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Trinket 08-06-07 04:00 PM

New to the Site
Well technically not new… I signed up here a few months ago, to browse round the posts etc, but didn’t make any of my own. I thought it’s probably best to start off with an introduction.

My name’s Kris, and I’m a beginning poker player from the UK. I started playing ‘properly’ pretty much the same time as I signed up to this forum. My only background was fun home games between friends. You know the kind (or maybe not, I’m not sure)… mates all learning together, playing the ‘any two will do’ style, and keeping it so friendly that the words ‘raise’ or ‘all-in’ were a rarity.

These days, I take my poker seriously, yet unsurprisingly find myself far from the standards of the people on this site. I also happen to find myself several hundred dollars in the minus side of the column. The majority of that was in the last 2 - 3 weeks. It’s to be expected, I’m learning - I’ve taken to calling anything I lose my ‘poker education fund’ :D.

Anyhow, I’m rambling. The reason I’m posting is that I’d like to become more active in this community, and learn all I can from people. I’m a small stakes player (the most I’ve played up to is 25c/50c NLHE). As a student, it’s all I can afford right now :). I’m looking to reduce the amount of money I contribute to my ‘education fund’ and claw my way back into a profit, learning all the way I go. I’m hoping that one day, I’ll be able to help someone who’s in my position right now.

The past few weeks have left me a little crippled so I’m mostly playing play money on Full Tilt (I‘m hoping that once I redeposit, I can gradually work my way up to higher stakes). I’m thinking of making a video (if I can dig up my mic - do you guys need audio, or will notes do?) so I can perhaps reveal my weaknesses and get them remedied by people around here. I don’t know if it’s worth making a ‘play money’ video (can you guys let me know what you think?), but I guess we’ll see how it goes.

Sorry for the longish post… I’ll leave it there! Just wanted to say “Hi!” :)


PS. I really hope this is posted in the right place. It's sort of poker related... If it's not, then I apologise in advance! :o

PPS. Any general advice that can be offered is much appreciated. You know, posts, sites, books and all that kind of stuff. Thanks! :)

Talking Poker 08-06-07 04:57 PM

First an most importantly - Welcome to the forum! I;m glad you decided to quite lurking and start posting...

I think making a video would be a good idea, but NOT a play money video. And it should have audio, so you can comment on WHY you are making the plays you are making, so people can get into your head and let you know where we disagree with your thought processes.

Before doing the video though, I'd recommend posting a bunch of ""interesting" hands in the Hand Discussion section. And obviously don't only post bad beats or hands that you are sure you played right, but post ones where a situation came up that you weren't sure how to deal with - REGARDLESS of whether or not you won or lost the pot. One of the first steps in becoming a better poker player is to stop being results oriented. Remember:

Decisions, not Results.

Poker is a long term game, so you always need to be making the best long term decisions, and not be focused on short term results (as so many people instinctively do).

Again, welcome to the forum.

HEwong 08-06-07 05:04 PM

Welcome to the forum. if u make a video dont make a play money one for obv reasons. but yeah use a mic.

Trinket 08-06-07 05:16 PM

I guess I'll have to squeeze out another deposit then :).

Thanks for the welcome guys!

omahilo 08-06-07 05:44 PM

welcome to the forum!!!

Ando05 08-06-07 06:26 PM


melioris 08-06-07 07:42 PM

welcome trinket!

I think that you will find this forum a valuable tool to improve your game. As TP said, post a lot of hands. Browse and read old threads in the hand discussion section. And reply to threads in that section, as a major part of the learning process is posting what you think and why. That is the only way to discover the flaws in your thinking.

Invigilator 08-06-07 09:09 PM

This is the best advice. I know I need to do this more.

You will get very little (by comparison) by passively absorbing this site


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