it is. This is the thread that I will be using for my updates from the Bahamas, like I did . Assuming Kurn and Boobie Lover (who seems to have disappeared) have internet access from Atlantis, I hope they will post their updates in this thread too.

I'm flying out on Thursday morning, and will hopefully have found Rich and Wes sometime before the Thursday night cocktail party is over (I have sweatshirts for both of you guys). :cheers:

I'll update this first post with any relevant links as I find them.


Zybomb 01-02-07 09:18 PM

Looking forward to it -- wish I was there

omahilo 01-02-07 09:20 PM

yeah good luck guys... hope you guys do well.

kkirk1329 01-02-07 09:48 PM

gl to you three.

Robbie Robb 01-02-07 11:26 PM

I read on Wes' blog that he was taking off early for the islands. I believe he's already down there.

eejit101 01-02-07 11:55 PM

yup, i think he is. Sure i read something about him flying yesterday.

Talking Poker 01-03-07 01:37 AM

Yeah, he had mentioned that to me before via PM. Do we have any idea what he looks like, or should I just go up to all the 19ish year old looking guys I see and ask them if they like Boobies until someone says yes???

Kurn 01-03-07 09:12 AM

I will not be bringing a computer to the tournament, so the TPF community will have to rely on for updates.

The MM $2.5M final starts at 11:00 EST on Saturday and 'Stars estimates we will reach the rfinal table at about 7:00 PM.

I will do my best to keep notes on key hands and overall outcomes from the tourney itself and any other side games and tournies I play during the week and post those when I get back home.

My flight gets into Nassau at 2:20 PM tomorrow, so I should be getting to the hotel by 3:30 or so.

Kurn 01-03-07 09:14 AM

Yeah, but when one of them says "no" and coyly smiles at you, then what are you going to do? :eek:

New Guy 01-03-07 11:38 AM

Come on guys, kick some ass down there! I really hope you all hit them big down there.We'll be watching here! I need to start playing in some of these satties to I'm dying to be getting ready to fly into the big touney!Anyhow win BIG

Talking Poker 01-03-07 12:46 PM

My start time is noon on Saturday, and I'm hoping to be playing all day long. I'll try to check in on you during breaks, depending on where your tourney is physically compared to mine. Your final table may be during my dinner break - so that would be cool.

I get in around around noon, so if I don't bump into you before 7, look for me at the cocktail party.

Kurn 01-03-07 12:59 PM

You shouldn't be too hard to spot from a distance, unless of course Phil Gordon, Phil Hellmuth and Huck Seed are in the way.

My info says we will be playing in the Coral Towers Grand Ballroom. Sounds awfully big for just 3 tables.

Talking Poker 01-03-07 01:02 PM

I'm pretty sure that's the main poker room where I will be too (that's where everything was last year), so that's great.

I can't wait. See you tomorrow.

Quint 01-03-07 01:16 PM

Good luck all. Play strong and suck out every chance you get!

Reel Deal 01-03-07 02:02 PM

Take 'er down boys!!

melioris 01-03-07 03:33 PM

Good luck!!!

X-Longshot-X 01-03-07 03:50 PM

Good Luck Guys!

juiCe[3x] 01-03-07 05:23 PM

Good Luck, I wish I could come. Hope you guys take it down!

Talking Poker 01-04-07 07:27 AM

I really hate being awake this early.

See you kids in the Bahamas.....................

GTDawg 01-04-07 09:31 AM're going to the fucking Bahamas. There's not a dry eye in the house. By all means, we can trade. I'll go to the Bahamas and you can hang out in Atlanta starting school on Monday.

Think all you want.

melioris 01-04-07 10:55 AM

Yeah seriously, man up TP.

Now I love my life and wouldn’t trade it with any of you all, but I am supposed to feel bad for a single guy that has to get up at 6am so he can fly to the Bahamas? Here is a typical morning over here that happens before 6am. My little guy gets up at 5am +/- 30mins, downs a big bottle, he and I hang out and shoot the breeze for 10 minutes or so and then he squeezes out his early morning dump. I change his diaper, toss him in bed with my wife, grab the dog and go for a run. Repeat daily.

So you can see my heart breaks for you. You got up early, dragged yourself to the airport, possibly downed a bloody mary (but probably didn’t take the double the booze for an extra $1) while maybe eating one of those big ass airport breakfasts, got on a plane, and crashed out for the flight.

Regardless, good luck to you all.

