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GeoffM 11-02-04 11:14 AM

Announcers on TV
Does anyone else find the announcers, especially the guys for the WSOP, just comical. Those guys are absolutely hilarious to me. My bro and I will sit in fron of the tv and laugh at every other line they throw. Some memorable ones:

"Hand in the cookie jar"
"The RobinHood of poker"
"The carwash man"

Got any others? I know there are tons, just can't remember them right now.

eddo31 11-02-04 11:24 AM

my favorite from norm chad thi syear was about helmuth.

he said something like "his first book was called how to play like the pros, his next book will be called how to cry like a baby." this came after one of the classic hellmuth meltdowns.

in general i think they do a pretty good job, but only for entertainment purposes. i dont exactly trust them for their expert analysis of the plays.

GeoffM 11-02-04 01:19 PM

Agreed they aren't exactly experts when analyzing the hands, but they are hilarious.

They are the main reason I watch.

I'll be watching again, we get it Sunday for 3 hours, I'll post some of the witty remarks they state.

GeoffM 11-02-04 01:28 PM

Oh, wait, I just remembered 1.

Somebody was dealt QQ on Sunday and they said:

"Oh my, he's drawn 2 ladies, 2 divas, the Hilton sisters, whatever you want to call them, he has a huge pair".

Hilton sisters, lol, just classic. Can't wait to hear what they have to say on Sunday, they always come up with something new and hilarious for me to giggle at like a school girl :D.

Penguinfan 11-02-04 01:40 PM

Does anyone know when they actually do the comentary, seems like they couldn't possibly be doing it as that action happens so they must just get the edited down tape and only do comentary for that, I suppose.

GeoffM 11-02-04 01:56 PM

I believe they do indeed do it live, no doubt in a sound proof booth or something.

eddo31 11-02-04 02:22 PM

i think that they are there watching the action live, but i am pretty sure that they do the commentary afterwards. last year there was one shot of norm seated in the front row, while he was commentating, so i am pretty sure the commenst are added later. i think you can also pick up on a lot of the later action, because they foreshadow pretty heavily.

plus, it would cause all sorts of problems with the hole card cams. the turning stone event was "live" but it was delayed five minutes so that no one knew the hole cards.

junYUN 11-02-04 09:38 PM

i can't stand the announcers on ESPN WSOP! the guy that always tries to crack jokes is just completely un-funny. i don't know though, maybe it's just me.

GeoffM 11-03-04 08:29 AM

Are you crazy, those guys are hilarious. The comedy he uses just makes no sense and that alone makes me laugh. Mind you, I have been told that I have an immature sense of humour :( (whatever that means).

I remember another, I don't know who was playing, but they were chatting it up and buddies, and were sitting beside each other at the final table.

"If they get any closer, they'll be holding hands."

I don't know if anyone else on this board laughs as much as I do at these guys comments, but if you do, check back Sunday when we get 3 hours of WSOP in Toronto on television, and I'll post as many classic lines as I can. Seems every hand they have an unbelievable one-liner that knocks me out of my seat.

There ws another on the WPT, young kid on the final table.

"...playing hookie from school to be here."

Penguinfan 11-03-04 02:22 PM

When Fishman was asked when his book is coming out Norman Chad replied "well since he's a member of the Crew it must be a coloring book" I almost spit beer out of my mouth.

Tuff Luck 11-03-04 03:22 PM


I think he's pretty funny, but I can see how some people think his comments are pretty off. Oh well. I guess I have an immature sense of humor too.

junYUN 11-03-04 05:08 PM

he tends to just annoy the piss out of me whenever i'm trying to enjoy some good poker. those one liners are ridiculous...but to each his own.

johnbaker 11-03-04 05:17 PM

anybody else here hate vince van patten?

GeoffM 11-04-04 07:54 AM

Ok, what is it again:

"May all your flops be huge and your pots be monsters"

omahilo 11-04-04 10:41 AM

my favorite one liner is from norman chad.... Jesus was trying to bluff with 72o and Norm saids 'Jesus was caught stealing from the collection plate.' that was CLASSIC!!!!

and yes Vince Van Patten sucks.

GeoffM 11-04-04 10:53 AM


I remember that one now too. I spilled beer all over the floor in my bro's room. That was hilarious.

GeoffM 11-07-04 05:05 PM

Someone had an underpair in the hole vs. someone else's pair.

"He just stuck his finger in the light socket".


GeoffM 11-07-04 05:26 PM

Vinny Vin needed any face card to win on the river:

"Where is Picasso when you need him?"

GeoffM 11-07-04 05:51 PM

Antonio gets AA, and:

"He just picked up weapons of mass destruction".

junYUN 11-07-04 10:46 PM

"if these two keep spending so much time together in each hand they'll be legally married in wyoming"

this is one i heard today and i just dont see the humor

Tuff Luck 11-07-04 10:46 PM

Nice quadruple post. ;)

but funny nonetheless :p

nutbag 11-15-04 03:09 AM

Those guys aren't the greatest, but jessy may at Showdown at the Sands a while ago was the absolute worst commentator of any sport I have ever heard.

jimmytheg 11-15-04 04:04 AM

they don't do their commentary live...they have a full 3 months to come up with those witty one liners you seem to enjoy. they are there in person to do interviews and whatnot, but noone at the wsop has access to the hole cameras during play. The entire event is taped, and the producer's go over the footage after the tournaments.

jimmytheg 11-15-04 04:05 AM

It's may all your cards be live, and your pots be monsters

GeoffM 11-15-04 08:35 AM

Another good line came when the guy (can't remember who) nicknamed Robin Hood, stole a pot.

"Robin Hood just stole that pot and he's heading back to Nottingham Forest".

Classic :D.

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