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bigjohnstud2o 10-30-04 06:35 AM

my wife is taking up poker
i let her play my new player 5k freeroll on party because i had to work. I got home and she was still on the table with the chip lead with 102 left. The first hand i see she get 66. Flop come 69J. she bets 1/2 her stack and gets a guy all in with AA. Well you know he hit A on riv. but she wound up 30th and made 30 bucks. She is surprisingly good at poker. I guess she watches me sooooooooooo much that she picked it up ok.

Penguinfan 10-30-04 07:05 AM

Both you and her playing?!? That will either be a very wealthy happy household or WW3 my friend!!!

eddo31 10-30-04 09:35 PM

my girlfriend started playing a little while after i did. she has some serious impulse control problems with gambling (it is kind of in her blood), and suffic to say we have very different styles.

it can get a little bit contentious at times when she is on a bad streak, wants me to give her some support and sympathy, and all i can think is how bad she was playing, and that she should have lost big. that definitely get me on the shit list.

TajaUk 10-31-04 05:39 AM

I would need another computer if my wife started playing!

Penguinfan 10-31-04 07:42 AM

I would need another house, in another state. Come to think of it I would probably just need a new wife.

BlibbityBlabbity 10-31-04 10:17 AM

Watch out.....Giving advice is a VERY touchy proposition. My wife started playing while Full Tilt was in beta and she would ask for advice from me while in single tables. She was very tentative at first so I was trying to get across the agressive aspect of these tourneys (YOU HAVE TO BET THAT!!!! :D ) and it didn't go over well. Even worse if you tell her to bet and she gets rivered and blames you for "getting her" knocked out. :eek:

Good luck man. DUCK!!! [plate flies by head]

junYUN 10-31-04 04:51 PM

yes my gf plays as well now and she's horrible

i try to give her advice on things and she just shrugs it off

good thing it isn't my money (yet)

robert2504 10-31-04 08:06 PM

Good enough for my practice
My wife is good enough for me to practice for live games :)

Tilter 11-01-04 02:31 AM

Thats cool. Wouldn't it be awesome if someday, a couple made it to the final table of the WSOP. Train her hard, and maybe the both of you can do it.

eddo31 11-01-04 07:27 AM

well, i think that couples have made it to he final table of a wsop event before. of course, that was back in the day when they had the mixed doubles events. i dont think that we will be seeing those anymore.

it might be cool to see a couple at the final table, but i doubt that it would ever happen. who would the favorites be as of right now? im guessing that the feduniaks or karina and chip jett are the best bets.

GeoffM 11-01-04 08:12 AM

I was unaware that Party had freerolls like that.

Question out of curiosity. If you and your wife play, not to suggest you in particular would, but what would stop someone from buying a laptop and the 2 of you playing the same table side-by-side? This was something I was thinking about the other day, while it wouldn't do much in a ring game, it certainely would allow for some chip dumps in tourney play.

BlibbityBlabbity 11-01-04 08:47 AM

Nothing really. Some sites don't allow two connections from the same ISP, so that would mean only one could play at that site at a time (without getting two DSL lines....etc). Even if a husband / wife pair is at the same table in a single, or if is two random friends, either COULD collude. They key is are they colluding, not that they are related.

If you would fold the nuts on the river because you know it would knock your wife out of the tourney and you won't get any that night, then you shouldn't be playing at the same table. You should not be sharing cards (obviously) any more that two people COULD over instant messaging or the phone.

Not sure what book it was in, but the saying when you sit at the table, it doesn't matter who is sitting across the table (random stranger, or beloved grama) your goal is still to take there money, seems to apply here.

Should Annie Duke and Howard Lederer not be allowed to play at the WSOP TOC this year just because they are related??

GeoffM 11-01-04 09:16 AM

I understand what you are saying and all, but there would be little to no way for any online site to detect this sort of behaviour if you were smart about it, not being a complete idiot.

Getting a laptop with internet access, a lot of people do this simply because they can use the net on their way to work, riding the bus or subway or whatever. That is why I refuse to play high buy-in tourneys, the fact that your money is too vulnerable to being cheated out of you. I'll stick to my $5 and $10 buy-in tourneys, thank you. ;)

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