New Guy 01-04-07 11:51 AM

Is that daddy downs a big bottle of booze to get the day off?? LOL

Boobie Lover 01-04-07 02:05 PM

I've been gone in the Bahamas for the past week without a laptop/internet access, thus my absense. I am currently at the Atlantis, and will hope to see Kurn and TP while I am here. I'll be wearing a striped black/blue/white polo shirt. I'm about 5'8'' 180. I'll also be with my brother who is 6'3'' in a green shirt.

Best of luck to us all (but mostly me).

Zybomb 01-04-07 02:52 PM

LMAO -- great description

jillaj 01-04-07 05:02 PM

There is no way you won't find him with that type of description.

Zybomb 01-04-07 05:28 PM

Especially if neither him or his brother change their shirts the entire trip!

Tony Cheval 01-04-07 06:04 PM

Fashion Disaster.

Talking Poker 01-04-07 06:22 PM

I'm here. Actually, we've been here for hours, but I'm only now getting online since it's dark outside.

First - accept my apologies in advance for my typos. I don't type as well on this laptop, and I'm not going to be triple editing every post I make.

The one hour drive from my house to the Orlando airport is longer than the airtime for the flight from Orlando to here. That's cool. No time for sleeping though... Girlfriend was all nervous and stuff (she doesn't fly much).

We got a cab ride from the airport to Atlantis, and were checked in and were in our room by 1:00. That's good stuff. We immediately headed out for lunch and a walk around the property, came back to the room for a little rest, and then went back out again. The cocktail party starts in about 45 minutes, so I need to get cleaned up and go find myself some Kurn and Boobie Lovers (I assume his brother loves boobies too).

Of course, the A/C is broken in this room, and the tv isn't working all that well either, so I've been dealing with their repair dudes for the last little while. Hopefully they will get everything fixed, but if not, I'm gonna need an upgrade. :) Oh, btw - this room is 10x better than the one bdawg and I stayed in last year... we have an awesome view. And I even have internet access from my room, although I'm sure it's much faster in the lobby.

I've bumped into some poker friends already, and got my gift bag from Poker Stars. It's nice, but the ones they gave out last year were better, IMO. It's like a light brown leather bag thing, embroidered... came with a cap, a hat (one of those fisherman type ones), a visor, a polo shirt, a tshirt, a card cap, sunglasses, a Poker stars Rubix cube (?).. and I think that's it. No jersey though, and I liked last year's bag better too.

Oh, I also met another of the Moneymaker Million dudes when I got off the plane today. Crap - what was his name? I think of it later. Anyway, nice dude. I told him I'm friends with Kurn, but he's welcome to take second. He immediately started talking about a chop - good sign!

Sorry for the randomness of this post - I'm just typing things as I think of them. Anyway, there's my first update. More later or tomorrow. Remember, I have off tomorrow, and start playing on Saturday.

eejit101 01-04-07 06:40 PM

wow sounds awesome, free upgrades are the bomb.

Girlfriend????:eek: :confused:

Robbr25 01-04-07 10:22 PM

Are they doing a Battleship tourney again?

Boobie Lover 01-05-07 12:20 AM

Yeah they are.

Talking Poker 01-05-07 12:56 AM

Yeah, there is another Battleship tourney, but the only way I'll get to play in it is if I'm out of the Main Event by then, which isn't going to happen. :rolleyes:

Tonight was a lot of fun. We went down to the cocktail party, and weren't there 3 minutes before I spotted Kurn. I introduced mysefl, sat down, and had dinner with him, his wife, and a couple of other MM guys. Walking around later on, I spotted BL's shirt and said hello. He's either a little bit shy or maybe just too cool to hang out with an old man like myself. ;) Just kidding, but it was a brief hello.

I bumped into Fabrice (from the WSOP), who had his buddy Herbe with him. Herbe was the guy making the movie about Fabrice at the WSOP (do a search for more info - I don't feel like digging up a link). He saw me and said something to the effect of "You're a star in my movie" or something like that. I wish I could remember the exact words, but apparently, that hand where I folded AKs face up preflop and called Fabrice's hand exactly (JJ) is some good stuff. Cool. I gave him my email address and he's going to send me a copy of the film when it's done, which I think should be soon. It's going to air on some European tv channel. I wonder if it will be primarily in English or French?

I saw a numbrr of other familiar faces and said hello to them too, and then I spotted Taylor from CardRunners. I introduced myself, told him how much I enjoy his site and videos, and we chatted for a few minutes. Really nice kid, even if he promised to bust me if I'm at his table on Saturday. :) It was weird hearing his voice (exactly as it sounds) but actually seeing his face when he's talking. He also introduced me to Andrew and another guy who's name I forget. Good group.

