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claudioxcore 10-24-11 03:26 PM

I had my first live-poker trip a week ago, and things went pretty well.
I cashed 4/8 tournaments I played, making around $1300 in profit, and grinded the $1-1 Bally's cash tables between tournaments and made almost another $300 or so on the week. I was pretty satisfied. I didn't run good at final tables when I needed to. The fields were super soft... nothing but a bunch of geezers coming down from NY and Philly to blow their social security checks.

My tournaments were on staked bankroll.

Tournaments I played -
Bally's $55 7pm - didn't cash. Terrible structure too.
Showboat $65 11pm - didn't cash.
Showboat $65 - 2pm - chopped 4 handed for $270
Taj Mahal $65 midnight - chopped for $260, 4 ways.
Showboat 2pm - Chopped 4 way with huge chip lead, took $675.
Taj Mahal $65 midnight - Chopped 4 way for $250 each
Showboat 2pm - Didn't cash
Showboat 7pm - Didn't cash

My first Bally's cash session, I dropped $75 and gave up.
The second cash session I made $60
The third I made $175
The fourth, I made $72
My final session, I made $44.

I never really played at the cash tables for more than an hour or so at a time. The tables were super soft though. I just established a pretty tight image at a limp friendly tables and did alotta raise/c-betting. Was really all it took.

Oh, this was at Atlantic City, by the way ... if anyone couldn't figure that out.

Kurn 10-25-11 06:28 AM


Wes 10-28-11 12:01 PM

I live in AC. text me next time you are in town .

claudioxcore 10-28-11 12:43 PM

Do I have a place to stay next time I'm in AC? If so , I'll be there in a few weeks.

Wes 10-28-11 03:51 PM

if you want to sleep on the couch then yes there is a place to stay.

claudioxcore 10-28-11 05:11 PM

Damn. I was hoping we would cuddle. :[

On a more serious note, fuck yeah, I don't mind staying on the couch. How far from the boardwalk are you?

Wes 10-30-11 05:36 AM

It is around 7 miles away.

claudioxcore 10-30-11 10:45 PM

How far to the closest Jitney?

Wes 10-31-11 01:56 AM

a few miles

Zybomb 10-31-11 05:53 AM

Hows that goin for you Wes? what's your schedule like playing wise and where at?

claudioxcore 10-31-11 10:38 PM

Solid. I'm hoping maybe the first week of December to come up for a week or so. And yeah, what Zybomb said ^

Wes 11-01-11 02:36 PM

Playing 2/5 5 days a week (take tuesday and thursday/sunday off) at borgata since i am broke as a joke. I am usually reading a book while playing since all these people play their hand face up. Hourly is obviously way less than online, but I do not currently want to play online anymore.

I am there for about 50-60 hours a week of playing poker.

It is pretty easy, but action is pretty bad for the stakes of live poker. After WSOP i will move somewhere else.

claudioxcore 11-01-11 03:25 PM

The field in AC is super super soft. I can attests to that. Even the "regulars" in the tournaments I was playing were no problem. I knew where I was at in every hand. It's definitely good money in AC.

Since I'm not a baller, I was playing 1-1 at Bally's most of the week. It's a pretty silly structure. They're miniblinds. So it's still $2 to play.

One table I was sitting at had 4 old jewish ladies playing about 3% of hands, two tilt-tards, and two "solid" (and i use that term very liberally) regulars from the area.

I ran a $100 stack up to $375, hitting a mini heater, all in situations where I never woulda got paid online. They are really really really bad.

It is the off season, I don't know if things are different when it's busier.

Raise/C-bet probably had a 80% success rate.

Wes 11-01-11 04:34 PM

this is pretty much every live table below 5/10 fwiw.

claudioxcore 11-01-11 06:07 PM

That's comforting. From what I saw at the 2/5 tables, I didn't see any real "solid" regulars. I saw the same people every day, but it seemed to be a bunch of old men blowing their pensions.

claudioxcore 11-02-11 03:32 PM

I just got a new job that I want to establish a good image with, so I'm going to postpone my next trip to AC until the first week of January, is what I'm thinking. You gonna be around, Wes?

Wes 11-02-11 06:17 PM

new years week no.

Zybomb 11-02-11 07:17 PM

Foxwoods 5-10 is super juicy when there are tournies going on like there were the last few weeks. I didnt play 2-5 but I assume it'd be a donkfest and a half also

At Borgata Ive found the 5-10 is a rockfest filled with regs during the week for the most part, and gets juicy at times on weekends. A lot of the time I think theres more value in playing 2-5.

Last time I was there (when I saw u Wes) we started a 1-2 rotation game with me and 6 others I went down there with at 4AM after we were in Mur Mur all night. Won 200 bucks drunk. More than paid for my night. that works. Lol

claudioxcore 11-02-11 09:07 PM

What about 18-23rd of December?

Wes 11-02-11 09:45 PM

i should be in AC.

claudioxcore 11-02-11 09:49 PM

Word. Other than that date, when will you be returning to AC after New Years?

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