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BrianSwa 12-02-05 07:50 AM

so who is really in
Ok want to get a base idea of who is actully really serious about this league.

buy in of $5 for the league and a alternating $5 and $10 torneis 3 times a week.

remember you dont have to show up for all the games to qualify it is gonna be around 30 games total with 20 counting towards your point total.

I will be keeping track of all the points for everyone and I will have screen shots of each torney when it ends in its own thread on here. I really would like to run this if thats ok with everyone else. Gonna need BB help with the day to day graphs but everything else I shouldnt have a problem with.

We are looking at a un-confirmed date of around January 15th to start. SO if you are REALLY interested just say you are in this thread.

Hawt 12-02-05 08:01 AM

Even though I just went bust, I should have some extra holiday money for the league that I can drop in strictly for the league. Count me in.

PShabi 12-02-05 08:14 AM

You know me.

BlibbityBlabbity 12-02-05 08:18 AM

I'm in

JDMcNugent7 12-02-05 11:05 AM


Talking Poker 12-02-05 01:10 PM

I'll play... but I can't promise being able to set up $5 tourneys for you on Stars. The lowest it lets me do is $10+1. If you can set them up, great.

BTW - are we seriously letting SWA run this thing??? What happens when he decides to go on one of his little tirades and get himself banned for a week or two in the middle of it all???

And don't act like that's a huge insult, Brian. It's happened before not long after you've acted perfectly normal (like flipping a light switch), so we have no reason to believe it won't happen again. I'm being serious here.

MAYHEM45 12-02-05 01:15 PM


BrianSwa 12-02-05 01:20 PM


why dont you give the chance and see then.

you plan on never letting me do anything for forum? gotta give me a chance to make up for all the BS.

Nikita 12-02-05 01:22 PM

Sorry guys. I said I was in before, but I'm out now. I was just offered a new job that starts a week before this starts. My schedule is changing from completely free to unsure. Plus when taking on a new job, I like to be more cautious with my funds, just in case. I will still be playing poker but probably not as much and for smaller stakes. But, if you got a tourney going on when I've nothing better to do, I may come around and watch.

BrianSwa 12-02-05 01:23 PM


real life things come 1st totally understand.

jimmym 12-02-05 01:24 PM

Im in, Ive an idea that whoever sets this up may like to take on, whatever site you use for the tournys it may be worth all forum members who join deposit the entrace fee 20 tournys at $5 or $10 whatever is decided into TPs account and TP shares out the prizes at the end, this way you can run all the tournys as freerolls and that way we dont have to give PS anything. It may mean we play against non member players but we base the result on were member finish, and we may get some more good members intrested in thr forum

Jeees my spilling is crup :o

BrianSwa 12-02-05 01:29 PM


if we happen to be up against a non forum memeber it will totally destroy the point scale we are gonna be using. Its interesting Idea but also we dont expect each memeber to make every single torney. Some may have things come up or whatever so they might be paying for a torney they dont even show up for. This will work trust me the only thing is we need to get to 30 people or so to get this to work.

TP....I dont have the points to set up tornies so kinda need you to do that each time. If all you can do is the $10 private tornies then that buy in amount is fine by me. BB will have a schedule set up so you can get them up early before you and B-dog go win those tornies.

the only other thing that kinda worries me is the how many people show up we cant run it unless 15 people show up for each torney any less it will have to be voided in the point race for the leaugue.

jimmym 12-02-05 01:33 PM

Can you set up private tournies were we pay the host before hand and no non members can enter then. the password thing will be broken again I feel unless we pay someone a entrance fee and this is split at the end.

Talking Poker 12-02-05 01:35 PM

Good luck with that. I just don't see it happening. With a month notice and a FREEROLL, we barely clear that. No way are you going to get near that number if you do the optional "Play in the ones you want" format.

BrianSwa 12-02-05 01:37 PM


I read this like 4 times and didnt get what you mean, I may just be dumb but dont get what you are saying. Host im guessing means pokerstars, if we set up private pay torney and a password we wont get anyone that dosent belong im sure of this. I also like the fact that each torney the players who play the best win something its like a extra boost to play your best. Dont want someone in the mindset of well its ok there is nothing at stake but a couple of points I might miss, this way not only is there a 1 point difference between 5-6 but also a money value.

BrianSwa 12-02-05 01:38 PM


what do you suggest?

Talking Poker 12-02-05 01:38 PM

Seriously Brian - just how many times do I have to give you second chances?

How does that saying go?

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me 9 times, shame on BrianSwa.

Have you forgotten about this, which happened after at least the 5th or 6th time you left us forever and resulted in your SECOND banning???

