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BrianSwa 12-16-04 09:48 PM

Brians Downfall (i knew it would happen)
well yes I knew it, Knew id have a terrible day and get pissed and lose a large portion of my roll. Started the day at $200.00 and played a mixture between $1.00/$2.00 and .50/1.00 and I swear everyone and their mother hit their draws. By the time the smoke cleared I had $15.00 left, as I sat there and wondered wtf happened. I tell you every bad draw that could possibly happened....HAPPENED, 4 board flushes happened AK was getting beat by A2 all sorts of stupid shit happened. Unfortantly It looks like ill be going back down to .10/.20 (which I cant stand) untill I get up to at least $50.00 again. Oh well back to the drawing board.....:(

Gutzz 12-16-04 09:58 PM

I hate say I told you so... So I'll just quote myself from a post I made 2 days ago.

"There's something I don't quite get... Why're you in such a rush? If you put such lofty goals (winning 500 in 1.5 weeks at .25/.5), you're likely going to be disapointed, and could burn yourself out by playing so much."

So instead of even doing what you said you'd do, you moved up to .5/1 and 1/2 with a 'nothing' roll? C'mon dude...

You got what you deserved.



BrianSwa 12-16-04 10:01 PM


I moved up with $200.00 roll which is plenty to handle the slopes.....but getting outdrawn in like 12 pots straight will kill it. Thats why I cant stand these lower limits might be better off just depositing 300.00 and go to 3/6 where you can raise and those 3-6 will fold. Or I could just start playing tornies online and sticking to tables at the casinos havent decided what im gonna do yet.

Gutzz 12-16-04 10:08 PM

Are you ####in kidding me? 300 isn't enough for 3/6. It's barely enough for 1/2!

A reasonable roll is meant to handle even the nastiest swings. Getting outdrawn 12 straight times isn't meant to bust even the shittiest of rolls.

My hourly SD for 1 table is 19.8 BB (after only 5k hands so maybe this issn't accurate). at 3/6 if your SD was even mildly close to mine, that's a large percentage of your 300 buck roll...

*shakes head*


[edit: Sorry if I sound harsh... I know you're wounded after this nasty day... Just realize that your roll was obviously not large enough for the games you were playing.

BrianSwa 12-16-04 10:11 PM

ive been taking 300 to 3/6 for 2 years now its plenty and getting outdrawn 12 times can easily kill a 200 bankroll in 1/2. Man how much do you take with you to a 3/6....1k? We would laugh at you at the casino if you told us that.

BrianSwa 12-16-04 10:16 PM

1 more thing
just wondering how much do you buy in for in 3/6, we talked about all this in another thread about 1 month ago but want to hear what your buy in is.

Gutzz 12-16-04 10:17 PM

First, I would never take my whole roll to any game. I wouldn't take more than 10 percent of it to any game.

Second, I thought you were talking about online.

Third, you seem to be mixing up stacks with BR. This makes no sense to me.



Gutzz 12-16-04 10:20 PM

I would only buyin for 25-50 BB for any game. If it drops a lot but I think I'm playing good, I'll inject a few more. If it drops and I think I'm playing shitty I leave :).

What you buyin for isn't your roll, is it? Looks like we might be talking about 2 completely different things lol!



BrianSwa 12-16-04 10:20 PM

read the thread right above yours you just posted wrote it as replying, no im not mixing them up at all. You should never have a downswing of more then $300 in a 3/6 if your just playing 1 table. If you lose $300 before you hit your upslope then you are looking at way to many flops and giveing away bets, simple as that. I buy in a 3/6 for $100.00 I always have and most time I hit my upslope before I go through that .

BrianSwa 12-16-04 10:22 PM

are you saying BB as big blind or big bet because people use that abreviation for both if your buying in 25-50X the big bet in 3/6 thats alot of chips but if its the big blind Its about what I buy in for.

BrianSwa 12-16-04 10:25 PM

time to go
hey I got to go offload this flight ill come back later and check in on what you wrote. I think basicly we are saying the same thing just stating it different. Im not to mad I knew the play was terrible at these low levels and I would have to deal with some terrible beats.

Gutzz 12-16-04 10:41 PM

Well I think you're abusing the term bankroll here man.

If you only had 200 bucks on PS, designated this your 'PS bankroll', and vowed never to deposit again even if it drops to whatever it's at now, then that was NOT enough for a 1/2 game.

If you plan on depositing 300 bucks onto PS, call it your 'PS bankroll' to play 3/6, and promise never to deposit again should you lose it, then that is NOT enough for 3/6.

This is what I was trying to say. If what you had was all the money you could 'play' with on PS, then you were taking a large risk moving up with such a shallow roll. Sure it's enough for 1 or 2 or 3 sessions, but the variance could and did eat that roll up ez.

You also shoulda taken into account the swings you'd face with so many loose players and chasers... --- IMHO this is a good thing :).

