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GeoffM 10-21-04 03:41 PM

Least Favorite Players
Ok, who don't you like?

I hate Matasow, seeing what he was saying and such to Raymer, I was so happy when Raymer crippled him in the World Series.

Hellmuth also comes off as a baby. I enjoyed reading his book Play Poker Like the Pros, but then he goes and whines about suck outs on him. He contradicted everything about discipline he was trying to teach.

Jackass_man 10-21-04 04:32 PM

I think matasow is great, same with phil. I can't stand annie duke.

Jackass_man 10-21-04 04:33 PM

Oh, yeah don't want to forget Daniel negrauneu

GeoffM 10-21-04 05:28 PM

Sorry, I'm Canadian so Negreanu is ok in my books.

Jackass_man 10-21-04 06:10 PM

Good another Kanuck on here!

Talking Poker 10-21-04 06:11 PM

Hiow could anyone not like Negreanu?

I'm being serious here. Please splain me.

bothecorgi 10-21-04 06:41 PM

I think Matusow and Arieh came out looking like the two biggest asses at the WSOP this year.

Aequitas58 10-21-04 06:52 PM

They came off that way because they are very emotional players. Matusow is simply weird, but Arieh's not that bad of a guy.

I like the drama they emphasize on TV.

Jackass_man 10-21-04 07:11 PM

Mike Matasow rocks, he puts people on the tilt by constantly babbling at them. Hopefully he can turn his life around after he gets out of jail. He recently did well at the aruba classic too.

omahilo 10-22-04 01:01 AM

He made the 2 best laydowns of the WSOP of poker with Murphs FH vs his flush and the Raymer hand that never made TV and only thing people remember is his attitude. He did act like an ass but how many of us have played in a 10K buyin tourney? also ESPN made him look bad... like the Williams hand he was talking to Lindgren and ESPN made it look like he was ripping Williams.

omahilo 10-22-04 01:04 AM

Matusow is an amazing player but too bad people only remember his comments to Raymer. Also how the hell can anyone hate Daniel? Is that even possible?

johnbaker 10-22-04 02:08 AM

yeah why do you hate Danny? Hes teh coolest.....

i used to hate Matusow and Helmouth, but I started watching their play and after I saw them get screwed so much by shitty players.... I really do feel their pain, especially Matusow getting knocked out by a 3-outer, and on the river no less....

but i still do hate a lot of people, heres a few from WSOP:

-Senthil Khumar
-Nick Kurzon (the guy at D-Neg's table who started grinning when he got AA... then reraised Daniel all in and thought he was all epic by saying "lets do it" god i hate that guy...)
-Lucy Rochashe (or whatever her name is, she knocked out Juanda)
-Bradley Berman (for knocking out Doyle with A7o, calling KNOWING HE WAS DRAWING TO 3 OUTS)
-that jackass from day 1 who knocked some guy out and kept yelling "eahhh ace jack's beautiful"
-the guy who knocked out Men the master
-everyone at Sam Farha's table except John Juanda (and Sammy obviously)

cant think of any more at the moment.. oh yeah that one guy who reraised Helmouth on the flop that one hand, caught his 3 outer on the turn... hes just gay.

anyways thats all for now

Aequitas58 10-22-04 02:11 AM

I might be wrong, but I think John "Cornflakes" Hennigan was at that table... He's a very good player. Plays some jam-up pool too.

He'll give you anything in one-pocket. :)

johnbaker 10-22-04 02:21 AM

I thought so too, but I looked at the first day again and he was at Men the master's table. Since he was in a seperate heat than Sam Farha he couldnt have been at his table one day and Men the master's on another, right?

i like johnny world, no way he'd ever be on my shitlist lol


jimmytheg 10-22-04 04:48 AM

[quote=johnbaker]yeah why do you hate Danny? Hes teh coolest.....

but i still do hate a lot of people, heres a few from WSOP:

-Bradley Berman (for knocking out Doyle with A7o, calling KNOWING HE WAS DRAWING TO 3 OUTS)

On the hand you are referring to, Doyle moved in before Berman acted, but Berman didnt hear him, and Doyle just said all-in without actually pushing all of his chips into the middle. So, when Bradley made what he thought was just going to be a standard raise in late postion, he was informed that Doyle had already moved all in, and by rule he had to call (he had doyle outchipped).

Also, I'm not sure how you can claim he knew he only had 3 outs, please, elaborate...

TajaUk 10-22-04 08:20 AM

For those Europeans - Tony G is kinda annoying and talks shit at the table alot. Although his recent partypoker European open apperance he was rather calm at the table of internet newbs.

J Arieh sums up everything thats wrong with the modern, young, brash, American players. FULL OF SHIT.

GeoffM 10-22-04 10:00 AM

To be honest, I don't like Raymer very much either. Those glasses just look so stupid, does he even realize that he looks like a jerk. If they are meant to intimidate, they definately wouldn't do so to me. I would simply sit there and laugh at them.

PShabi 10-22-04 10:06 AM

Negraneau is one of the VERY best. He can read like no other. People don't like his quirkiness and how much he yaps but he's damn good.

johnbaker 10-22-04 02:20 PM

oh i didnt know that...

when i said hes drawing to 3 outs, i meant that he was drawing to an ace if he put doyle on a pocket pair higher than 6... but yeah he didnt even know what he did till it was too late so whatever

Aequitas58 10-22-04 03:39 PM

Arieh takes heat because he's "mean," Hellmuth takes heat because he's a cry-baby, and now Raymer is going to take heat because of his glasses? HOW MANY clips were shown of people talking about his glasses.

Yes, they looked stupid, but it got a rise out of his competition.

He said something to the extent of, "Anything that gives me an edge..."

Raymer is a class act, IMO. Kudos on taking first.

GeoffM 10-22-04 03:48 PM

Okay, maybe I don't dislike him, but I dislike his glasses ;).

bothecorgi 10-22-04 04:24 PM

I got a kick out of Harrington messing with Raymer about the tell he got from Raymer's use of the glasses. That was funny.

Tilter 10-22-04 04:28 PM

Mattusow. It was tough, between what I read about Annie, and Phil but I thought Mike won it.

Tuff Luck 10-22-04 04:31 PM

Raymer came off as the better man during the Tournament of Champions though when they discussed how he was badgered at the tables, and he didn't say a word. Raymer then knocked him out, but wouldn't shake his hand. Ha.

Penguinfan 10-23-04 09:04 AM

I just can't like Scotty Ngueyn no matter how much I try.

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