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Talking Poker 10-20-04 03:17 PM

WPT Poker Corner...
Did anyone watch this? What did you think?

I just got around to watching it last night (thank you Tivo), and I thought it was great. I really enjoyed the commentary from the pros. It seems this show is aimed at poker players much more so than the regular WPT broadcasts, not to mention the painful to watch Celebrity Poker, and so on.

Tuff Luck 10-21-04 06:05 PM

I've only seen it once, but I'd like to catch it again. When does it come on- do you know?

Talking Poker 10-21-04 06:10 PM

I have no idea. Tivo takes care of all of that for me :)

Aequitas58 10-21-04 06:56 PM

I can't see the WPT events because I don't get the channel with my local cable. HOW MUCH does that suck for me?

Any possibility you can send me a VHS copy?

Talking Poker 10-21-04 10:21 PM

Nope - don't have a VCR :D

Long live the Tivo!

BlibbityBlabbity 11-22-04 12:07 PM

I thoughht the pilot show was pretty good. It was interesting to hear them battle it out over why a play was a good one or not. There is an article in the new Cardplayer that says WPT/Travel Channel is considering putting a Poker Corner show following the event broadcast. This makes a lot of sense, and I think it would be even better if they could get some of the final table players to be part of the panel on each show.

I will say, though, that I think this could be a really bad thing for some of these pros. They are now on TV showing what hands they play in these tourneys, now they are on a show explaining how they think hands whould be played and why, and this could even combine the two.

Maybe the pros will have to play with their cards face up soon :D

Defendant 11-22-04 04:47 PM

I loved it myself. Sadly, I read an article by Mike Sexton in cardplayer mag saying that for now, the show is off (too little interest...iirc some MAJOR shows were on, drawing the crowd away). He also told everyone to let the travelchannel know if you enjoyed the show in order to get it back on the air.


Tilter 11-22-04 06:47 PM

I thought it was interesting. I also like the anaylsis that some of the pros give. Hard to see Annie and Daniel working together though lol.

BrianSwa 11-29-04 11:42 PM

if your talking about the events on the travel channel if you have on demand you can see one like every other week if you go to the on demand discovory then go to travel.

Gutzz 11-30-04 03:39 AM

I really enjoyed the first episode and would be shocked if they didn't continue with more. Very educational and quite entertaining. I think it was nice seeing the pro players relaxed and not in a tournament environment.



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