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stormswa 09-02-08 02:05 PM

Forum Tilt thread in the making.
will be playing a ton tonight if anyone wants to get in call for us, im estimating about 5-6 people at least in call. Its usually a good time and the ghosting is nice if someone goes deep. Post skype name if you want a call.

Reel Deal 09-02-08 02:39 PM


stormswa 09-02-08 02:58 PM

big difference between running someones hand and giving advice.

Reel Deal 09-02-08 03:19 PM

So, let me ask you this, at a live event, say the WSOP, do they let you go talk to 5-6 of your friends during a hand to get their advice? I guess you all think the one player per hand rule is just an optional thing? If I knew someone at my table had 5-6 people in their ear giving them advice, I would not be happy, at all, and would inform the site.

stormswa 09-02-08 03:46 PM

actually its between the hands we talk about it and yes in the wsop you can get up between hands and talk about whatever you wish. If you dont believe me your welcome to join us one night. There is too much going on to get a response during a hand anyway even if we wanted to, but like I said Im not hiding anything so join us any night.

I know the site rules, do you think If I was doing something that would jeopardize my account I would openly invite everyone. I know you all dont think much of my intelligence but do you really think im that stupid?

if we were giving advice during the hand that is what I consider running a hand for someone. If someone say hey did you see that hand I shoved with 89 there wat that good, and we explain why or why not it was good that would be ghosting. That is what my coach does for me.

Reel Deal 09-02-08 04:51 PM

And you can prove that you're not talking to each other about a specific hand, during that hand, how?

stormswa 09-02-08 05:12 PM

well if your on the call you can listen, will be pretty obvious if we are talking about a hand if you have the table up wont it? TBH I don't need to prove anything, no one has accused me of anything, and you can prove im talking about a specific hand, during a hand, how? All I said was we ghost each other which all online coach's do online, yes maybe some cheat and tell their students what to do but im not one of them. I would never cheat its not in my nature so if you want to email stars because you think im cheating then be my guest because I know I have done nothing wrong.

Did I at any point in this thread say we discussed hands while they were going on? If I did please show me? all I said is we ghost each other which means we pull eachothers table up and watch. If a player has a question about a hand he played he asks AFTER THE HAND IS OVER! if someone tries to talk about a hand while its going on he gets dropped.

example: guy shoves XXX (after hand is over asks)
guy: hey I shoved XXX there was that a good shove? do you think I still had fold equity?
Everyone else discusses it and come to conclusion on hand.

why do you consider that cheating? Do you not discuss hands in HA here? only difference is we are discussing it on the phone and not typing it out. Seriously your making a huge deal about nothing.

I'm sorry I invited you all into a serious live discussion of poker strategy, my mistake wont happen again. I will relieve myself from this thread because im pretty insulted that after like 4 years on this forum you would think I would cheat at poker like this. Again if you want to sit in your more then welcome anytime because I know the players I talk with don't cheat. Go ahead and make your pathetic accusations all you want and assume what you want, all you had to do is ask me if we talk about hands while there going on and I would of said of course not but you didn't. All I said is there is a difference between ghosting and running someone hand because there is, you assume because a couple players online ghost someone else and tell them how to play we all do that which we dont.

MAYHEM45 09-02-08 05:21 PM

I wish i got 3 cards to shove with.

stormswa 09-02-08 05:25 PM

must be because I'm cheating again obv, whops I typed in thread guess im not done with. About to have to change my signature also because this is soooo about to forum tilt me.

MAYHEM45 09-02-08 05:33 PM

Id like a skype call just for the comedy factor.

stormswa 09-02-08 05:37 PM

k what is skype name?

its pretty fun because everyone talks about stupid stuff, but there are some great players in that convo. One of them took down the 16k last week, Im all about learning so if he decides to talk strategy im all ears.

