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Talking Poker 12-04-05 11:54 PM

Best TWO new posters...
Ok, here is the poll, listing all the people who were nominated AND those who nominated themselves (they will each have a * next to their name).

If you have no idea what I am talking about, go read this thread:

Please vote for as many posters from this list that you think are worthy of being considered the "Best New Poster" from November - whatever that means to you. If you want to only vote for one person, that's fine. If you want to vote for everyone BUT one person, that's fine too. When the poll closes, the winners will be the two people with the most votes next to their names.

BRAND NEW posters (December, 2005) are not allowed to vote in this poll. No funny business, or else I will be required to fix the results manually and put on my banning boot. Seriously. Let's just have a nice clean vote here.

Edit: There were a maximum of 10 people allowed in the poll, and we had 14 nominations. Because of this, I removed ALL SIX of the self-nominated people, because it's the only fair way I could think of to do this. My apologies to them, but this was the best solution I could think of. Realistically, if you had to nominate yourself, you weren't going to be a Top 2 vote getter anyway.

Reel Deal 12-05-05 12:03 AM

To show my appreciation I gotta put in a vote for Hawt since he's railed me a couple times.

MAYHEM45 12-05-05 12:29 AM

BDMK, Studio, and the latest Hawt all got my vote.

Stick around guys!

JDMcNugent7 12-05-05 12:40 AM

Studio, BDMK, and X-longshot got my votes.

S2peck02 12-05-05 07:34 AM

bdmk gets my vote...even tho i should b on there :(

jimmym 12-05-05 08:31 AM

Some good posters in that list, Hawt and Rook get my vote. Hawt has made some excellent posts and even bought a dog, Rook is ok and its nice to have her around.

Some good posts from some of the other name, but we only have 2 votes so GL all and may the best 2 win no cheating. :eek:

rookette22 12-05-05 09:35 AM

hmm...I'm just ok?? :confused: lol

Don't think just ok is gonna make me a winner though lol maybe I should work on that attitude everyone keeps talking about huh :p

TY Jimmy, nice to know I'm still welcomed here :)

Talking Poker 12-05-05 12:37 PM

Re rook: Don't forget "easy on the eyes." That's always a plus. Same reason we like Aeq so much!

Keep in mind though: You could have voted for more than 2 people if you wanted to. It's the TOP TWO vote getters who will win, but you can vote for as many from the list as you think are deserving.

Right now, it's looking like BDMK And Hawt are running away with it, which doesn't really surprise me. If they maintain their lead, the real question will be which of them comes in first and which comes in second. If it's really close towards the end of the voting periood and they agree to chop, that's fine with me.

thrash1294 12-05-05 12:44 PM

MY vote is for Studiopet.
Just for serving in afganistan :D

studiopet 12-05-05 03:06 PM

I've been kinda quiet the past couple days (immersing myself in Harrington to plug the horrible leak in my game) but I appreciate the above.

I have yet to vote and to be honest - I'm not quite sure how to vote on this issue. Alot of good posters around here!


Zybomb 12-05-05 03:17 PM

Well at least you're using the itme wisely...great books

BrianSwa 12-05-05 03:30 PM


your new right so you cant vote, scroll up.

from TP

BRAND NEW posters (December, 2005) are not allowed to vote in this poll. No funny business, or else I will be required to fix the results manually and put on my banning boot. Seriously. Let's just have a nice clean vote here.

studiopet 12-05-05 03:35 PM

I'm pre-December but not by much.

BrianSwa 12-05-05 03:40 PM


you are one of the nominees though so think that includes you but not really a big deal just didnt want to see you get disqualified if you voted.

Talking Poker 12-05-05 03:44 PM

Join Date: Nov 2005

He's fine. I just didn't want people making up fake accounts or getting their friends to sign up and vote for them, etc, etc...

S2peck02 12-05-05 03:47 PM

hey TP what were the qualifications to making this poll? j/w was it just that they have contributed to making the forums better?

BrianSwa 12-05-05 03:47 PM


wasnt sure reasoning so didnt want to see him disqualify himself.....carry on.

Gordogg 12-06-05 12:52 PM

Yes indeed. Men are suckers. ;)

I voted for BDMK, Studiopet, and Rook.

Edit: Sorry Rook, couldn't vote for you. When I originally voted I thought we vote for two posters only so I voted for BDMK and studio. When I read the thread I realized I could vote for as many as I want. I went back to try and vote for you Rook but it's too late. Ah well, you weren't going to win anyways ;) :p Keep posting pics and I'll vote for you in the next poll on principal alone. :D

Hawt 12-06-05 01:04 PM

When does this end? My suggestion is the second I overtake BDMK in the poll.

Edit: just kidding it ends the 8th.

rookette22 12-06-05 02:27 PM

Hey; guess it's the thought that counts huh :cool:

To be honest, I didn't think I was going to get any votes. So thx to those who did vote for me.

GL to BDMK, Studiopet & Hawt ;)

BlibbityBlabbity 12-06-05 03:02 PM


Gordogg 12-06-05 03:27 PM

Gracias Blib to the Blab.

left68wing 12-06-05 04:49 PM

no love love(I voted for hawt, and well, myself lol)

Favre[4] 12-06-05 06:17 PM

awh i didnt get put on the list.

Talking Poker 12-07-05 01:23 AM

Right now, BDMK and Hawt are tied and have a nice lead (not surprising, IMO). studiopet is in third place, 5 votes back.

Rather than letting this poll conclude, here is what I propose, but ONLY if Hawt and BDMK are cool with it: How about if each of you win $10, and I give $5 to studiopet?

Just a thought.

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