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Aequitas58 12-01-04 06:11 PM

TP Admin v. Aequitas58 - WINNER TAKE ALL.
After hitting 500 posts, I am entitled to another $30 from the TP Admin. Instead of $30, let's make it more interesting:

Me vs. Him, Heads Up, NLHE. Each buy-in for $30. Winner take all. This gives me the opportunity to turn $30 FREE bucks into $60 FREE bucks. Of course, if TP gets lucky and wins, then I get nothing. Oh well - it's free money anyway.

The details are not set - but I do know that this will take place on PokerStars, sometime next week.

To quote Mister T:
"I pity the fool, chump!"

Talking Poker 12-01-04 06:20 PM

Let's dance, biatch! LOL...

This idea was brought up in the Suggestions forums a while ago. I'm all for it, but since I'm the one putting up all the money here, would you be willing to play for $50 total if you win? ie, if I win, you get $0 and I get $0. But if you win, you get $50.

I know this exactly exactly great odds, but since I'm putting up all the money, I think it's reasonable to ask.

Plus, when this was originally suggested, that's what we seemed to agree on ;)

See for yourself:

Defendent suggested $35 instead of $25... but I'm a nice guy. I'm willing to say you can play me for $50 instead of $30 (500 post level) or $40 instead of $25 (200 post level). We'll figure out how to handle 1000 posts when the time comes.

PShabi 12-01-04 06:20 PM

So TP already agreed? If so....

TP can I get a piece of your action. I'll back you 50%. ;)


Talking Poker 12-01-04 06:22 PM

LOL - look at me getting backers already. Now that's good stuff.

Aequitas58 12-01-04 06:25 PM

Hold my drink, bitch.

Aequitas58 12-01-04 06:39 PM

Keep modifying and editing your post. I'll reply later.

BrianSwa 12-01-04 06:42 PM

can we do side bets
because im putting all my money on TP...Its a sure bet I always just at chance at sure bets.

BlibbityBlabbity 12-01-04 06:45 PM

Does Vegas have the odds posted for this one yet??

DaTruPoker 12-01-04 07:01 PM

what site will this take place on?

johnbaker 12-01-04 07:10 PM

has anyone heard from charlie frank recently? i wanna play him heads up... but he ran away :(

come back you jackass


2Tone 12-01-04 07:35 PM

Showdown of the century
There's some serious bookie action to be had here. Someone who is smart/industrious should jump all over this.

Given how Lou dismantled me in our one heads up match on Mirabella ...

(where, BTW, any two can go at it heads up at different levels, plus get a deposit bonus and rake back -- )

... I could be convinced to take him in a low-dollar side action bet, especially if I was given odds. TP fans, bring on your best offer!

Aequitas58 12-01-04 08:17 PM

LOL - I have one person in my corner? Amazing.

Thanks for the support, Tone.

Aequitas58 12-01-04 08:40 PM

Problem with the Match.
As per your own rules, I am entitled to $30 for reaching the 500 post count. I am willing to play you heads up for the $30. It would be fun, it's basically FREE for me, and it might even get some good debates going on the forum...

But, it's hard to accept an offer where I risk $30 to only win $20. That's a negative EV before even sitting down to the game! Now, I think you would be a competant opponent, and you might even be better than me... so my EV really looks shitty. See where I'm coming from?

I have a feeling you aren't worried about the $10 so much as you don't want to set a precedent where you can allow someone to double their money. Upon playing, and subsequently beating you, heads up. Financially, I understand where you're coming from - that CAN get expensive.

But, again, when you say "I'm putting up all the money..." I really can't agree. Yes, it's your money - but didn't I earn it from participating on your forum? Maybe this comes off a brash, but I feel like I'm entitled to $30, and I'm giving you a chance to SAVE $30 bucks, if you were to beat me. Of course though - it's a gamble.

I'm willing to gamble w/ you - but not if i'm risking 1/2 to gain 1/3. I'd rather take the $30 straight up and play cheap MTTs.

SideNote: If you want to talk about transferring $20 and playing for the last $10, then yea...

johnbaker 12-01-04 10:04 PM

im bored and i have 45 minutes to blow, if anyone wants to play me heads up on party in a 25nl buyin on partypoker or empirepoker, send me an invite/msg whatever, i think you can create your own private table

my sn is johnbaker23

or talk to me on AIM, johnbaker21

hurryyyyy i can only play for a minute lol


drewjax 12-01-04 11:17 PM

I love this chit. High noon at the OK corral. Or something witty to that effect!!

