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Reel Deal 01-25-06 09:21 AM

Super Bowl XL
Who wins?

My opinion... Steelers, and it won't be close.

thrash1294 01-25-06 09:59 AM

steelers here
Due to the fact they are on a roll..
They played alot of big games this year,and have played harder schedule.
I dont like the spread and I feel another close game here.

Think I will just buy some squares:)

MAYHEM45 01-25-06 10:08 AM

My vote? Who cares! I will be hammered either way!

If it isnt the Lions (God help me, I know...), or failing that the Bears, I dont give a shit either way.

thrash1294 01-25-06 10:16 AM

The lions too funny. until they get new owners give it up.Also they need to get rid of matt millen.Even barry knew there was no hope.

biggest lion bust of all time? andre ware.

Go ahead give me negative reps , but the above is the truth:cool:

Robbie Robb 01-25-06 10:19 AM

You can't get TOO hammered - you gotta hit the casino to fleece those dumb yankees!

My money's on the Steelers - afterall, they're wearing their whites...

Talking Poker 01-25-06 11:31 AM

Looks like I'm in the minority right now. 4-1 against my Seahawks pick.

GeoffM 01-25-06 12:00 PM

I'm playing in a poker tourney, drinking from a 60 litre keg, and eating slice after slice of greasy pizza. I may not know who won until 2pm the next day :p.

FatRufus 01-25-06 03:24 PM

Steelers have played too well in the play-offs to just throw it all away. It's probly the bus' last game so im sure he'll play amazing

Zybomb 01-25-06 05:32 PM

Is everyone forgetting that Seattle has played as impressively if not more impressively than Pitt. during the playoffs as well?

Not to mention They have a far superior 1/2 (Hasselback/Alexander vs Rothlisberger/Parker-Bettis) and a defense which held Steve Smith to 30 something yards

If this game had taken place on a neutral field, on the first week of the playoffs (I know this is impossible) the seahawks would be favored by close to a TD

Robbie Robb 01-25-06 05:44 PM

Zy - the only reason I'm picking Pittsburgh (that's where the Steelers are from right??? :o ) is because they're wearing their whites!

Seriously, I have almost NO knowledge of football. I never really liked the game and only recently have begun to appreciate some of the amazing plays that take place. Although for a while I was making some coin betting on the games...then my guy disappeared - ah well.

Could I sit down and watch an entire game with the guys? Now - no problem! Before - I'd have probably wandered off somewhere. Would I enjoy it? Again, now I probably would, provided it had some really great plays.

Will I ever be one of those guys who's TV is on all day Sunday going from game to game? Probably not. (after all, interfere's with the NASCAR races) In fact, if I ever did become one of those guy's, Nikki'd probably beat me. :)

If this poll was who you WANT to win the superbowl, I'd have to go with Seattle since Paul Allen owns the team. That's why I like the Trailblazers... :D

xxjondxx 01-25-06 05:50 PM

Go Bills.... o wait they didnt make it i thought for sure they would. Think seahawks are gonna take it down but i wanna see the steelers win it this year!!

JDMcNugent7 01-25-06 06:26 PM

I'll take the steelers -3.0 for $20
who wants some?:D

PShabi 01-25-06 06:35 PM

:p I quit making bets with low-life 18 year olds on this board. You'd have to work three weeks of paper route to cover the bet.

drphil22 01-25-06 07:02 PM

tight game ill take the 4 pts gla :D

JDMcNugent7 01-25-06 07:20 PM

lol oh thats funny old man, guess i'll have to knock u out Again tonight. make it 2 weeks in a row. :)

Talking Poker 01-25-06 07:41 PM

Very nice. Do me a favor and try not to have him be the FIRST one out again... I was at the other table and didn't even get a crack at him. You know, with him finishing 10th in our 10 man tourney and all.

eejit101 01-25-06 09:46 PM

Ill go with TP and the seahawks, the D will stop the running game and the throwing is better than the steelers.

If anyones interested ill offer $10 and ill take the seahawks straight up.

JDMcNugent7 01-25-06 10:00 PM

Ill take Steelers straight up for $10. Do u have $ on stars ?

eejit101 01-25-06 10:09 PM

nope! i can try and sort something out in time. my moneys on prima/jetset/paradise.

Dont play stars much man, let me know what you think JD

X-Longshot-X 01-26-06 10:11 AM

The game will either be steelers by 3 or steelers by 10-21, They are way to hot right now and they will go up by 21 or 14 right away and play it safe from there, that said anyone wanna make a bet on em ill take the steelers and give 3pts for a $10 bet

JDMcNugent7 01-26-06 01:02 PM

If you can get it on stars in time its a deal, if not don't worry about it.

kmb13592 01-26-06 02:43 PM

I'll take the Steelers for up to $20 on stars if anyone is interested.

Zybomb 01-26-06 04:03 PM

I'll take Seattle, witht he 4 points that they are getting with the spread though.

PS: Your sig. is kind of hard to oblige with....'shut your mouth when you're talking to me'

how the hell can i talk to you with my mouth shut??? :confused:

redbank09 01-26-06 05:04 PM

i man are fuckin kiddin me, seattle came in as a one seed and whipped ass like a one seed. i will give the steelers props no one in football could do what they did but it just blows my mind that a one seed could walk through the playoffs with the nfl mvp and be a underdog. its the super bowl anybody can win but how seattle is a underdog i dont know.

ill take your bet.

kmb13592 01-26-06 05:05 PM

I will give you 3.5 points points on the game for a $15 bet through stars if you are interested.

