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melioris 01-05-10 07:57 PM

PT3 anyone?
Pokertracker recently released a beta that works on OSX. For several years I have partitioned my mac and thrown windows on one side for poker. The idea of getting rid of this partition is nice, but it means no more Hold'EM Manager for me.

I hope that this thread doesn't spiral down into a HEM vs PT3 debate, but does anyone here us PT3? Are there any stats/reports that I should be aware of? Any secret handshakes I need to know to get it setup and running smooth?

MAYHEM45 01-05-10 08:57 PM

I'll be downloading this as soon as I get home. I have licenses for both programs, but have only used HEM because it was way better at the time. I really need a tracker program for my mac though so I guess I'll give pt3 another whirl.

Robbie Robb 01-05-10 09:42 PM

I'm honestly not sure what's required to get PT3 up and running on a Mac. I'm guessing the Postgres install will be a little different but PT3 now does that all automatically. There are a bunch of reports you can download from their site but the built in ones seem pretty decent. I actually just went through and changed up my HUD and reset the HUD popup to the PT3 default as it's got tons of good info in it.

Talking Poker 01-06-10 11:51 AM

Semi-related: I'm going to be needing a new computer in the not too distant future (I'm over 4 years on this one - easily a record for me), and I think it may be time for me to make the move to Mac.

One of the main things holding me back is fear that some of the essential programs I use aren't going to work (and I know I could set up a Windoze partition, but that has to be a huge PITA). So, Mac users, what are some of the things you can't run on our Mac that only run on a PC? From the sound of this thread, I'm guessing HEM is one of those programs, and I really have zero desire to move to PT3.

Also, can you have a sweet dual monitor setup with a Mac, or it it better to just go with a massive screen?

I'm a total Mac n00b.

melioris 01-06-10 05:26 PM

Mayhem, the HUD is still really buggy and, at least for me, not ready for primetime. Right now I use PT3 as a HH analyzer in OSX and play HUDless, looking up player stats in the program as I play. It isn't that bad but not really sustainable for grinding mode long term. The table selection tool doesn't work in OSX yet (afaik), so strike two for bigtime grinding. But the PLO beta seems to work in OSX.

I am a little discourage because after dicking around with PT3 again it is still a ways behind HEM. But PT3 are working on a viable mac version and that is most important to me. Also, although this an indication of the sad state of affair of my poker career, the things that make HEM so much more powerful than PT3 aren't that important to me currently.

dude, start a new thread as this is too big of a sidetrack. I gots lots of things to tell you about.....

Talking Poker 01-06-10 06:57 PM

Oh please. This thread will be dead by tomorrow. :rolleyes:

But if you really want a new one, feel free to start it with your reply: "Mac vs PC"


melioris 01-07-10 02:39 PM

ok, so I worked out some kinks and have PT3 and HUD working smoothly through 6-tabling on OSX. It wasn't too hard and here are a couple of things I found out along the way.

First, after downloading but before opening, assign PT3 and FTP (and Pokerstars) to the same space. This is done in the Spaces Preferences. I have a dedicated space just for those programs and recommend this, for reasons that become apparent later.

Second, have no other programs open in the space you are going to run PT3 for the first time. I recommend just shutting down everything, but certainly everything running in that space. Open PT3 and go through the set-up.

HUD setup. This was a little tricky and took a little longer than I excepted. Be prepared for some crashes and glitches, but once it is up and running I haven't had too many problems. Again, the key is to not have any programs running in the space you are running FT and PT3 whilst you set up the HUD.

Now I have different programs running and different shit open in my "poker space", but that caused me some problems during set up. Another thing that screwed with me, or so I think but I don't know for sure, my background on my screen was usually a random photo from my library that changed every minute. Once I put a picture there and didn't change it, PT3 hasn't crashed and the HUD has been error free.

melioris 01-08-10 10:46 PM

taking notes in the HUD can cause crashes around 20-33% of the time while playing, although it causes no problems during review. Otherwise PT3 is fully functional in OSX for me.

But wow, HEM is a far superior program.

MAYHEM45 01-14-10 03:07 PM

+1 to a mac tips from Mel thread.

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