Talking Poker 12-02-04 01:41 AM

Fixed a typo (left the "y" off of "originally") and added the link to the initial thread about this. Is that ok with you? Or should I ahve made multiple one line posts to inflate my post count???

Talking Poker 12-02-04 01:54 AM

Of course I understand what you're saying, but like you begging for a free tshirt, I just think you're being cheap. I'm willing to send you $30. If you are man enough to play me and beat me, I'll send you $50. If you don't, you don't owe me anything. Sounds like a damn good deal to me. You have nothing to lose!

Sure, in theory, there is $10 left on the table if you beat me (but you won't, so it's a moot point). But, someone (not you, of course) will beat me in one of these challenges sooner or later, so how about a little EV break for the guy who's fronting all the money? I will accept every single challenge made if we structure it like this. Consider it a chance for even more free money. If people (you) are scared and would rather just take the guaranteed money, fine... so be it. But if you feel like gambling a little and having a chance to win another 20 bucks, not to mention have priceless bragging rights...... let's dance.

I'm sure you'll reply, all whiny-like, saying how it's not fair and so on and so forth, and we'll just go back and forth forever and this won't ever happen, so maybe we should just save ourselves the time (and my dimes for all your posts) and scratch the whole idea right now. But just for kicks, I'll say again - since I'm the one fronting ALL the money here, I think it's reasonable or me to set the rules. And for God's sake man, we're talking about 10 bucks. Of course that's not a big deal to me, but multiply it out over however many of these matches I end up playing in (I am telling you now, I will accept every single challenge), and it could add up. So yeah, I want to set the precedent right.

Talking Poker 12-02-04 02:13 AM

And for the record...
While I appreciate the confidence, I see no reason why I should be considered a favorite over Lou. I don't think (m)any of you have seen me play, so unless you've been watching Aeq, and he's just THAT bad, I see no reason why the bookmakers should have me as a heavy favorite. ;)

BrianSwa 12-02-04 03:55 AM

hey admin

hey admin I know I wrote you and said I dont want your money and I still dont BUT how about we play a game with the money you where gonna give me if you win you keep the money if i win you keep the money. How does that sound?

BrianSwa 12-02-04 04:10 AM


not sure who you exactly are referaring to but I pick you favorite because you have all this money to pay out you have to be doing something right at the poker table. Since you play poker for a living which is what your bio says im guessing you made all the money your giving out at the table.

Aequitas58 12-02-04 07:16 AM

You take a debate, and you make it personal. Your arguments basically consist of attacks on me, and although it makes you look great in front of the newbies posters, I think it's uncalled for.

To begin with our AIM conversation, you were originally OK with the deal. Then, when we talked later, you changed up the odds.

Bragging rights? First of all, they're not priceless . You are the admin of a poker forum and an amateur player... not a professional. It might look great to the newbies signed up at this forum, but I don't see myself running around telling everyone how I beat you. (Which I won't cuz you're so good, right?) Second, if I'm not mistaken, I don't remember posting anything about my win over 2Tone when we played heads-up.

Talk about the free tee-shirts again - `cause I'm cheap, right? I don't wanna get into it - I was thinking advertising / marketing, and it gets your name out there. Oddly enough, the tee-shirts have no bearing whatsoever on the heads up match, but you bring it up to insult. Nice work, admin. Setting a good precedent there.

I'll just take the $30 straight up. I have no interest in arguing back and forth w/ you because I know I'll just keep getting insulted. I guess, like you said, it's a moot point.

We tried.

Aequitas58 12-02-04 07:17 AM

Of course you pick him as the favorite. Is anyone else surprised by this? Is the TP admin even surprised by this??? LOL.

PShabi 12-02-04 08:22 AM

Bulk, bulk, bulk, bulk, bulk bagock!!!!!

Feathers are flyin!!!!!!!!!!!! Quit whining, the guy gives us free money. Even for one-liners like, "Yes, I agree, you shouldn't make it two bets to go with 24os in .02/.04 LHE."

Shit, I'm even getting paid for this one.

Defendant 12-02-04 10:05 AM

God Lou, how much of a drama queen can you possibly be? I mean seriously, chill.

"Fine, Ill just take my 30$"...sounds to me like a 4yo throwing a fit and saying "Im going home AND IM TAKING MY BALL!!"

You made an offer, TP made a counteroffer, accept it or not, but dont make it into a freaking soap opera.



omahilo 12-02-04 10:54 AM

how about TP sends you $30 and you guys play a $20 HU and winner take all? if you win you get your $50 while not risking $30 to win $20 and if you lose you still have $10 to play some cheap MTT's.

