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Kurn 01-03-09 11:21 AM

Most Overrated QB
Even being a wise-ass can lead to a good topic.

Who is the most overrated QB? Today? Ever?

This should be interesting.

Zybomb 01-03-09 11:53 AM

All Time:

Troy Aikman - An ordinary quarterback surround by extraordinary talent. Surround most QBs with a hall of fame running back a hall of fame receiver and protect him with hall of fame O linemen, and it's hard to see him not prosper. I will say he did step his game up in the Superbowl though.

I hate to say it being a Jet fan but you'll also hear plenty of arguments for Joe Namath. I wasn't alive for his career, so I won't comment on this one though


Tony Romo: Until a QB can win a big game he doesn't have my respect, particular if he consistently performs terribly in meaningful games. Peyton Manning took a while to step out of this category, but certainly has done so.

Brett Favre: He made the probowl this year based on his name alone

Edit: I should clarify when I included Favre as Current, I meant for this particular year only, not for his career

Penguinfan 01-03-09 12:43 PM

Current: Roethlisberger. Yea, I watched him win us a SuperBowl, but the team around him wins games more often than he does. If he didn't have that defense and Hines Ward he would probably be a backup somewhere.

Talking Poker 01-03-09 05:19 PM

Tono Romo.

Kurn 01-03-09 10:43 PM

I'd say Favre has been overrated for at least the past 3 years. In '05 he was close to being the worst starting QB in the NFL.

lightfungus 01-04-09 01:30 AM

Eli. He has never impressed me. His defensive front 4 won him the SB, he had nothing to do with it.

Kurn 01-04-09 09:01 AM

I'd agree except I've never heard anybody suggest he's anything more than an average QB.

Kurn 01-04-09 09:20 AM

I'd tend to go with Romo for current. Of course, considering how much money he'll get as a free agent, I'd have to put Cassel up there, too, coming from a team with one of the 2 or 3 best O-lines, Moss/Welker and a system that tends to make decent players (aka Deion Branch, Lawyer Milloy) look like world-beaters. In fact, Matt Cassel may have set the all-time record for going from underrated to overrated in the course of one season.

All-time is tougher. Comparisons between eras are even harder for the NFL than in other leagues. The rules have changed radically from 30 years ago, when DBs could mug the receivers all over the field as long as the ball wasn't in the air and some DBs would even slather glue all over their uniforms so one bump prevented the WR from ever getting separation (where have you gone, Lester Hayes?).

You could use the Aikman rationale to put Terry Bradshaw in the most overrated category. I also think that, as an NFL analyst, Phil Simms' reputation seems bigger than his reality. I seem to remember him leading the league in late game blunders. Zy can ask some 40+ Giant fans how accurate that is. And finally, there are many in south Florida who would put Marino right up on top.

thrash1294 01-04-09 02:26 PM

dan marino. no ring and blew like romo in every big game:twocents:

Mogul4 01-04-09 02:52 PM

All-time have no idea as im too young and British to know anything pre-Manning/Brady really:) Watched for about 5-7 years so thats my history, and im not surrounded in NFL culture so i dont et the chance to pick up things about the game (obv ive heard of Marino and Aikman and "Greasy" but i dont know their numbers or reputations, just what they won.

Current - Romo is right up there. Again pre-season favourites for the superbowl, again huge losses at bad times and some shocking offence.

You cant really include favre, as no-one has said he is a great, he is just renowned for his record consecutive appearances, his TD passes and interception records, and whatever else he has broken now. Favre is good, and will always be a threat because teams respect him more with better deep coverage, which for as long as he can offer the long ball will always be an advantage. Pus he reads the game brlliantly.

Rothilsburger (sp) is average, as is Cassel.

A guy who has been getting a great review over here is Thigpen... though im unsure why.

My pick is still T-Ro

Penguinfan 01-04-09 08:06 PM

Much respect Kurn, but as someone who had seen Bradshaws entire career, I have to wonder if you ever saw a game.

Be among the Steeler haters if you must, but Bradshaw over-rated is just crazy. I don't care how good the team around him was, you don't get 4 SuperBowl rings as a QB being anything less than great at what you do.


Kurn 01-05-09 04:55 AM

I said someone could put Bradshaw in the same category as Aikman, not that I did. And I'm sure there are many Dallas fans who would react similarly to you for our saying Aikman was overrated.

Reel Deal 01-05-09 09:30 AM

Here's a couple more...

Current: Romo

Past: John Elway - great arm but gagged in most big games until Terrell Davis and a very good o-line won 2 Super Bowls for him.

Past/Current(?): Mike Vick - great runner sure, but as a passer he'd have trouble hitting the ocean from the end of a pier.

sil3ntq 01-05-09 04:31 PM

Big Ben is not overrated... a quarterback cannot win the game all by himself, of course he needs help from others... Roethlisberger does not lose games for the steelers... he mite play bad; but he doesnt lose the game.
idno, this is just my opinion; maybe im backin him up because im a steelers fan, but i honestly do not think he is overrated.

Penguinfan 01-05-09 08:18 PM

OK, got it. I also don't think Aikman was overrated.

I am a lifelong Steeler fan, yes, Ben is losing us games all by himself with the atrosious decision making and retarded interceptions. Ben is overrated.

Mogul4 01-05-09 10:26 PM

Fcking Narwhals fuck yeah!

sil3ntq 01-07-09 03:08 PM

can you be more specific plz? =]

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