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claudioxcore 05-31-09 01:07 PM

Playing the BoP Triple Shootout today...
I've never played a triple shootout, but I'm getting a general idea of how it's played.

However, I am going to be wanting some potential second opinions on hands while I'm playing, (not necessarily full on ghost), and I'm giving everyone my AIM
to hit me up.

Tommy Automatica is my screenname (yes with a space).

Feel free to to post yours here.

Thanks guys. :cheers:

thadeas1 06-01-09 01:23 PM

IMO ghosting of any shape and size is wrong, if you can't play the game on you're own then dont play it, seriously this is a shocking post.


melioris 06-01-09 02:25 PM

I didn't see this thread until now, but I agree with thadeas entirely.

Fildy 06-01-09 02:56 PM

I doubt he meant during the actual hand. I ghost him all the only time we discuss hands is after they have played out. Line checks etc. I may occasionally tell him to shove AA or 84 but I highly doubt that constitutes as cheating since both are standard plays.

claudioxcore 06-01-09 03:57 PM

Lol I guess this was misunderstood.

I don't mean during hands, but example:

I'm in a tough spot, I fold. I'll take the hand history, post it to fildy for example, and ask for an opinion. Does he think it was the right fold? Should I have got it in?

Sorry if this was taken the wrong way.

thadeas1 06-01-09 04:09 PM

this wasnt misunderstood, its what you asked.

claudioxcore 06-01-09 04:16 PM

I mean... I said "second opinions on hands", I'm not saying "tell me how to play the hands" ... I'm saying, if I think I misplayed a hand, or I think I shoulda taken a different line, how could I have played it differently? Some on the spot analysis was all I was looking for.

thadeas1 06-01-09 04:23 PM

na im not having it, you asked "while I'm playing, (not necessarily full on ghost)" this implies you want some sort of help maybe on hands you think you cant decide on yourself.

claudioxcore 06-01-09 04:35 PM

Well then, you're ignorant. That's not what I was implying and I honestly could care less what you think.

thadeas1 06-01-09 04:43 PM

I wouldn't expect anyone on this forum to care less about anything I have to say, im not in the in crowd, but what i will do is call out where I think something is wrong and that is what I have done, like it or not.

Wes 06-01-09 04:45 PM

I'm pretty sure ghosting is not against stars rules (simply because they did allow multiple people to play on one account during previous PCA's), so I don't really see a problem against it.

claudioxcore 06-01-09 04:46 PM

I'm just saying your misinterpretation and ignorant responses are something to be frowned upon.

My request was equivalent to asking someone "Did I play that hand bad?" at your average home game.

But you blew it up into this unnecessary ordeal, and accused me of cheating.

So with all due respect sir, maybe you should think before you speak... or just ask questions... before you blatantly bash someone.

claudioxcore 06-01-09 04:47 PM

I'm pretty sure it isn't either... but it's irrelevant. It wasn't a ghosting request... I made it clear that I wasn't asking for a ghost, but people to critique hands they thought I may have misplayed.

thadeas1 06-01-09 04:57 PM

First : Wes im not sure ghosting is against the rules either as it is really difficult for the sites to police or prove, but IMO as i stated before its wrong. What happens if im playing some $5 donkament and I get Mooreman1 or Stevie444 to ghost me? is that fair to the average $5 tourney player?

Second : claudio if you actually read your original post then you would understand how it comes across, you say you weren't asking for a ghost which is correct or in your own words "not necessarily full on ghost". Make me out to be the bad guy all you like and I dont care, at the end of the day you wanted realtime help as the hands played out and that is not right in my book, couldn't get away with it playing live so why should i tolerate it online?

claudioxcore 06-01-09 05:00 PM

You basically just reiterated what I said ... "Not necessarily a full on ghost" implying, I don't want realtime opinions on the hand ... because, that would be a full on ghost. Wow, I don't know how much more clear I could make it in the OP that I wasn't looking for someone to make decisions for me... but you're right thadeas, no one should be allowed to analyze hands that I've played online. We should probably delete the Hand Discussion section of the forum while we're at it.

You're ignorant. I'm not making you out to be the bad guy, I'm making you out to be the narrow minded clueless guy.

Fildy 06-01-09 05:00 PM

But it would have been okay to post on a forum and get a response that way?
The only difference is the speed at which the response comes so why should it matter? its essentially the same thing is it not?

jillaj 06-01-09 05:07 PM

Really at the end of the day you have no clue what he wanted. You only know what was typed into his message. Maybe the words didn't come out like he wanted them to, maybe they did. However you have no clue of his intent. Lots of people have a disconnect between what they think and what they can put on "paper". He stated he wanted second opinion on hands. Where did he mention he wanted the second opinion during the hand? I guess I don't see why you got your panties in a bunch over this.

Also there are many things you can't do live that you can do online and that makes none of them wrong.

Mogul4 06-01-09 05:09 PM

Hmm, i have issues with this (but in a nice way)

People posts hands for analysis all the time, doing it via AIM with a ghost would be faster, but thats all.

As for getting good players to ghost you, surely if you think thats unfair then all the people paying $5 to enter a $5 tourney, and having JohnnyBax, PhilIvey, Mossified84 or someone joining would make it unfair to them too?


jillaj 06-01-09 05:13 PM

But at least they know they are playing them.

Mogul4 06-01-09 05:15 PM

Yeah but the average $5 tourney guy wouldnt really know anyway, unless they read PTP/2p2 or something.

I can kinda see how this thread started, with claudio saying "While im playing".

But tbh i have no issues with anyone ghosting anyone else, ive done it for a few people before, both while active in a hand and after the hand for analysis.

Neither really changed the opinion much.

One last thing - what the fuck is the BoP? What site, anyone got a link?

jillaj 06-01-09 05:17 PM

Battle of Planets. It is a stars promotion for sit n gos.

claudioxcore 06-01-09 05:17 PM

a good read. check it out.

Wes 06-01-09 05:23 PM

As long as it is allowed by the rules of the site, I would think it is fair. Sure there are some aspects of how online is regulated that I disagree with, but saying it is unfair for someone to utilize this option seems a little too haste on something to whine about. If you don't like, complain to the site and/or play somewhere else.

Talking Poker 06-01-09 05:45 PM

This pretty much 100% sums up how I feel about the whole ghosting thing. I don't like it (it being "full on ghosting"), but if it's allowed by the poker sites, then it's well within a player's right to do it.

JDMcNugent7 06-01-09 05:58 PM

Ya I see no problem with this at all. When I bought pieces of Straate to play in some 300/600 games he used camtasia with everyone who had a piece of him, and was chatting about all the hands and what different situations.

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