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Talking Poker 10-30-07 11:49 PM

As you can (hopefully) see, I added a ChatBox to the main page of the site.

Right now, it's pretty much the first thing you see, at the top of the forum. I'm thinking maybe I should move it, probably down below the Top 5 Stats section and the "What's Going On?" section.


Talking Poker 10-30-07 11:56 PM

BTW - The ChatBox autorefreshes every 15 seconds (or when you enter a message), so no need to refresh the main page to update it.

bunny 10-31-07 12:04 AM

It broke. I tried to type a message and nothing.

eejit101 10-31-07 12:10 AM

yeah u broke it.

Talking Poker 10-31-07 12:14 AM

Nothing is broken. Freaking complainers.

Thanks for volunteering for the ChatBox test banning, eejit. :thumbsup:

eejit101 10-31-07 12:36 AM

your welcome, now +rep me for the demorilisation of it all plz:o

Talking Poker 10-31-07 12:42 AM

OK, I think I have the options set up pretty well for this. If anyone has any more suggestions, speak up (here, not in the ChatBox). I can customize a lot, but not everything, of course.


"/me is cool"
will show up as:
"* {Your name} is cool"

Oh, one last thing: For those who never plan on even looking at the ChatBox on the forum home page (you can always access the Full one ), you can minimize it, just like any other options type box in the forum.

Talking Poker 10-31-07 12:42 AM

No thanks. Pretty sure you still owe me money.

melioris 10-31-07 08:45 AM

move it to the bottom of the page please. That is the best place for it. Yes, those that don't want it can minimize it, but those that are going to use it will use it no matter where it is and those that don't want to use it prefer it at the bottom of the page.

bunny 10-31-07 09:36 AM

This is the error message I received while in ChatBox.

bunny 10-31-07 10:45 AM

Would it be possible to have the ChatBox open up in a new window, when we click on ChatBox? This way, we can pop in and out, as we please, from *reading posts to chatbox*.

Problem solved. No need to bother yourself looking into this anymore.

I can simply open two TPF tabs on my browser. Use one for chat, the other to read posts.

juiCe[3x] 10-31-07 11:16 AM

I got this same error this morning.

Talking Poker 10-31-07 12:13 PM

I agree with this. I'm going to leave it at the top of the forum for a couple of days, to make sure everyone notices it (like a Sticky thread), but I'll move it down to the bottom after that.

Talking Poker 10-31-07 12:13 PM

Yeah.. the old "Right Click - Open Link in New Window" should take care of this for you.

Talking Poker 10-31-07 12:14 PM

I don't know what's causing the error message, but it seems to me that it happens when either the ChatBox or the server is "Busy." Go figure. :rolleyes:

Seems like a minor bug to me though, so hopefully you guys can live with it happening from time to time.

bunny 10-31-07 12:19 PM

That Chatbox seems to only show up on the front page. I see no reason to add to the clutter at the bottom of that page, but it's your decision. I mostly refresh the new posts page, so unless I hang around on the front page I won't see it.

The reason I enjoy viewing it up top is so (this way) I can see if anyone is in there typing without scrolling to the bottom or entering the chat.

Zybomb 10-31-07 01:42 PM

I think its incredibly annoying that it resets every X seconds and goes back tot he bottom of the chat -- like if I've missed some chat and scroll up I cant read it all bc it keeps taking me back to the bottom before I've finished

MAYHEM45 10-31-07 01:45 PM


Ando05 10-31-07 02:02 PM

TP it should probably have a scroll-lock or something, where in Zybomb's situation when he scrolls up, it doesn't just go back down again.

bunny 10-31-07 02:58 PM

Don't believe there is an option to lock the scroll bar (tp would have to verify), but your problem can easily be fixed by viewing the *Chat Archive* and reading from there, instead of from the chatbox area (where others are still typing).

bunny 10-31-07 03:01 PM

I'm not sure if this occurs only to me, but what I find a little bothersome is when using the smilies. If I click enter, the smiley will keep multiplying instead of automatically adding itself into the chatbox area.

Seems I need to choose the smiley, then click a space other than the smiley box list (to have the smiley box disappear) then *enter* to have the smiley show up in the chat area. .

eejit101 10-31-07 03:04 PM

eh what for?

Talking Poker 10-31-07 06:15 PM

Oh, I don't know... maybe that hat that you begged for, said you'd pay for in full, and I said I'd buy it for you, but only asked you to reimburse me for ths shipping.... and then after conveniently disappearing like you always do when you owe someone money, you finally said the money would be coming two or three times (all the while getting jillaj's Stars account locked because he was nice enough to do a transfer for you) and are now pretending to have forgotten about.

It's not about the money. It's the principle of it. But whatever. Be all eejity. I don't care.

Talking Poker 10-31-07 06:20 PM

Back on topic, if I may...

I don't know of a way to lock the scroll bar, but if you view the ChatBox Full instead of the small box on the main page, you shouldn't have the problem of not being able to keep up. That, or catch up in the Archive, as bunny suggested.

As for the placement, I didn't realize having to scroll down was difficult for people (I mean, we scroll down tons for every single thread we read, right?), but if it is difficult, I'd rather it be difficult for people to get to the ChatBox instead of being difficult for people to see all the sections of the forum, the new active threads, etc.

Remember, this is a forum first. The ChatBox is just an afterthought.

eejit101 10-31-07 08:02 PM

umm yeah......

and i forgot, and since when recently have i dissapeared?

Nice to see you forgive and forget

and ill send it when i get a transfer sorted to stars mmk. How much was it?

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