I presume you've read 'Gambling Theory and other Topics'? Well I haven't *laughs*. But it's in the mail :). lol! I believe the author says in there that the likelyhood of someone busting 300BB bankroll, assuming they can reasonably beat the game, was like 5 percent. (I think I read this in the archives of 2+2... aka: A gold mine). And this's with 300big bets! You're only playing with 100 big bets [edit: or 150 big bets at the 3/6].



SirFWALGMan 12-16-04 10:53 PM

Stick to .25/.50
Maybe you should stick to .25/.50?

SirFWALGMan 12-16-04 10:57 PM

I hate to tell ya, but I think losing $300 at a table of 3/6 over two nights is not that uncommon. Getting sucked out on will do that for ya. That is why I made sure I had 1800 online before I even started playing 3/6. Most nights you will not lose anything near that much, but when you hit a bad patch then your entire 300 could be wiped out.

Gutzz 12-16-04 11:01 PM

Word up

BrianSwa 12-16-04 11:16 PM


ive been playing 3/6 for 1 year now never have lost $300 in a sitting and neither have any of the people I go with.

BrianSwa 12-16-04 11:19 PM


I see your point and its well taken ok i fucked up I admit it!!!

Windbreaker 12-16-04 11:26 PM

Everyone has one of those days where nothing seems to go right. It's better to just take a break away from it and find something else to enjoy until you can get the focus back.

Gutzz 12-16-04 11:28 PM

All I needed to hear :).

Just like to add that you get way more hands in 1 sitting online than you do in B&M. More hands = more variance.



ChipFish 12-16-04 11:29 PM

You're the guy who I offered to take a look at hand histories for right Brian?
You declined help, and said you were just gettting sucked out on...
I hate to break this to you, but the few hands you posted you played were complete money losers in any position. Q-8 or Q-9?????

I buy into live 5/10 games with approx $250 I rarely need it, but that's my standard buy in.

Internet is more, simply to avoid being picked on as a small stack.

I think you are confusing "bankroll" with "buy-in"
No one in their right mind would bring their entire bankroll to a table.
If you lose your bankroll, that means you are broke.
If you lose your buy-in you can always buy more.

You have been playing poker with your entire bankroll (not smart).
And you have found out early what can happen when you do.

Try and have approx 8-10 "buy-ins" as your bankroll...
Do NOT play above your bankroll.... I guarantee you will lose.
You may get lucky for a while... maybe even a couple of days or weeks.
But you will get hit hard with a lesser bankroll....

Take the advice or don't.... It's not my money, Although it could be I suppose ;) But it is good advice. and I wish someone had told me that when I first started.

BrianSwa 12-16-04 11:30 PM


after I actully sat down and thought about what you where saying it made sence to me at work so kinda running around. Ill just drop down to .10/.20 see if I can get back up if not oh well I did it to myself. Thanks for taking time to talk to me.

BlibbityBlabbity 12-16-04 11:32 PM

Coming into this late here, but I would say you might sit at $3/$6 with $300 and that would give you a good size stack. You seem to be saying that is your bankroll, and that (since it is one buyin) is not enough of a bankroll for $3/$6.....or $2/$4, or $1/$2.

I do agree that if you have other money that you can re-deposit if you bust out of that original $300 then you "bankroll" is not $300, it is unlimited (until the divorce, then its 1/2 of unlimited :D ).

If you are trying to run up a set amount through the levels, IMO, you have to leave yourself more than one buyin at a level to keep from busting out with the type of run you describe. By jumping up to $1/$2 too quickly you didn't leave yourself an out to fall back on.

You titled your thread "I knew it would happen" and I think that is right. You knew this would happen if you kept pushing up through the levels. At some point you hit a level that you can't beat OR just get a bad run of cards, and when that happens you need to have enough left to take one step back. You now have to either take 3-4 back (.10/.20) or redeposit.

Just my opinions, take em or not...

Good luck building it back up. :)

BrianSwa 12-16-04 11:33 PM


no im not a moron I know the difference between stack and bankroll, I just wasnt thinking about the slope in the long run just at the present time. Looking at my hand histories I dont want or need if you listened to the last couple posts thats not where i fucked up but playing above my roll. I stopped running Q-9 and Q-8 and stuff out of position so I do know that but I do appritiate your offer chip.

ChipFish 12-16-04 11:53 PM

I am willing to bet you've got quite a few leaks in your game that need to be plugged up before moving up limits....

I'm not saying this to be mean.... I am saying this to help you out.

If you really think you are a winner, then by all means go for it!
And good luck! (I'll even come cheer you on in a sit-n-go ;) )
If you keep losing and think you are playing strong poker, then maybe you have more to learn.... (Everyone always has something to learn, no shame in that)

Good luck either way.

BrianSwa 12-16-04 11:56 PM


tell you what im going to start playing .10/.20 with my $15.00 left and get a good couple hands in playing my best. Then ill mail you my hand histories and let you take a look if you can find any holes which im sure I have, and you can plug them by all means I welcome the advice. Again thanks alot chip and to everyone that had input in this thread :)

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