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rookette22 11-29-05 01:24 PM

Post Deletion?
how do i delete a post i made a few days ago?

I've noticed it gives me the option to edit but not delete...

Talking Poker 11-29-05 01:25 PM

You can't.

rookette22 11-29-05 01:28 PM

Wow that was a quick response

but come that's not an option?

I've looked around and this site is awesome ...even shows you what ppl are doing at a given time....feel like all eyes are upon me on every click lol ....

Hawt 11-29-05 01:41 PM

Because if people can delete individual posts after they are responded too, then it can make the flow of a topic really messed up.

For example, I made a post in the backing forum that I didn't really think through and it made me look like an idiot. I would like to delete that post now, but there have already been several replies to it and if I got rid of it the conversation in the thread wouldn't be very coherent.

Time for class though,

PShabi 11-29-05 01:51 PM

You can delete responses that you make, just not posts that start a thread.

rookette22 11-29-05 01:51 PM

i understand that .....but in my case i made a post and there are no replies to it and now i've already found the answer to the question i had on that 1 post it's just there for no reason ....

rookette22 11-29-05 01:53 PM

oh i can delete responses connected to a thread? how??

made a dumbass of myself in one post response would like to delete that now lol

Talking Poker 11-29-05 01:54 PM

You can only delete posts for a certain amount of time - the same goes for editing. As Hawt explained, deleting old posts would ruin the "flow" of the conversations in the forum.

*I* can delete posts anytime, but I won't unless there are special circumstances.

Talking Poker 11-29-05 01:55 PM

Reply to it and explain yourself. That's a better way.

OR just let it fade off into oblivion and die on it's own.

rookette22 11-29-05 01:56 PM if i ask you real nice to please please please delete a post for me ....then you'll do it ? lol :p

rookette22 11-29-05 01:57 PM

Already tried to apologize to him (BrianSwa) don't think he accepted it though ....told him i'd delete the post but just didn't know how to do it ....

Talking Poker 11-29-05 02:01 PM

Either link to it or PM me about it. I don't even know what post you are talking about.

And don't feel bad about upsetting BrianSwa. We all have at one time or another. He's actually been relatively sane recently, but give him time...

rookette22 11-29-05 02:08 PM

I'm a newbie here don't know how to link yet....... it was in the Gavin Post where newbies need not respond....

rookette22 11-29-05 02:10 PM

HUH??? i just noticed i'm a DONKEY now???ewwww i don't wanna be referred to as a jackass lol

rather be a fishy in the deep blue sea

what's with the donkey label anyway?

Hawt 11-29-05 02:27 PM

I think you go from "Fish" to "Donkey" when you hit 50 posts.

BrianSwa 11-29-05 02:47 PM


I wasnt mad at you dont worry about it, just really busy as of late. You didnt do anything wrong to be honest. Stop being so worried about what people think of you, hell if I did I would never log on here at all. Its a great forum with alot of great users on it.

As for the Gavin thread just didnt want any of the drama that was in the main poker forum to cloud up the actul content I was trying to type in the thread. Plus none of the new users knew anything about Gavin and all the old users did so the post was mainly meant for them. I gave the link out to you and the other guy because you two seem actully like you are making the effort to become quality posters. Well at least you did after your initial couple of posts.....anyway welcome to forum.

BrianSwa 11-29-05 02:48 PM


your donkey, fish, etc all depend on how many posts you have. Eventully you will be able to pick youre own once you reach high enough post counts.

PShabi 11-29-05 02:49 PM

To link: Just go to the post you want, highlight the address in the navigator bar, click edit>Copy (or just control-C) and then paste it into the thread where you want a link.

rookette22 11-29-05 03:40 PM

TY're the only one who's actually welcomed me in here....not that i was waiting breathlessly for a nice welcome but it's nice....

I'd like to also ty for showing me the link to Gavin's site...he's one beautiful kid and i don't usually pray ....but i actually took the time last night to say a little something on his behalf, to the man upstairs....

rookette22 11-29-05 03:53 PM

k...let me try this what do i want to link to? ...ok i know i'll link it to something i said about you ...hmm

k ...let's hope this works....

rookette22 11-29-05 03:55 PM

so which one is the right one ? in the second url i first clicked on edit then copy .....

BrianSwa 11-29-05 03:56 PM


1st one worked fine.

2nd one I dont have acess to get to it probolly because its a private link or something.

rookette22 11-29-05 03:58 PM

ok so YaY i got through my first lesson lol

ty Pshabi for showing me how to do it ...and thx Brian for testing it out for me and telling me which worked and which didn't ...see i was able to get to both of them ....

Talking Poker 11-29-05 04:22 PM

The first one was correct. This isn't anything special. Just like if you wanted to link to google, you would paste (or type):

The second link you posted is the link to Edit your post... not sure why you would want to send people to that page.

P.S. WELCOME to the forum.

rookette22 11-29-05 08:21 PM

umm i don't know why i clicked on the 2nd one either lol ...*blonde moment?* shoot can't use that excuse since i'm not blonde lol

TY for the welcome and glad to be here....

BDMK 11-30-05 12:13 AM

TP, while we're discussing post deletion here, i think you should definitely erase posts and even whole threads that were made across the boards recently by the few select, since banned, post pumpers...

throw all the garbage out together...and it should provide for higher quality archived boards materials one day...

BrianSwa 11-30-05 08:45 AM


If you delete individual posts it will kill the flow of all the threads they were involved in. There would be holes everywere.

give it a few days and they will get lost behind new threads.

rookette22 11-30-05 09:14 AM can make a new topic called Miscellaneous....or Attack of the n00bs

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