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Talking Poker 07-30-07 10:43 AM

Neteller U.S. Funds Distribution...
Ship it.

No, really... SHIP IT!

Talking Poker 07-30-07 10:49 AM

Done and DONE!


Kurn 07-30-07 11:33 AM

Ship It
Now I can buy my Lear Jet. :D

Quint 07-30-07 12:50 PM


Check Withdrawal Confirmation

Your check withdrawal request has been submitted. Please allow up to three business days for your request to be processed, in addition to the time for your check to be delivered.

Anyone want to put up an over/under on check delivery times?

Talking Poker 07-30-07 01:03 PM

You should have gone with EFT, for sure.

Quint 07-30-07 03:49 PM

It was not an option for me as I never 'certified' my account with Neteller. It was my understanding that Neteller was only doing checks for the US cashout. If not, that's good to hear for those of you that can do so!

Talking Poker 07-30-07 04:31 PM

EFT for me, baby.

I don't think "check" was an option for me, now that I think about it.

Wes 07-30-07 05:15 PM

Hookers And Blow
Hookers And Blow
Hookers And Blow


left68wing 07-30-07 05:37 PM

how much did you guys all have hung up in there?

Talking Poker 07-30-07 05:48 PM

Probably about 5% of what The Storm had.... if that.

HEwong 07-30-07 05:48 PM

20 bucks lol

Talking Poker 07-30-07 06:01 PM

Yeah, and I had 4 digits, btw.

Robbr25 07-30-07 06:07 PM

I had $431 and change, started the EFT.

Wes 07-30-07 09:03 PM

I'll ship $5 to the person that guesses to the closest $ how much money I had in Neteller. Let the guessing begin.

MAYHEM45 07-30-07 09:07 PM

86k. ship the 5 spot.

Invigilator 07-30-07 09:12 PM

I'll pull a Price is Right strategy and guess $5.00

HEwong 07-30-07 09:24 PM

$0 lol jk

i guess $700

JDMcNugent7 07-30-07 10:08 PM


left68wing 07-30-07 10:12 PM

$94.2k is my guess

Wes 07-30-07 11:54 PM

Actually, leftwing is the closest with 94k (actually 93.1k), but I forgot I had some uncleared EFTs which would make Mayhem's 86k correct (probably cause I told him that #). Whatever, you both get $5.

Talking Poker 07-31-07 12:23 AM

My 5% guess above needs to be revised to be more like 2%.

Man... today must be like the best day of your life. I seriously think I'd take part of that money when I got the check and go buy a new car or something. Celebration splurge!

left68wing 07-31-07 03:09 AM

Woohoo! left68wing on stars or ftp. Thanks:thumbsup:

Kurn 07-31-07 07:05 AM

Did the cashout yesterday morning, money's in my bank account today.

mustgofishin 07-31-07 07:44 AM

You gave up your right to damages
If you did a withdrawal you signed off on your right to damages (interest) on your money.

Talking Poker 07-31-07 09:24 AM

But I have my money.

And having my money + 0% interest beats the hell out of having 0% of my money (and piles of legal fees), IMO.

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