I know what you said was a level though.

stormswa 09-02-08 05:44 PM

just so you know most ghosting online is legit and its one person going deep telling us what he is doing. Not asking for advice but showing us how to play a certain hand in a certain spot. After all he had to have some skills to get that deep and you can learn from him. We are all here to learn but if you are just there to make jokes and not learn then obv you will not be welcome. So don't be a douche.

Talking Poker 09-02-08 05:55 PM

As a lawyer, you should know that (unless accused) the burden of proof isn't on every player to prove they aren't cheating. That's just silly.

I'm not sure of the exact rules the sites have with regards to ghosting, honestly, but I think it's ok.

stormswa 09-02-08 07:36 PM

ok we are talking if you all want in.

Reel Deal 09-02-08 08:30 PM

As a lawyer, I do know that they could freeze anyone's account for pretty much any reason and there'd be very little we could do about it. So, I don't understand your point as our (U.S.) legal standards for burdens of proof have little to do with an off-shore poker site that can set its own rules including burdens of proof. My point is that it would be hard for the sites to know whether or not these people are discussing a hand while it's happening so I don't know how they would police this other than an outright ban.

Don't lecture the professor on legal theories. That's just silly.

Reel Deal 09-02-08 08:33 PM

And therein lies the problem.

Brian, I'm not going to contact any sites about this so don't get your panties in a twist. And, I'm not accusing you personally. It just seems like it could be abused (which you have admitted). That's all I'm pointing out here.

Penguinfan 09-02-08 08:35 PM

Skype newbie question, there is no IM option on Skype, just talking, right?

Robbie Robb 09-02-08 08:45 PM

It's been a while since I've had it loaded up, but I seem to recall there being IM, as well as voice and video calling.

stormswa 09-02-08 09:10 PM

yea you can IM.

Penguinfan 09-02-08 09:21 PM

Crosby87FTW is trying to contact you.

Invigilator 09-02-08 10:34 PM

Guns don't kill people, people kill people

Skype doesn't cheat at poker, people cheat at poker.

It's all in how you use it I guess.

Talking Poker 09-03-08 01:31 AM

I think you are missing my point.

Given what you just said, why aren't you worried about the freezing your account until you prove that no one is sitting next to you when you play, or that your wife never plays on your account, or that you're not on Skype talking to someone while you play?

All I was saying is there would be no reason for Brian to prove his innocence if no one suspects he's doing anything wrong - and if he ISN'T doing anything wrong (not colluding, for example), I don't know why anyone (read: Stars) would ever suspect anything.

Reel Deal 09-03-08 09:46 AM

This is why:

I just don't see why having 6-7 people in your ear giving you advice during a tournament should be allowed or accepted.

stormswa 09-03-08 01:39 PM

between hands you can talk about whatever you want and like I have said what like 15 times now. Its not people giving advice to others during hands, Its the person that is deep telling people what they have and how they are playing it so others can learn. We hand 2 TPF'ers on last night but no one went deep enough to give any insight into there play. I cashed the $11 and explained a couple plays I was doing but at not time did I ask anyone to help me out in a play of a hand and I would never. All the players on that skype call are good and respected players throughout the poker community.

there is like 7 people on the line there is no way you could get advice in the limited time you have in the hand, but afterwards is when you get the advice. Expecially if you just busted, you can ask if the shove was correct or not.

most of the time we are making stupid sidebet's anyway, I just see nothing wrong with talking about hands in real time between hands.

Akverno 09-03-08 02:39 PM

What's the point of being on Skype to discuss hands immediately after playing them? How much in depth strategy and discussion can go on in the few moments in between hands? Will the brief discussion lead into someone adjusting their play?

My guess is a video of the tournament (with uninteresting hands edited out) would be much more beneficial than to "ghost" someone. A video combined with in depth discussions about key hands would probably be a hell of a lot better than "ghosting" someone.

If you're honestly not discussing the hand as it is being played out what could possibly be the point (unless this is people just looking for groupies?)

Or maybe I don't understand the benefit.

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