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PShabi 05-26-06 04:10 PM

Now THAT'S marketing! takes a bite out of the Big Apple's gas prices gave away over 8 thousand gallons of gasoline this morning to hundreds of New Yorkers excited to be apart of this generous offer. The line up in what on-site traffic officers called the longest gas line in New York City this decade spanned over ten blocks backing up to the Brooklyn Bridge.

From 6AM this morning, the Westside Highway Gas station at the corner of Canal St. & West Side HWY offered up to $40 in free unleaded gasoline, complements of the online poker and casino group. PokerShare's "deal" was designed to help New Yorkers enjoy their Memorial Day Weekend without having to fret about the high price of gasoline.

Several morning shows and radio personalities interacted and interviewed the drivers who were clearly not only happy with their free gas, but with their 15 seconds of fame. The PokerShare team and gas station management team were all suited up, and supporting the PokerShare Pump Girls, who filled the tanks of eager New Yorkers. With only 6 pumps in service and cars backed up during morning rush hour, NYPD eventually had to shut the party down!

New Yorkers who had heard about the event through flyers, radio and TV promotions, and word of mouth came from as far away as South Jersey. Even off-duty police officers and city officials came to the station to get their share of gas. "I left work to fill up - this is just too good to be true, when is the last time you got gas for FREE," said one customer. hope that everyone involved will have a better Memorial Day Weekend because of the event. hoped that the event could run a full five hours, but are already planning their next "PokerShare City", where they will once again help relieve the price of the pump. The most generous site on the Web plans to choose their next city via a poll on our home page .

eejit101 05-26-06 04:29 PM


God bring it to the UK, its $10 a gallon here. thay will go bust

studiopet 05-26-06 05:03 PM

In case you haven't figured it out by now EJ, no one cares about the UK and your stupid gas prices, don't you all ride in rickshaws anyway? We still hate you all for trying to make us pay that stinkin tax on your stupid tea and trying to make us bow to your so-called royalty, this in addition to the stupid accent you all have. (Remember - we kicked your arses out of here because of the above). The only decent thing the UK has contributed to us was the Beatles.

PS: I heard Wacko Jackson is moving to the UK to hang out with GranMadonna...take em both.


BTW - that is genious gas rocks.

:D to indicate sarcasm.

kkirk1329 05-26-06 05:03 PM

:eek: :eek: :eek:

PShabi 05-26-06 05:15 PM

eejit101 05-26-06 05:17 PM

Whose being ironic?

And i apologise on behalf of the 65 million people in britian for that, but i dont give a shit really. It all worked out for you power hungry asses anyway i guess...:rolleyes:

studiopet 05-26-06 05:20 PM

An apology is not neccessary. A simple "thank you" for not turning the UK into a US territory will suffice. :thumbsup:

PShabi 05-26-06 05:31 PM

The smart-guy who spells "genius" wrong.

eejit101 05-26-06 07:09 PM

lol, didnt even notice.

When tony blair goes soon were probably gonna go to war with the USA. cant wait for that day...

jillaj 05-26-06 07:28 PM

And it would only take that 1 day to finish it.

eejit101 05-26-06 08:15 PM

yup, wed quickly run off to Iran, take it over, then youd be giving us everything for tha oil back:D

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