SirFWALGMan 12-02-04 11:35 AM

Fun Little Game

Hey, If you want to have fun one night for $25, come track me down around 10PM or 11PM Eastern. If my 25/NL crew is playing it is always a blast. Alot of Bloggers get together and kick the hell out of each other and just have alot of fun. You never know what anyone has, and can either lose or make your money REAL quick. Witty conversation too!

rchamberlin 12-02-04 11:37 AM

I sure learned that one quick. lol.

badblood44 12-02-04 11:38 AM

So who's in this little "crew" of yours????

:) :) :)

SirFWALGMan 12-02-04 12:53 PM

You need to come by too dummy! I have not seen you! I have been playing with Iggs, Pauly, FilmGeek, and others all week.. Saw Venetian last night too, but did not get a chance to play with him.

Talking Poker 12-02-04 12:54 PM

I will accept your terms with one slight modification:

-If I win, I keep the money. If you win, you keep the money.

You've said you want nothing for posting here, and I respect that. And now you are suggesting you and I play and you still don't get paid, no matter who wins. So how about if we play for the $25 (when you hit 200 posts). Sounds like a good compromise to me!

(And further illustrates my point about the insignificance of the $10 Lou is crying over - it's the principle).

Talking Poker 12-02-04 01:06 PM

95% of what I wrote was just friendly "smack talk," and you knew that. I am honestly surprised you won't play me (that's the 5%), but as I told you on AIM, go ahead and post a bunch of smack talk. I thought it would make this more fun/interesting. I was not making personal attacks on you. Just some friendly banter.

But whatever. Take your toys and go home (RELAX - it's a joke!). Sheesh.

As for your $30.... maybe this would be a good time for me to inforce the "quality post" thing in the original Get Paid for Posting here offer. I have yet to doc anyone for a single post yet, but I'm sure if I looked, I could find 50-100 of your one liners that don't quite qualify as quality poker posts.

Talking Poker 12-02-04 01:07 PM

How funny that I basically just wrote the same thing BEFORE I read this - the 4 year old comment, I mean. LOL...

drewjax 12-02-04 01:16 PM

Please dont turn this forum into one that has all this crap contstantly. Make a decision, play or dont play. but if I want to see people all over each other I'll go back to RGP. No please no, I cant take it anymore. RGP is the devil, not UB.


Tilter 12-02-04 01:18 PM

LOL, this seems good. Ill keep looking up this post for tiem and date. I want to be there when this match goes down!

Edit: Very weak on Aeq's part. You put up a challenge, then you don't back down.

Talking Poker 12-02-04 01:28 PM

I thought it would be fun too, but I don't see it happening. Maybe if I put up $1000 if Aeq wins but I get 5 bucks if I win, he'll play. That would be a pretty good EV for him, wouldn't it?

Whatever. I thought this was all in good fun, but I too find it annoying now (like drewjax said). If I cave in and play for the $30 or $60, then I'll have to do that with everyone, so I don't think I should. Then again, maybe this could be "the Aeq exception" and everyone else would be a little more reasonable/understanding.

Penguinfan 12-02-04 02:07 PM

So you are open to other challeneges? I have not collected anything yet from the pay for post fund so I would be game.

Aequitas58 12-02-04 02:10 PM

Now the insults are friendly banter. If that's the truth, then I don't care about the insults, but I feel like your backpeddling.


I'm not surprised everyone aligns with you, because you are, after all, the forum moderator. I'm sure if we play, Tone will still look for action. I will get bitched at before we play, during our play, and then after our play - even when I beat you. [Now that's friendly banter.]

So, I'll wash my hands of this thread. It's funny that you (and that's plural) consider my counter-arguments as just bullshit - and I'm a crybaby.

So, if you want to play, then we'll play. Set up your own rules, do whatever you wanna do - I'm down. My arguments are not a way to get out of playing you - I'm confident in myself.... just pointing out how the deal changed after we agreed on it.

Again - whatever.

Am I playing for $50... or, by the end of the week will it change to $45?

hackers238 12-02-04 02:56 PM

Well I kind of agreed with Aeq here. I mean, you agreed to give him the $30. So after you give him the $30, he is challenging you to a seperate, $30 buy-in heads up game. That way if you win, you get your thirty bucks back, and if he wins he wins another 30, because he is putting up 30.

Am I seeing this wrong?

