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Talking Poker 07-03-07 08:33 PM


What the hell, melioris???

How is that even possible? I nearly went cookoo trying to get to 24 after numerous 23s.

omahilo 07-03-07 08:39 PM

after playing that game for awhile it gives me a sick feeling in my stomach for some reason...

melioris 07-03-07 08:40 PM

pong ain't shit, I own the penguin!

juiCe[3x] 07-03-07 11:41 PM

If you have a MAC it auto-centers the ball to land in the exact middle of the racket, so if you freeze the mouse movements you can get it to go forever. You can do the same if you spend anough time and find the "sweet spot". I think its lame thats theres a "sweet spot" and I can't even find it anyways lol.

de-coder 07-03-07 11:44 PM

Used to own the penguin - my yeti is stronger than your yeti:cheers:

Talking Poker 07-03-07 11:59 PM

Well, that sucks.

Stupid Apple.

I'm going to delete melioris' high score (I assume he won't mind) and ask that people don't cheat like that intentionally in the future. It's actually a pretty fun/addictive/annoying game if you play it properly.

Robbie Robb 07-04-07 12:54 AM

If you're going to get the "cheaters" "edge exploiters" you may want to take a look at the Hexxagon score. There's a video online that tells you how to get a perfect score in 6 moves. Plus, even if the exploit wasn't used, it's literally impossible to get a higher score in that game so no one would ever be able to beat the current score...

Talking Poker 07-04-07 01:29 AM

Well, that sucks too. And obviously people are "Cheating" at Simon. No one has THAT kind of a memory.

Meh... oh well. It's all for fun. If people want to cheat exploit to get their names on the exploitable leaderboards, so be it. Meanwhile, I'll still be at the top of the (hopefully cheat proof) Tetris board. :cool:

Edit: And somehow, my "test game" beer pong score is still holding up. I guess you can't cheat that one either. ;)

melioris 07-04-07 08:10 AM

I PMed TP about the bug immediately upon getting the high score, so I hardly consider it cheating.

and of course no one is talking about de-coder cheating in the penguin game. He beat me by 0.2, the cheating bastard!

Talking Poker 07-04-07 11:48 AM

I gotta tell you... Having that Yeti icon above all my posts would be pretty sweet.

Stupid cheating de-coder!

juiCe[3x] 07-04-07 12:37 PM

It's pretty much impossible to cheat in Tetris and other skill games. Tetris is a skill game because the pieces are random. But anyone can get good at it and get a top score :D

de-coder 07-04-07 04:33 PM

OK, I admit it - I gave my yeti a corked bat.

de-coder 07-04-07 04:34 PM

OK, I admit it - my yeti has been on the roids for 2 years.

left68wing 07-04-07 05:45 PM

Heh, delete my Simon score please.

Talking Poker 07-04-07 11:13 PM

Good man! I deleted juice's Hexagon score too.

I wonder how many of the other Simon scores are fakes. I kinda doubt eejit could get 31, but you never know with the way his wacked mind works.

eejit101 07-05-07 08:29 AM

i got lucky, it was piss easy for the first 20, went like red x 4 green x 2 red x 3 green x 4 e.t.c, eveyrthing wa sin pairs and stuff.

now i jut want the yeti thing!

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