I honestly think I'm one of the most forgiving people I've ever met, but at some point I need to stop being stupid and not let people walk all over me, ya know? I don't think it's a good idea for you to run the league.

Talking Poker 12-02-05 01:39 PM

This is why I said someone ELSE could run with this...

BrianSwa 12-02-05 01:39 PM


ok ill step down then someone else step up.

BrianSwa 12-02-05 01:40 PM


never had problems in past with people showing up so I figured it would work same way. Like I said your the boss if you dont want me running it then im not gonna run it. Someone else take over.

BlibbityBlabbity 12-02-05 01:43 PM

I "think" he means we all give TP the money for the entries up front and then we just play in private non-buyin tourneys and split the pot up at the end.

No winners for each event, but also no rake..

Another way to do this ( I am concerned about the # of players per event as well-it would suck to have a bunch of 4-6 player SH SNGs as events) would be to make it so the top 1-2 in each event qualify for an end of "season" event. The league fees could finance these free entris into a $50+$5 tourney at the end and then other people could still buy in if they don't qualify. The won entries would be paid through TP so you have the money prior to the final event. More of a WPT style tour than a league though. Maybe that is something else to try another time or maybe it might work better for this.

jimmym 12-02-05 01:46 PM

Ok... i will get my coat.

What i am trying to say is = if 20 members say they are intrested and we must play an min of 15 games @ $5 a game, we all transfer $75 into TPs account.

Because it will be hard to ever get us all to play at all the times, we set up 20 freeroll tournys on PS which will be password protected but enable certain non members to play if we need to achieve the PS playing figures.

Yes we may have to play against chancers and spoilers, but this will show what we are as inderviduals made of.

There is no cash prize on offer for each game so not many chancers will bother to enter.

At the end of the 20 comps we tot up the league scores based on those members that entered the $ comp ant TP pays out the prizes,

The benefit of this also means forum members that dont want to play for $ can/may play if we like them too.

BlibbityBlabbity 12-02-05 01:47 PM

Unless someone else wants to do it, I will "run" this.

Brian, feel free to keep getting things figured out as you are now. I'll just follow you around to catch in case your brain falls out of its case... :eek: :D j/k BTW

BrianSwa 12-02-05 01:50 PM

like it

I like this idea alot, I think this is the best idea for our league. I also like the fact that we can let non payers in at last minute if we need to. Maybe like we could hold contest that week and the prize is entry into league for following week.

wow thats a great idea didnt even cross my mind way to go.

BrianSwa 12-02-05 01:54 PM

I dont think we should have more then 15 games though dont want anyone paying more then $75. so we could do 2 games a week top 10 count.

BrianSwa 12-02-05 01:56 PM


Blibbity will be watching me whole time TP, and I will talk with him the whole time so he knows whats going on so if I go crazy ( which i wont) but if i do he will be able to take over without any confusion. Deal?

BlibbityBlabbity 12-02-05 01:56 PM

There also is no longer a per tourney buyin anymore (in that system) so if $50 overall or $75 overall is reasonable to everyone then just do that and then the prize pool will be split up at the end anyway...

BrianSwa 12-02-05 02:00 PM


I agree with dropping the per torney buy-ins and just having a overall pool to be split with top point winners. The price will be debated on, maybe do another poll later on this week. Still got to do the top 10 out of 15 games to make it fair if you dont make some of them. I will start jotting down the names tonight and get to work on that, im guessing everyone that already said yes is still in since this is actully cheaper then the other way. Are freerolls without any money added hard to set up?

I really like the idea of letting non league players play if we dont have enough players, it lets everyone maybe get involved in this. Maybe run like contests to see if you get entry in the torney that night.

BrianSwa 12-02-05 02:02 PM

thanks again
again Jimmy...

great idea and thanks.

BrianSwa 12-02-05 02:05 PM

the game chart
ok so now its only 15 games soooooo

alternating days and times throughout the week. weekdays only 9:30pm though since that best time and when your alternating day falls on weekend alternate AM/PM like you suggested. Ok lets get all the details figured out this month and we will let registration run for 2 weeks in january then set it off a couple days later. TP when do you get back so we can check who is registered or not, I know you said you be gone beggining of January but when can you tell us or can you while you are there?

Think 2 games a week should be good that will take us to 8 weeks long.

BlibbityBlabbity 12-02-05 02:08 PM

I don't hink we can do a points system if there are other players in it. That really messes with the placing. If you got knocked out in 9th place and three non league players finish in 8th, 7th, 6th and then there are league polayers finishing after that then your points are skewed more than they need to be due to the filler players. Not counting the other players in the lineup of finishers would correct this, BUT it would defeat the purpose of having filler players since there would still only be as many league placings as there are league players.