I saw Brad Otis (Poker Stars Blogger) and reintroduced myself to him. He even remembered that I'm from "Talking Poker." Super nice guy... turns out he's good friends with badblood - they are from the same town - and he says that badblood wears his TP hat al the time. Good boy!

After that, we went up to Raymer for a picture, and the next thing I know, he and I are having a "discussion" (not an argument!) about his lawsuit against the WPT. I understand where he's coming from, and I respect his right to choose not play in any WPT events, but I still disagree with him on the whole issue and think the lawsuit is bad for poker. I couldn't help but point out that the language he objects to in the WPT release is also in the Poker Stars release (and even worse - they can make me wear Stars gear at he final table!) that I signed earlier today. Hmmmmmm...

Anyway, Kurn spotted us talking and came over to join us. He told Raymer about the forum and invited him here, and Greg accurately replied that if he came here, he'd probaly bring along more donkey players with him than he would good ones. A fair point, but I still think it would be cool if he stopped in. I told him he could make up a name that no one would recognize, like "Man of Fossils" or "Raymer Lover" or something. Heh.

After that, I spotted Isabelle an her Mom, so we went over and said hello to them. I SUCK at that European cheek kiss thing. I mean, I seriously do. We chatted for a bit, and then all headed off to the bar in the lobby for drinks. Kurn came along, and I gave him his pile of TP loot. I can't wait to see him wearing that TP hat when he takes down the MM on Saturday! We had drinks for an hour or two (Kurn is a Patrone man - who knew?) and then left... Changed and went for a walk after that, and finally stopped by the poker room. Bumped into P0ker H0 who asked to swap 3% with me, which I agreed to, of course. When P0ker H0 offers you a swap, you take it. I'm probably going to swap 5% with Steve Stolzmann (he's playing in the Australia tourney) too, bringing me to 8% swapped. Boobie - if you see this in time and want to swap 2% with me, I'll do it. If not, no worries and no offence taken. Let me know.

I guess that's it for tonight... Tomorrow is a day of relaxing and touristy stuff, and then it's time to get down to business on Saturday.

TP out.

PShabi 01-05-07 01:13 AM

Sweet report, as always. Haven't said it yet, but best of luck to you, Kurn, and Boobie.

Zybomb 01-05-07 03:29 AM

Awsome report -- jealous Im not there

Side Note: Do the Stolzmann's attend every event there is? Tell them I said hello and good luck (and hopefully im at the next event)

Boobie Lover 01-05-07 06:38 AM

I'll swap 2% with you TP.

Talking Poker 01-05-07 09:29 AM

OK, Boobie - deal. I'm gonna see if I can find you in the poker room and give you your sweatshirt later on.

And Zy - no, they aren't here. That was via email. Steve (who did just win the Monte Carlo trip the other day, btw) won the Aussie trip on Full Tilt which aparently comes with loads of extras before the tourney, so they are heading down there today. He has the option to golf with Ivey and EDog (!!!) or to play tenis with some pros or take a tour of the Outback, etc. I would have had to golf, but he's taking the tour (which I'm sure Linda appreciates).

Off to breakfast and then downtown Nassau. I'll check in later.

melioris 01-05-07 09:41 AM

awesome reports TP.

Good luck to you and Boobie and Kurn!

2Tone 01-05-07 11:56 AM

Great coverage
This sounds fantastic. Looking forward to more updates.

Reel Deal 01-05-07 02:18 PM

Yikes... was there an accidental head-butting incident?? You’re so smooth TP.

Talking Poker 01-05-07 07:09 PM

Something like that. But seriously, I mean, do you go left first? Right? Who could know? And who gives way if you both go to the same side??? I'll bet Wikipedia would know, but I sure don't. Add in my being 6'5" and her being... well.... not quite 6'5", and it's even more complicated. :D

We went to downtown Nassau (via ferry) today for some walking around and shopping and all that crap that I would have never done if I was here by myself. It was ok. Had lunch down there and then came back. That Leif Force dude (WSOP 2006 - 11th place finisher) ws sitting right across from me on the ferry, so I struck up a conversation with him (and his girlfriend and his friend). Like everyone else I meet at these things, I was surprised at how nice he was. Definitely a cool guy. This is his first big tourney since the WSOP. One of the things I asked him about was Jamie Gold... sure enough, he doesn't like him all that much, jut like I expected. He said he liked everyone except for Gold, that Swede dude (he seemed ok to me) and of course that punk bitch whose name I forget (fortunately)... Matis or something? I can' remember right now. Anyway, Leif was exactly like I expected from what I saw on tv - nice guy.

