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Talking Poker 01-30-06 03:44 PM

How long should the max sig length be?
Right now, it's set at 200 characters. I personally fin very long, multi-lined sigs to be a bit annoying. But I'll leave it up to you guys.

rookette22 01-30-06 03:52 PM's a unanimous decision ....300 is the winner! lol

Edit: with only 1! lol;) :D

I think there's an error on the voting system TP lol

As to why I think we should be able to have 300 characters max? Well, if TP says he will allow us to have 3 lines max...300 characters should also be allowed to fill up those lines.

Talking Poker 01-30-06 03:54 PM

Well, I just voted for 200, so it's a dead heat now.

rookette22 01-30-06 03:57 PM

Well we all know who's gonna win this right?:D

Robbie Robb 01-30-06 05:23 PM

How about we split the difference and go 250???? :o I know I ran into problems with the 100 limit when I was trying to put my account names below. I could only have a REALLY short sentence above it. I haven't run into any problems with 200, but I'm currently using 85 chars just for the account names (more if it counts BBCode in the character count).

That said - I absolute hate, dispise, can't stand, poop on sigs that are way longer than the actual message itself. Nothing is more annoying that seeing a message that says something like "sounds good" followed by half a screen of sig telling me my IP address, the person's computer system, the number of times they've had sex with their dog, whatever. Can't stand it.

I don't think I've ever seen any sigs on here that bothered me, Shabi's 5-liner lyrics was a tad annoying but liveable. :)

rookette22 01-30-06 05:32 PM

psst...shhhh lol

I need 300. My sig is not done yet. And mine doesn't look so bad with that #1 font size.

And tytyty...for all those who voted in my favor. ;) :p :D

FatRufus 01-30-06 05:50 PM

I don't see how you need 300. I think 200 is enough. Any more and it think it takes up too much space, unless you can make the font small

Robbie Robb 01-30-06 05:58 PM

You mean like she already has done??? And I've done??? :D

FatRufus 01-30-06 06:00 PM

yes. I don't mind what you've done. Like hawt's is big and takes up alot of room. If people are going to do what you and rook did, then i see no problem

rookette22 01-30-06 06:55 PM

Hmmm...wonder when this poll ends? :p

Talking Poker 01-30-06 07:04 PM

I set it for 7 days, but it's pretty clear people want 300. So be it.

rookette22 01-30-06 07:05 PM

So I win?

I mean 300max wins? lol :p

Edit: Hmm...doesn't feel right winning like this.:o
See...I swung the votes my way by pm'ing ppl to vote for the 300 allowance. I mean didn't really say we weren't allowed to campaign for what we wanted to win. So....if you want to do it over again, it's fine by me. I'll be a good girl, this time. :rolleyes:

P.S.: I still would like the 300 with #1 font size. I need it in order to finish my signature.

Talking Poker 01-30-06 07:15 PM

Yeah, I noticed that before. You said something about "who's gonna win" when I didn't know there were any PEOPLE being voted on. I thought we were voting on Signature lenghts.

We'll see how the numbers look later tonight, but yes, it looks like 300 is probably going to win.

Talking Poker 01-30-06 07:16 PM

Interesting. I didn't realize I NEEDED to say people shouldn't do that. Maybe you should go sign up 20 or 30 new fake user accounts while you are at it, just be be sure.

rookette22 01-30-06 07:32 PM

You know...I could've left you in the dark about this whole thing, and let you win. But I didn't. I was honest with you and told you what I had done.

Most ppl voted their own way, anyway. It's only the ones who didn't care either way, that probably voted for the 300.

Talking Poker 01-30-06 10:20 PM

Let "me" win?

I'd like to point out once again that I'm not on the ballot, nor is anyone running for anything.

I'm also not going to fudge the poll one way or the other. Let's just see how the vote turns out, ok?

rookette22 01-30-06 10:28 PM


Now does this mean it's NOT ok to pm ppl to vote for the 300? :rolleyes: :D

Talking Poker 01-30-06 10:42 PM

Can't you just let the vote work itself out? Let people vote however they want to. I think what YOU want is pretty clear by reading this thread and the other one. People will "get it" without you bugging them via PM.

If you aren't allowed to PM people to ask for money, you shouldn't be allowed to PM them to ask for votes and such either, right?

And obviously I was kidding about the making multiple accounts crap. Don't even think about doing that.

rookette22 01-30-06 10:49 PM


I was kidding ...see the sarcasm smiley?

PShabi 01-30-06 10:57 PM

The poll is swinging back to 200. I bet 200 comes back to win. I just voted for it becasue Rook PM'd me to vote for "her." Also, I enjoy pissing people off and with Rook it's just so damn easy.

rookette22 01-30-06 11:00 PM

hardy har har! lol

I knew you did the opposite ! lol
But's all good.

Edit: Least I got to know some ppl I never really chatted with. And then there was Pshabi. lol

Btw...Pshabi; just counted your characters and noticed that you could have still added 7 more WHAT? 's.:p

Talking Poker 02-01-06 03:19 AM

Ok Rook.... I'm changing this to 300 now.

Please keep the font sizes down, everyone.

junYUN 02-01-06 04:26 AM

fuck long sigs

rook you're gay for PM'ing me to change it to 300

i voted 100 but i guess i lose

Talking Poker 02-01-06 12:12 PM

If you had voted 200, we might have had a chance. 100 is the Ralph Nader of this poll.

I should have made the question: Should we increase the signature length to 300? Yes or no." Then we'd have a chance. Oh well.

rookette22 02-01-06 12:19 PM

I don't mind voting again. This time you can forget about the 100 and I won't pm anyone. This way it will be fair.

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