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Penguinfan 10-20-04 02:21 PM

Any losing players out there?
I actually posted this as a reply in another thread, but it got me wondering if anyone out there admits to being a losing player? It seems the only posts are about how many BB/hour are being made and nobody ever loses, unless it's a horrible one-outer on the river. I admit to being behind, I am getting better, but still losing overall, still have alot to learn. Is it such a bad ting to be honest about it?

Talking Poker 10-20-04 03:27 PM

I am a winning player. With that said, I have had some SERIOUS losing streaks. It happens. I am also a loser in some specific games....

I recently read that 85% of players are losers, but very few think they are. The article (in Card Player) said the average player is a $2000 per year loser, but thinks he is about a $2000 per year winner. Most losing players don't keep records, so they don't know for sure. I find this very interesting...

I play in a regular game with some friends - tourney style. We typically play $30 buy ins with anywhere from 4-12 players, and we usually have 2 or 3 tourneys per night when we play. I'm the only one that keeps records, of course, but check this out: Through 52 tourneys, I am up $990.

The funny thing is, apparently NO ONE is a loser in this game! I'm not sure where that money all came from, but they all *think* they are winners. It's the most bizarre thing.

Jackass_man 10-20-04 03:50 PM

I agree that most players are losing overall. I know I am right now, the thing is you can't expect to win all the time just minimize your loses when the cards are coming.

robert2504 10-20-04 05:14 PM

Starting to come up on the positive.
I have played online for about 6 months now and I am barely started to come out on the positive. It has taken me 5 books and a piece of software call Poker Tracker. I am not a high stakes player; I am a micro-limit player. I have decided to play Sit & Go games at Party Poker only to pay for my points to get my bonus money. Maybe next year I will get better and start making some money. Meanwhile is micro-limit ring games and $5 + $1 S&Gs to get my bonus money (reloads). :cool:

bothecorgi 10-20-04 05:23 PM

Even after losing $300 last night on Party (don't ask), I am still ahead about $900 but I may take a few nights off to regain my focus.

Penguinfan 10-20-04 05:23 PM

Talking Poker, thats kinda what I had in mind. Seems like Joe average deposits, busts out, deposits, busts out, deposits, busts out, deposits and gets ahead a bit and is all the sudden a winning player, before busting out again of course. One of the keys to winning at this game, in my opinion, is being brutaly honest about your own play, especially with yourself.

When I first started out playing I was getting crushed and constantly said "Damn, I just never get cards". Took a while before I realized it was my bad play that was costing money, not bad cards (though a few good ones now and then sure help).

Charlie Frank 10-21-04 11:23 AM

Studies of human behaviour (sorry don't have a link or footnote) have shown that the vast majority of gamblers use denial as a method of dealing with the fact they are massive financial losers. It is my opinion that many of them would know, deep down, that they are losing money, but they trick themselves into "minimising" the losses in their head - for, if they were to face the truth, they wouldn't be able to justify their expenditures to themselves, let alone to anyone else.

I run a weekly game and my dealer keeps records of all cash-ins/cash-outs so we know exactly who the long-term winners/losers are. You have to smile when you hear someone bragging about being up a couple thousand for the year when you know they are down a couple thousand. The books don't lie (unless those books are Enron's, I suppose).


2Tone 10-21-04 11:47 AM

1) I wasn't aware the SNGs qualified for bonus clearing at Party. Are you sure about this?

2) Keep in mind at the $5 SNGs you are paying a 20% rake. Finish 3rd, and you've barely made your money back. Step up to $10, and it goes down to half that, and third nearly doubles your buy-in. As soon as your bankroll can handle, I'd suggest making the jump, though the quality of play does increase somewhat.

PShabi 10-21-04 11:50 AM

I've been playing since January, but just began keeping records in August, when I started playing more regularly. Since then, I'm up $350. Played 1/2 on Pac Poker, just graduated to 2/4 last week. Also play NL at home.

Talking Poker 10-21-04 11:55 AM

Do you think they truly believe they are winners? That's my question. Because the people I am talking about do.

PShabi 10-21-04 12:05 PM

Some of them might. Once I started keeping records, I was like, "Damn!"

I mean, say you're at work (who would play at work?) and you're playing little 45 minute to 1 hour stretches two or three times a day. It can be hard to get an idea of where you're at if you're not keeping actual records.

2Tone 10-21-04 12:06 PM

A 4k swing!
[quote=Talking Poker]I recently read that 85% of players are losers, but very few think they are. The article (in Card Player) said the average player is a $2000 per year loser, but thinks he is about a $2000 per year winner. Most losing players don't keep records, so they don't know for sure. I find this very interesting...

Could that be? That's $4k swing! With average HHI at 42k (), the difference between being up or down 2k would be tremendous. As Iggy would say, oh the humanity.

I keep records to the penny about my online play, because it is so easy to do. I'm more casual about my b&m, but this thread provides the kick in the ass I need to get more vigilant.

GeoffM 10-21-04 02:59 PM

If you are going to play $5 + $1 sit-n-go on Party, you might as well play $10 + $1 instead. 10% rake vs. 20%. Also, sit-n-gos do not count towards bonuses on PP. The only bonuses I am aware of is those that require a certain number of raked hands.

Charlie Frank 10-25-04 12:28 PM

I'd say some would truly believe it. Never underestimate the power of denial.


TajaUk 10-25-04 12:42 PM

I haver blown my money on stars and party, only site I tend to win on is ladbrokes.

Most my friends play for fun and dont tend to win :(

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