When we got back here, we stopped in to check on the poker tourney for a minute. I walked around the whole room and was surprised at how few pros I saw - I mean, there are a number of them here, but not a crazy big number like last year. I really think the Aussie tourney is taking a lot of people away from here. After walking the entire room, I finally noticed a seat assignment schedule and looked up Wes. I walked by his table quick (in the middle of the room), and tried to get a look at his chips, but I couldn't really count them because there were so few. :( Hopefully they were all high denomination ones. He hasn't posted yet, so that's good. I'm gonna swing by there again on the way to dinner, drop off his sweatshirt, and see how he's doing.

After the quick stop in the poker room, we did the water slides a couple of times, and then got in the pool until it closed (5:00 - lame). The stupid sun was baking me all day in Nassau, but sure enough the clouds appeared as soon we were ready or the water slides.

Off to dinner in a few... I'm thinking we're gonna do what, IMO, is the world's greatest buffet. :cheers:

melioris 01-05-07 07:28 PM

from the pokerstarsblog-
"Steve Paul-Ambrose has been suffering and enjoying a teeter-totter day. At one point he was up to 65K. Then, later, Steve raised to 1,100 under the gun and got a call out of the big blind. On a flop of K73 with one diamond, both players checked. The turn was an eight of diamonds. Steve bet out 2.5K and the big blind raised to 9K. Steve called. The river wad the three of diamonds. The big blind pushed for 60K, covering Steve. After thinking for a long time, Steve mucked 77 for sevens full of threes. His stack was reduced to 50K (still not a bad number to have at this point)."

who makes this fold?????

MAYHEM45 01-05-07 07:41 PM

Sure as fuck not me. He probably lied about his hand.

Talking Poker 01-05-07 07:47 PM

That is a horrible fold, IMO. If Villain has KK (or 88 or 33), stand up and shake his hand.

In other news, I just stopped down to check on Boobie... His stack was looking MUCH better. He's got 30k now. He said he was down to 7k (still not too bad) at once point, which is probably when I saw him earlier.

CardPlayer Chip Counts are here:

juiCe[3x] 01-05-07 08:37 PM

Very nice updates. Go Boobie, TP and Kurn :thumbsup:

Zybomb 01-05-07 09:48 PM

Barring the biggest read Ive ever had in my life, I think it's an awful fold

X-Longshot-X 01-05-07 10:00 PM

I think you mean Andrew Molina.....the "care bears" kid.....GL TP....Keep the reports coming!

Talking Poker 01-05-07 10:08 PM

Turns out play ended at about 8:45 tonight (six 75 minute levels with 15 minute breaks and no dinner break), which is a lot less than I expected. Also, starting chip counts were 20k and not 10k like I thought, so Boobie was hurting at 7k.

Hopefully he made it through and will give us an update soon.

Boobie Lover 01-05-07 11:35 PM

OK finally back to the room. As TP already mentioned, I was around 7kish (it might have been more like 8k but I don't really remember) at one point with the blinds/ante at 100/200/25.

The first table and really the table where I spent most of my time wasn't really anthing spectacular. There was some no name pro that used to be sponsored by Interpoker who was at the table for the majority of the time (fat guy, kind of weird from New York), and some Internet donkmaster (I presume) who was being asked by some guy how he was doing. There were two soft spots in the game for the majority of the time, but unfortunately I never got the opportunity to feature a premiere hand against those retards, well all except one hand that I butchered. I should have definately practiced up on these tournies because I SO rusty in just general easy spots that you encounter. OK for the hand.

Blinds are at 100/200. I raise with black QQ UTG+1 to 800. Old donk calls me, and al fold to California donk who reraises to 1800. Effective stacks for about everyone is about 15k. That fucking stupid ass small raise threw me off. It creates such awkwards stacks if I try to 4bet, and shoving seems like overkill (plus it was the first time saw Calidonk 3bet in about 2.5 hours). So, I cal like the imbeciles that is in me. Old donktard calls too.

Flop comes 652 with two spades. Cali donk checks (aka "DURR I have lots of money to waste."), I bet 2,500, old donk calls, and so does cali donk (must have been on the bottom pair draw). Turn comes a J of spades. Cali donk checks, I check, old donk bets 5k, cali donk folds, I call. I seriously thought about jamming the rest of the 8k behind, but thought better of it. River is an ace (non-spade). I check, old donk who can't read a hand with shit checks behind with 666. I have no idea how he thought I ever have a flush with the way I played it, but thanks for saving me some excruciating fold anyway donktard.

