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SirFWALGMan 11-18-04 12:06 AM

Swings in 5/10
What are the average swings in 5/10 for most people? Do you tend to go up/down 200, 300, 400 a night? What would be above average? I ask because I have been experiencing large swings both ways, and I am not sure if this is normal. It does however set me off a little bit. I am not used to 5/10 yet so maybe it is just getting used to the level. PT says I am a TAP player. Trying to get the aggression up. It also says I am making 1/BB 100 which is decent. I may be focused on my Bankroll too much, and worried about going back to 3/6, and wanting to really do well at this level and see some progress. Anyway.. let me know what people think.

Talking Poker 11-18-04 12:43 AM

How many hands have you logged at 5/10 now? You need to remember that there are a LOT of short term swings in poker, no matter what stakes you are playing. I think a 20-40 BB swing in a single session is perfectly reasonable.

Try to look at your poker career as one big long session (or if that sounds too crazy, look at it monthly), and don't focus on the short term too much.

SirFWALGMan 11-18-04 08:35 AM

Yeah, I am bad about the long session thing sometimes, and get caught up in the moment. I am also adjusting to the fact that 5/10 money means something to me. I make a good living, and the 40BB swing is not going to kill me, and my Bankroll is sufficient, but the number's actually start being near a days pay or something. I have nowhere near enough hands at 5/10 to tell anything. However it does seem I am beating it for less than I did the prior levels. Over 2600 hands I am beating the game for about 1/BB per 100. In prior levels over 25K hands I was beating the game for 3-4BB per 100. From all I have read the 1/BB per 100 is actually a closer figure to reality when playing at these levels. Anyway.. Poker is about growing and adjusting and changing, so the turmoil is good for me as long as I can grow from it.

Talking Poker 11-18-04 10:24 AM

One other tip for you..... try not to think of poker money (your bankroll) as real world money. They are two very different things. If you start thinking about yor poker winnings/loings as Days' Pay, Car Payments, or even DVDs, it's going to affect your play.

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