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Talking Poker 12-02-05 03:56 PM

Talking Poker WSOP Freeroll - 12/20/05 9:30 PM...
Ok, settle down. This isn't a freeroll for YOU to get into next year's WSOP. It's a freeroll celebrating ME getting into next year's WSOP. Wooohoooo!

Instead of doing anything even close to what we did last time (surely you remember the nightmare that was November), I'm making this an open - well, semi-open - freeroll. The prize pool is $100. If that's not worth your time, so be it, but if winning that could give your roll a boost, go for it. It's not about the money for me - I think these things are way fun.

All I ask is that you register to be a member of this site (if you aren't already) and post your Poker Stars name in this thread, so we know who everyone is. Easy enough???

The details:

Talking Poker WSOP Celebration Freeroll
Tourney #16111925 (under Private Tourneys)
December 20, 2005, 9:30 PM ET
Password: Will be PM'd to those who post in this thread and/or posted here just before tourney time.
The password is:

Good luck, everyone!

Hawt 12-02-05 05:42 PM

Stars Username: Hawtness

Thanks for all these freerolls man, it's a great way to get to know the people on the forum and improve (my) game.

Talking Poker 12-02-05 06:01 PM

I just heard back from Poker Stars. Turns out the minimum amount for a freeroll is $100, so guess what? The prize pool just doubled!

Favre[4] 12-02-05 06:19 PM

Im pretty sure everyone know my PS name since ive said it several timess and i think its in my sig. GL ill probably be there!

X-Longshot-X 12-02-05 08:32 PM

X-Longshot-X that is my username on stars and i will glady play in it....W00t for TP FOR MAKING IT INTO THE WSOP SO EARLY

Favre[4] 12-02-05 08:38 PM

Yes very good job. Also whats ur name so i can look for you on TV next year ^_^. Hopefully you make a featured tabled!

BDMK 12-02-05 09:57 PM

TP, dumb question:

so this event is open to pretty much anyone who simply registers on this forum and just posts their nick on this thread at least few mins before gametime? :confused:

if so, its gonna be another 'stampede' long/slow in the making between now and dec 20. are you sure this is what u want? :(

S2peck02 12-02-05 10:13 PM

TP you should jsut make it that you make the pw sumthing redicolous and only send it to ppl that u recognize on this website...that way no1 will guess it and we can keep it private

chrisash 12-03-05 12:12 AM

:) I would love to play in this one

pokestars ID= chrisash

HEwong 12-03-05 12:13 AM

woot i wanna play.. its on my BIRTHDAY too! lol

Tony Cheval 12-03-05 01:07 AM

PS ID=TonyCheval

Hopefully I'll remember this one, AND have the night off! :p

Talking Poker 12-03-05 10:05 PM

Yes to your first question. And I doubt it but also don't care to the second.

Because there is no post requirement (well, 1), the board won't be flooded with idiots, and maybe we'll get anothe few new good members out of it. If not, I really don't care - it's a $100 freeroll, and it's on me!

jaeh00d 12-03-05 10:24 PM

username : jaeh00d

ChipFish 12-04-05 02:27 AM

You're Welcome ;)

X-Longshot-X 12-04-05 02:28 AM

lol chipfish made a funny

Talking Poker 12-04-05 02:35 AM

Oh, please! :mad:


ChipFish 12-04-05 02:49 AM

:rolleyes: right back at ya! :rolleyes:

Spidey44 12-04-05 10:47 AM

I totally missed the last one and would like to apologize for not unregistering. Went to the Maryland basketball game and forgot about it. Sorry for not unregistering. I'll make sure not to register for this one until I login to play.

PS Username: spidey44

coolieo69er 12-04-05 11:08 AM

I think this is a great idea. My pokerstars name is coolieo69er.

thrash1294 12-04-05 11:57 AM

ps id = trent1776

Nikita 12-04-05 12:35 PM

Well, I'm not sure if I can make it, but will definitely try. My PS ID is N1kita.

kmb13592 12-04-05 12:53 PM

I am new to this site, but was wondering if i could still get into the freeroll. I plan to post many threads (i've already posted 2 in my first hour of being a member) so i was wondering if i could play in the freeroll.

pokerstars name: kmb4

thanks, and if i cant get in yet no worries.

thewho89 12-04-05 01:38 PM

Pokerstars username: Thewho89

I just joined the forum and i already have read through many posts which i can both relate to and find helpful. Thanks for the forum and the freerolls.

FatRufus 12-04-05 05:08 PM

poker stars id- FatRufus. I just wanna know what the conditions are for the freeroll? Like 50 posts or something like that. Check me out sometime on ps im always lookin for a game

Favre[4] 12-04-05 05:12 PM

Has this thing been created so we can join it?

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