EDIT: Oh, and PS... I'm rooting for TP ;)

SirFWALGMan 12-02-04 03:08 PM

Cheering Section
Whatever happens do it on Party or Empire and let me watch! I really want to see you two slug it out. Although it could all be over in 3 seconds. I am not really pulling for one or the other, (ok, maybe a tiny bit in TPs favor). I have not seen either of you play so I can not comment on who is better. Even if one person wins (let's say TP) it does not prove anything. As the old proverb goes "Any given Sunday". The real proof of your play is how you do long term. What your BB/100 is over 50K hands, etc..

Having said that it will be a blast seeing all the smack talk going on. I think everyone should take the $x that TP have given, we all sit in a private 10-person table and fight it out among ourselves for title of reining champion of the board for the month! Included in the title is the right to talk any smack you want for the month and nobody can disagree because you kicked there asses. lol. It is good to see some "friendly" banter in the forum!

BrianSwa 12-02-04 03:12 PM

ok np

ok sure id be happy to play anyway you want $25 sounds fair just tell me when and where. Im free every weekend and every weekday morning should hit 200 anytime now.

BrianSwa 12-02-04 03:17 PM


thats not a bad idea to do monthly with our own money. As long as its not all tp's money we should have a monthly forum sit and go.

jdiana86 12-02-04 03:27 PM

Hey TP, is it alright if I play you heads up on Stars when I reach the 200+ post mark. I assume we are allowed to request a transfer into Stars from any even number after 200 posts.

Talking Poker 12-02-04 04:21 PM

Technically Stars is not on the list of cash out options (the idea here was to get some people to sign up through my links to help defray some of my expenses), but sure.... I'll play you there. I think it would be better to play at a play money table (no rake), and then, if you win, I'll transfer you the $40 instead of the $25. This is assuming you are ok playing for $40 or nothing.... cause that's the offer.

Talking Poker 12-02-04 04:24 PM

You are seeing this kinda right, kinda wrong. Yes, I can give Aeq $30 and that will be the end of it, and I suspect that's what's going to happen. But he challenged me to a heads up match to try to get more than the $30. I said sure, and offered to play for $50 or $0, depending on who won. And then all hell broke loose.

I don't really see how he is entitled to get to play me though. What is he insisted on playing for $100 or $0. Would you side with him then? Or only because he wants to play for exactly double what I "owe" him?

Talking Poker 12-02-04 04:54 PM

*sigh* There's no backpeddling here. I even told you on AIM to be prepared to talk lots of smack.

And yes, I agreed to play you, but I didn't agree to play you for $60 and then change my mind. I suggested the $50 thing almost right away... within minutes of your first offer.

If you want to play for $50 or $0 (in lieu of the $30), just say so and you're on. Otherwise, I'll transfer the $30 to you at Empire.

junYUN 12-02-04 06:34 PM

why doesn't this just end, and you can give him the $30 then you guys can play heads up for 20-30-40-50-100-100000 or whatever. that way he gets his correct EV and you get the chance to beat him and take your money back. seems simple enough to me.

TajaUk 12-02-04 06:47 PM

This all seems rather silly. I wouldn't bother getting involved with such threads TP. Just say this is the deal accept it or dont.

Talking Poker 12-02-04 08:12 PM

I tried. I thought this would be fun.

Silly me.

Charlie Frank 12-02-04 08:15 PM

Oh man you are hilarious - I just posted a nice post giving you advice - its the one in your "I'm broke and down to $11" thread.

Sorry man, I don't play $11 HU matches. But if you ever manage to squeeze together $500-$1000 working graveyard shifts as a waffle waitress, let me know and I'll be happy to take that money off you.

But seriously, you do crack me up.


johnbaker 12-02-04 08:31 PM

when i get back up to 50, lets play a heads up NLHE freezeout for 50... i cant think of an easier way to build my bankroll. after i win that, i'm willing to play you for a 100 freezeout, then 200, then 400, etc until you river me or until you run out of money.

btw you keep posting stuff like "oh it takes 500-1000 to play with me".... you arent impressing anyone hardass, come play with me for a $50 freezeout if you're so good. you arent impressing anyone, and if youre so good then beating a scrub like me should be cake, right? i'll post a new thread when i have 50 then we can play... if you dont accept this then youll just be showing everyone that you're the phony lying pussy dickhead that ive been calling you all this time.

btw if we play heads up, its going to be at a private table for REAL money, not for play money... youre honestly a dimwit for even suggesting that.


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