I think if we go with that then it needs to be top finisher in each event (only league players count) gets entry into a final event.

I will give this some more thought and type up a full proposal for the way this might wiork later (need something to do at work, right?)

Talking Poker 12-02-05 02:11 PM

How do you figure? We always had problems in the past with people showing up, even with lots of advanced notice...

Don't get me wrong - I love the idea of having a league. I'm just not surw how successful it will be.

What I'd really like to see is a SMALL trial run. Based on the success of that, we can set up a longer full blown league.

Just my opinion though, as I'm not running it :)

BrianSwa 12-02-05 02:13 PM

here is idea

I think we can still use point system but just use league players in it.

say we get event with 9 league players and fill it with 11 no league memebers, we just black out the non-league memebers and award places to the league memebers just like it was only them playing. So say i got 2nd and you got 5 and jimmy got 8. It would be just like me getting 1st (longshot) you gettin 2nd and jimmy getting 3rd. That way we award the points like that.

its idea what do you think?

Talking Poker 12-02-05 02:13 PM

If these are set up as freerolls, what's to prevent members and ESPECIALLY non-mebers from playing like this is Play Money? Won't that really throw off the whole thing? I guess it would even out for everyone, but from all the hating that play money gets around here (especially from you), I'm surprised you'd be for this idea.

In theory, it's not a bad one... but I can forsee all sorts of problem is there isn't some sort of entry fee for each tourney...

BrianSwa 12-02-05 02:15 PM


meant leagues ive done in past elsewere, sorry didnt type that too clear. I think we got a pretty good idea for it that will work. Actully Jimmy had a really good idea for it. Your opinion always welcomed...everyones is.

Talking Poker 12-02-05 02:15 PM

If I didn't know better, I'd say you were a brand new poster trying to rack up 50 posts to get into a freeroll.... Damn, dude.

Talking Poker 12-02-05 02:17 PM


If you are doung that, why bother allowing the non-mebers in in the first place? Why not just play with the three of you, who you at least know will be taking it seriously?

I must be missing something here.

BlibbityBlabbity 12-02-05 02:18 PM

This is a good point.

Brian, in your example above there would still only be 9 league placings (since the other 11 are excluded) though, and we need 15 to have the points work.

BrianSwa 12-02-05 02:18 PM


I agree I hate freerolls but its not really a freeroll because you are playing to accumulate points for a big payday at end of league. If we invite the non payers to play that day it will be basicly a come 20 minutes before league to see if you can play, we all like playing together so I think people will show up just for a fun game with freinds.

I see your point about people playing it like freeroll, BUT I think most on this site would play it serious. Now if i was somewere else id be like no way but even the play money people here seem serious about poker.

BrianSwa 12-02-05 02:20 PM


just wanted him to know how much i appritiate his idea, I seem to remember couple days ago someone else ranking up the one liners, who could that be. ;)

BrianSwa 12-02-05 02:21 PM


how do you think we should do it then?

say like in my example you get 20 people and had to let 11 non league memebers in how do you give them points? how do you keep track of how they are doing in league?

jimmym 12-02-05 02:22 PM

I never do one liners to rack up post counts :cool:

do I

BlibbityBlabbity 12-02-05 02:23 PM

I'll type something up a little later and post it up. I have to get ready to go to work in a few minutes.

BrianSwa 12-02-05 02:24 PM


alright, gotta get some sleep so Ill check in later and take a look. Thanks for help BB (dad) JK ;)

Nikita 12-02-05 04:08 PM

I have an idea to deal with letting non-league members play and the point system. I don't know if it's a good idea, but it's a thought. What if the non-league members act as ringers for league memebers who can't play. So say you can't play as a league member, but you find a non-league member that can. They play and get assigned the points depending on the place they make. But those points don't go to them, they actually get "transferred" to the league member who asked that person to play. The bad thing about this idea is finding that ringer (maybe use this forum) and the skill level of the ringer. If the ringer is better than the league member it may be unfair. But maybe set up rules that you can use a ringer only so many times. I dunno, like I said, just a thought.

BlibbityBlabbity 12-02-05 04:55 PM

Very interesting idea....consider it in the mix. :)

Hawt 12-02-05 05:47 PM

I like that idea, especially since I suck shit at limit anything/omaha (my only experience is play money which is capped every round. I can't say I have actually ever played Omaha online though, even in play money. I'll check it out.)

BlibbityBlabbity 12-02-05 11:10 PM

League signup has been merged into main league thread...

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