The signature is from a movie, and the fact that it is not possible is the point of it, but I guess I'll have to change it.

redbank09 01-26-06 05:07 PM

ill take it kmb. just pick someone to transfer to. im at school when i get home ill transfer it.

X-Longshot-X 01-26-06 05:11 PM

redbank, how do u wanna pay?
cause ill prolly have to pay with paypal or Pstars

redbank09 01-26-06 05:14 PM

im taking one bet and your first up so we can use pstars but we have to get a mutual person to hold the money and cant go through no farve shit. no offense but we should just do it going to class so figure it out and when i get home well deal.

Zybomb 01-26-06 05:14 PM

Negotiating for that extra .5 point huh? The spread is -4, that's what I'll take Seattle at (+4)

If interested through stars is good, send money ahead of time to TalkingPoker (as long as he agrees)

X-Longshot-X 01-26-06 05:16 PM

okay, well ima have to see if i can manage to get some funds on stars soon cause i wasnt gonna deposit till sunday but we will see what we can work out

Talking Poker 01-26-06 05:20 PM


kmb13592 01-26-06 05:42 PM

Alright I will give you 4 points zybomb. I'll send it to TP on pokerstars sometime before the game.

Zybomb 01-26-06 05:57 PM

ok... just so we're clear, if TP doesnt have your money the day before the game this bet is void

redbank09 01-26-06 06:31 PM

hey longshot, no rush, lets just make it offical that we will bet and we will set it up before the game when u get your cash.

X-Longshot-X 01-27-06 09:00 AM

Thats cool, i might have a buddy of mine transfer in his name but ide let whoever was holding know before hand who it was, (prolly shively6907) if thats alright...and u can trans to my account if i win and it will go to urs if i lose....if ur cool with this lemme know

Reel Deal 01-27-06 10:01 AM

Sure I'll tell you how... this is a team that's one year removed from a 15-1 season and are now arguably a better team w/Big Ben having another year of experience. They were only a 6 seed because they gave away several games during the middle of the year when Rothlisberger was out, if he stays healthy they finish 13-3 and are the no. 2 or 3 seed in the AFC. They just went through the AFC's no. 1 and no. 2 seeds on the road and punked them both (that Indy game should have never been as close as it was with the B.S. call on the int. and the Bus's fumble). This ain't no normal 6th seed and they're coming out of a conference that is much stronger than the conference the Seahawks are coming from and are on a serious roll. If you don't think the Steelers should be favored then I'll happily take some points from you and put $10 on Pittsburgh.

Remarkable 01-27-06 05:36 PM

Pitts is gonna crushhhhhhhhh the seahaws
the game Pitts been playig is so good is goin to take a miracle
for seattle to beat them :)

Gordogg 01-28-06 11:31 AM

Yeah, because the Steelers never choke or anything. :rolleyes:

kmb13592 01-28-06 11:40 AM

What in the world does that mean. I can't even think of a way to respond to that, how can you say that a franchise has the tendacy to choke? Are you saying if it was the same players, exact same team but it was the Cowboys franchise than they wouldn't choke. Roethlisberger has played about one bad game in his career when he has been healthy. Yes Cowher has had his problems in the championship game, but he and his players haven't even been to a superbowl so how can you say they are going to choke.

kmb13592 01-29-06 05:25 PM

Zybomb i sent $15 to TP's account for our bet.

Talking Poker 01-29-06 06:39 PM

He sent it to the wrong place, but I got it.

kmb13592 01-29-06 06:41 PM

Sorry about that. Do you have another account?

Talking Poker 01-29-06 06:42 PM

TalkingPoker is the account I use for "business." No worries.

mojomaker 02-04-06 10:05 AM

Seahawks because the steelers already had thier moment in the sun after beating the colts and its only fair to share. GO SEAHAWKS!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. im sad Detroit didn't make it

Zybomb 02-05-06 10:25 PM

Jesus, I've never seen a team get so outplayed and still win by 11 points.

Penalties destroyed Seattle tonight (and cost them the game), as did the worst play calling and clock management at the end of both halves that I have ever seen (AND Im a Jet you know this must of been pretty bad)

The roethlisberger rushing td was a little sketchy imo, i dont think the ball crossed but it was very close. The few inches out of bounds for seattle cost them a Td...the offense holding penalty... constant holding penalties on every big return they had...

Pittsburgh really had 3 plays the whole game. The incredibley lucky and HORRIBLE across field pass on 3rd and 30 which gave them 1st and goal. The long run by Willie Parker, and the nicely designed trick play with Randel El and Ward.

Oh well, entertaining superbowl for the most part at least

congrats Pittsburgh

eejit101 02-06-06 12:02 AM

Nice call my man:o

kmb13592 02-06-06 03:07 PM

Can I get my $30?

Talking Poker 02-06-06 03:08 PM

I can send you your $15 back, but I never got the other $15 from Zybomb, so you'll need to get that directly from him.

Chill - he's good for it.

kmb13592 02-06-06 03:10 PM

Ok thanks. I'll talk to him about the rest.

Zybomb 02-06-06 03:44 PM


ok sorry jk :D

kmb I'll send your cash over tonight, although I'd highly reccomend sending half of it to the referee's

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