That was the low point. Then, the tables started to change with fewer and fewer people willing to see flops. I have no real explanation for this, but I took note and started to steal blinds much more frequently than before. I got back to about 18k in no time by either just taking the blinds down, or just cbetting 1/2 the pot and watching them all squirm/fold as they don't know how to battle a lag.

Some other hands from that table. I 3bet that fat Interpoker guy a lot (mostly with the goods, but he didn't know that), when he opens once again to 1200 at 200/400/50. I 3bet to 3500 with AA on the cutoff. He's the only caller and he has 15k behind. I cover. Flop comes Q42 rainbow, and he donk bets half his stack into me. I thought, "You are a pro? That has to be the dumbest fucking move all day." I thought about calling down since he usually has jack shit 99% of the time here (because anyone with half a brain would check/raise here with these stacks if they had something), but pushed anway. He thought and pondered (aka lets waste the Internet kid's time trying to act like I don't have shit) and finaly folded.

300/600/75, all fold to me in the cutoff, I raise to 1800 with A:h:Q:d:.. European laggy twenty year old in the BB calls me. Flop comes A:s:K:h:Q:h:. I bet 3k. European guy calls. Turn is a J:s:. I check (probably could have bet but didn't), he checks behind. River is K:s:. I check, european guy bets 6k. I ponder what he could have, then remember this is a stupid donkament and call. I flip over AQ, he instamucks. He had to have hearts there.

Alright, lets enough recap on that table.

The next table was certainly more entertaining, but I only was there for the last 45 minutes of the day. This table featured Aeq's favorite female poker player, Vanessa Rousso. To my astonishment, when I got there with my 50kish stack, she was the chip leader at the table with about 130k. There were also two other women at the table too, one direclty to my left, and one directly to my left. The one to my left was probably prettier than Vanessa, but Vanessa isn't that ugly.

At this table, the atmosphere seemed more friendly than the other one, but I'm not there to make friends. Mst of these other people probably want to make it out of day one if at all possible, so if one of the medium stacks at the 300/600/50 levels opens, I'll have a wider 3betting range since they will probably fear not having the opportunity of advancing another day Even if that is not the most logical thing, people will undoubtedly fall for it. I did do this once, and it worked out sucessfully.

Two other hands, against none other than Vanessa Rousso and both times with QQ (yeah, ok I got hit in the face with the deck today). First time,second hand at the table, I open to 2700 and Vanessa calls on the button. Flop is T87. I bet 3.5k. She calls. Turn is a nice other Q. I fire again for 10k, she asks for a chip count of me. She folds after asking me for how much I had left at the time.

2nd hand. QQ again. I open UTG+1. to 2500 Vanessa is only caller in position. Flop is TT4 rainbow. I bet 3.5k. She reraises to 8k. By far her most likely holdings here are either a pocket pair that I beat or complete air. I didn't really want to felt this hand though with about 50k behind, so I tried to control the pot and make it easier to induce a bluff on the river, or make a small value bet on the river if turn goes check/check. I didn't exactly know what to do if she bet the turn (this is still my thinking before the turn even came) once I checked to her. Anway, the turn goes check/check so I don't really have much to worry about. On the river, I bet like 1/5 of the pot with the intention of calling any raise since it looks so much like a blocker bet and she'd probably have to realize by now that her pocket pair isn't good and she has to bluffat it. Perhaps Vanessa isn't good enough to realize this (or just the cycle of tournament pros that are out there are not good enough to realize this only because touraments are inhabited by the worst players in all of poker), but I think it is a better play than checking to her since her value betting a small pocket pair would be very low there. Anyway, concluding the longest paragraph in the history of poker literature, she thought for a few minutes before finally folding.

All-in-all otherwise known as TL;DR crowd

I ended the day with 81,600 chips.

Hopefully that makes sense as I didn't profreed any of it.

Also, thanks for the sweatshirt TP.

Zybomb 01-05-07 11:59 PM

great recap... SMASH DAY TWO

Talking Poker 01-06-07 12:39 AM

Haven't read your recap yet, but I just saw your chip count - looks like you finished 17th in chips for the day. Very nice, sir.

Thanks for giving me something to shoot for tomorrow. :thumbsup:

BTW - Kurn's tourney starts at 11 AM (I stat at noon), and I'm sure it will be WELL covered by Poker Stars. GL Kurn!!!

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