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PShabi 06-11-05 06:26 PM

Go Cubs Go!!!!!
Blow Sox, blow!!!!!

2 in a row!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

junYUN 06-11-05 07:04 PM

gotta be worried about big Z...can't afford to lose ANOTHER starter....

but on the + side we're 6 games over .500 and playing great baseball

(and the cardinals lost too!)

oh yeah and wood is starting his rehab assignment :D

PShabi 06-11-05 08:01 PM

Z will be okay. Miss a start at most. Just a toe.

Ramirez is starting to hit too!!!!

junYUN 06-11-05 09:40 PM

well last year it was "just" a strained achilles and prior was out for months... just how our luck goes sometimes..

if the cubs don't trade for some bullpen help or an OF i'm not going to be happy...

Reel Deal 06-13-05 09:30 AM

I finally get to watch them last night and they get steam rolled... wish I could have seen the first two games of that series.

junYUN 06-13-05 01:19 PM

yeah man c'mon we rolled them 14-6 in the opener..don't hate!

turns out Z is the man..he isn't even gonna miss a start

Reel Deal 06-13-05 01:42 PM

What hate? I'm a Cubs fan.

junYUN 06-13-05 03:29 PM

didn't know that case...welcome aboard :]

Reel Deal 06-13-05 04:10 PM

Yep, been a Cubs fan since I lived about 10 blocks from Wrigley back in the late 80s early 90s... got to see 15-20 games a year back when Ryno and Grace were on the team. Best place to see a ballgame on the planet!!

Kurn 06-13-05 05:08 PM

I once shocked my friends by saying if the Yankees were playing the Cubs in the World Series, I'd cheer for the Yankees. Thankfully, since last October, that won't be necessary any more.

BTW - you're not cursed because they wouldn't let the guy bring his goat. You're cursed because you once had a fan who wanted to bring a goat.

But, then again, despite my age, I'm one of the new breed of Boston fans who now views baseball season as a nice way to kill time between football seasons. :D

junYUN 06-13-05 05:23 PM

pfft, football? doesn't even compare to the past time buddy..

junYUN 06-13-05 11:19 PM

god damn we took it on the chin today...9-1 ouch. koronka needs to go! i can't wait til woody comes back...just started rehab today and pitched 3 innings 1 run..

Kurn 06-14-05 12:09 PM

I've always been more of a baseball fan, but the Patriots are just so impressive on so many levels, it's hard not to look forward to football season. For someone who's lived in NE for so long, with the ethos of always expecting your team to make just enough bad plays to lose (I'm sure a Cubs fan can appreciate that), it's great having a team that, whenever they take the field, you are confident, that no matter what happens, they'll make the winning decisions.

Reel Deal 06-14-05 12:11 PM

I live just outside Jacksonville and it was funny how nonchalant the Pats fans were during the Super Bowl (ho-hum, just another Super Bowl)... ya'll are getting spoiled!!

GeoffM 06-14-05 12:14 PM

I am so confident myself that the Pats will win it all that I offered my friend even money ($50-$50), I took the Pats to win this year and he took the other 31 NFL teams.

Question to you guys: Am I being unfair to him :confused: :p ?

junYUN 06-14-05 12:31 PM

don't mean to drop the hammer but this is a cubs threat not a patriots thread


Kurn 06-14-05 01:18 PM

The problem with that, is while they could win even after losing almost anybody, they can't win if they lose the QB. Brady may be Montana, but Rohan Davie ain't Steve Young.

GeoffM 06-14-05 01:21 PM

I know, but they actually have Doug Flutie as their backup Kurn ;) .

In any event, you could also say that about the other 31 teams. The way I see it, I basically bet that Brady won't get injured, but even if he does, this team is still a first place team with Flutie at the helm, as long as Brady is back in December.

Jun, shutup :D.

junYUN 06-14-05 04:45 PM

say it to my face!

Kurn 06-14-05 04:53 PM

I was actually surprised they got Flutie. Not exactly a good clubhouse guy. Besides, he still has to make the team.

PShabi 06-14-05 09:57 PM

We're returning the favor right now. Rammy went deep twice and DLee was unreal again.

I agree about Koronka. No confidence. He's good for about 4 innings and then you can see the meatballs coming ahead of time. I heard Williams (Jerome, I think) is throwing really well in the minors.

I've been impressed with Mitre. Looks more like "The Surge" right now and not "The Meat Tray" as I've called him in the past. He's been big for us.

Where do you live Jun? Going to any games this year. I've got tix to the Friday and Sunday games right after 4th of July in Florida. Can't wait.

junYUN 06-15-05 12:45 AM

transplanted cubs was a northsider... i live in sunny tucson, arizona. i went to the 3 game season opener against the diamondbacks here in phoenix already... and i'll probably see them again later this year sometime.

jerome williams is an absolute stud, and in 3 stars so far at Iowa he's posted an ERA around 2.50, and is 1-0 i believe. he's going to be the #5 starter for years to come... and hey.. maybe we can trade mitre at the deadline for a young outfield stud?

Reel Deal 06-15-05 11:01 AM

Got to watch most of last night's game... Mitre looked great and it was nice to see the bats come back to life!!

junYUN 06-16-05 12:34 AM

yeah but we gave it up big time AGAIN today...what's the deal? blow somewhat out then get blown out? hill didn't look that impressive, but hopefully that was just jitters.... this guys gonna be big time in a couple years.

Reel Deal 06-16-05 11:56 AM

Actually, they've been blown out in 3 of their last 4... not good. At least we'll have the pathetic Yankees to beat up on this weekend!

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