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JDMcNugent7 09-19-06 03:31 PM

how long do u plan on playing?
if poker stays as popular and profitbale as it is now, and doesnt become too illegal, how long do u plan on playing poker for?

i know many kids i talk to say the rest of their lives.
I honestly just feel like I want to get all poker out of the way in my college years, and grab a nice chunk of change out of that, and basically be done with it. I am really just trying to make $ for my future. I would Love to retire early, -maybe just have a small part time or volunteer job that could contribute in some way.

so my answer is about 4 years.

GTDawg 09-19-06 03:36 PM

Do you really plan on making enough in the next four years that you would be able to be set with a part time job the rest of your life?

I mean, that's gonna be a hell of a lot of money.

Zybomb 09-19-06 03:38 PM

See, while I play for the $ (obviously) I also play because I really enjoy the game.

Up at school, when the majority of my play was online (due to the lack of underground clubs in ohio -- or at least to my lack of knowledge of them, and lack of casinos) when people I knew were gettin together to get a 'poker tournament' goin, I'd always be in if I wasn't doing anything. Often these would be $10 buy ins with 7 ppl. So 60 (50 net) goin to first and money back goin to second. I'd always play though because its fun.

I would like to continue to improve my poker game, and build my bankroll up... something which has been a problem for me (well not so much building my bankroll up, but the fact that I never have had an official bankroll, just the amount of money I have...and that fluctuates when takin into consideration bills etc which come out of my 'bankroll'...) I'd like to have a comfortable bankroll and continue to build it up.

As far as when I'll stop playing. When poker is both unprofitable and not fun anymore -- and I don't see that coming anytime soon if ever

Quint 09-19-06 03:42 PM

As long as I'm having fun?!

My ADD will undoubtedly kick in one day and I'll move on to another game for some time, but I've been playing poker in one form or another, off and on, since high school and probably always will to some extent.

bdawg31 09-19-06 03:44 PM

i give me two or three more weeks - maybe a month

Boobie Lover 09-19-06 03:45 PM

Although poker sometimes is simply not fun and the grind takes over the joy of playing, I don't really see if I could ever stop playing. This is not to say that I will continue to play 20,000+ hands every month from now till my death, but I'm sure that I will play it on a somewhat regular basis because I still do enjoy the game and I'm fairly certain that I will always enjoy it.

Kurn 09-19-06 03:51 PM

<shrug> I've been playing for over 40 years as it is, and I've always considered poker to be part of my retirement plan, and retirement's less than 10 years away.

I enjoy poker. Its a hobby and it is how I relax. I guess I'll play as long as I can physically hold the cards (or the mouse). If somehow the internet ceases to be an option, I'm 45 minutes from Foxwoods and have 2 regular home games (one's been going on every other week for 18 years).

Penguinfan 09-19-06 04:01 PM


I may beat you to the cashier however.

Talking Poker 09-19-06 04:07 PM

I don't think I can answer this question right now... I can see it going either way for me - anything from becoming a full time pro to quitting 100%. Ok, 99%. ;) Most likely though, poker will alays be a part of my life, probably just like it is now... I'd like to play more than I already do, but don't know that I'll ever make the time for it.

Yeah, I just don't know.

Talking Poker 09-19-06 04:12 PM

This would be much funnier if I hadn't been hearing this over and over for the last.... oh.... year and a half or so.

You just need another big hit (WCOOP, Australia, Bahamas?) to get you going again.

GeoffM 09-19-06 04:31 PM

As long as the money is flowing, I'll keep on playing.

And much like TP said, I wish I had more time to play as it is now.

And FYI, even if it is illegal, you'll always need your boys night out, with the $20 dealer's choice buy-ins with the buddies, it's an escape from the everyday.

eejit101 09-19-06 09:34 PM

home game every thursday night is a great night out/in. Online poker i cant honestly say, anything from 1 year to 50.

Ill play live for as long as i am winning money at it.

The one thing is, with technology changing, whats coming next in the poker world?

JDMcNugent7 09-19-06 10:34 PM

by 4 years i meant playing Alot of poker.
i will too continue to play for a long time, just not as a primary source of income anymore. most likely.

omahilo 09-19-06 11:31 PM

JD if you continue to make 100K a year for the next 4 years... would you consider ever getting a real job?

If I was making that money what I would do is just play poker then give alot of my time to help out people who need help. Do alot of charity work, be able to help people who need it.

I know if I ever hit the lottery I would give alot of my time to help people. I wish I could now but I cant even take care of myself lol.

JDMcNugent7 09-19-06 11:35 PM

ya. i dont think 400k is anywhere near enough to retire on at such an early age.
basically i want to make $ from poker to put it in use for other things. Like my own business or something (too bad i have no ideas). right now the main thing im looking for it to do is make me money in Cd's and stocks.

eejit101 09-20-06 01:02 AM

find a niche internet business you can own and look after, and combine the poker and the company.

sjay2k 09-20-06 04:50 AM

I'll have my law degree in 18 months and I'll probably quit playing when I get a job. In the meantime poker's good money. i imagine that i might still play occasionally, but it would have to be high stakes to make it worthwhile (and i'd have to prove to myself that i'm a winner at high stakes).

i really don't enjoy gambling so i don't think i will have any problems with leaving poker. even now i take two or three weeks off at a time.

JDMcNugent7 09-21-06 10:40 PM

i just decided i want to be a millionare by the time i leave college.

GeoffM 09-21-06 11:33 PM

Good day? Bad day? Huge change of heart...make sure you aren't just on tilt.

JDMcNugent7 09-21-06 11:46 PM

I just think its very possible if I continue to improve in: poker, bankroll management, stocks and investing, assuming I define a goal, construct ways to accomplish that goal, and properly apply it.

Talking Poker 09-22-06 12:01 AM

That's a pretty lofty goal.


johnp158 09-22-06 12:07 AM

It also seems like kind of a silly one. I mean, if you have a great reason for it, fine. But I'll have a hard time believing it. Why would you do that to yourself now? During college? I cannot think of many more miserable ways to spend college than singlemindedly trying to get rich. Do that later. Learn about yourself right now.

Sound hokey enough? It's still true.

jillaj 09-22-06 12:11 AM

You can have a blast and get rich, but actually going to class as well probably not so much. I would think you can get 2 ot of 3 done with relative ease.

JDMcNugent7 09-22-06 12:26 AM

i dont think becoming miserable necessarily goes along with trying to accomplish this goal?

trust me i wont get wrapped up in this. if i do, ill stop.
trust me when i say im not going to be sitting home on weekends to play poker rather than going out with friends. I am completely aware that days i don't play poker are usually more fun and more proactive.
I think its very reasonable to try and squeeze in 2 hours a day, when nothing else is going on, to help fulfill this goal.(also remember this allows me to not have a job).

i agree it at first seems like an Eextremely loft goal, but if u do the math on it I think it is actually more realistic (yet still lofty) than you would originally think. ( then again, maybe im just way too naive???)

i mean, trust me i wouldnt be doing this if i think it was a miserable, boring, or not fun way to spend college. I think it is possible, and I think I can balance it fine along with school (somewhat challenging), and my social life(very easy).

BrianSwa 09-22-06 04:02 PM


why does everything have to be a money oriontated goal for you? why cant your goal be like continue playing and improving? You are in a very good spot right now JD, you have a very very big bankroll, can pretty much play any buy in tourney you wish right now and going to college, why stress yourself out in trying to win 40k,80k,90k a million, who cares?

I just say screw all these money goals and just keep the goal of continue playing good poker and having fun.

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