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Zybomb 07-08-10 04:35 AM

Official WSOP Rail Thread
Day 1C finished. Avg stack is somewhere around 42K. I finished with 59k. I had Mike Carrol (sp) at my table, who was cool with one of my boys so we stayed away from each other mostly. There was a real tough Swedish player -- very aggro, mixed it up etc, who I tried to stay away from for the most part. Besides that there were 2 decent players but they were overly tight, and a bunch of complete morons.

I grinded most of the day and didn't play too many big pots....

A few interesting hands

Blinds 100-200, MP open to 550, Aussie Girl flats and I 3 bet to 2150 (the first 3 bet at the table all day) with A:s:K:s:. PFR folds, and Aussie flats again :confused: ok she has a big one obv....

Flop A:d:J:c:6:d:

She checks and I check

Turn: 4:h:

She bets 3k and I call

River 4:s:

She checks, I bet 6500 and she snaps me....

I turn over AK and she flips.... KK :eek: ... um WTF R U DOIN???

Another semi interesting hand, I raise the 150-300 A25 blinds to 800 with Q:c:T:c: from the hijack and a weak player 3 bets me to 2500 from the BB. Eh whatever, hes pretty easy to outplay post and I could hit a big one anyway, I'll make a loose call... Flop comes 9:h:8:h:4:c:. He leads out for 2400.... lol ummm ok, you obv have nothing here, lemme flat and hope to hit a J , some clubs, or pick it up on the turn when a blank hits and you give up. Turn is 5:d: He checks I bet 5100 he snap folds...

For the most part I grinded out small pots... this super passive donk to my left shouldve given me so much more with AA vs JJ. Blinds were 100-200 I raise to 550 and he flats. Flop T:d:7:d:4:s:. I bet 700 he flats. Turn 5:s: I bet 1850 he flats again. River 9:c:. I should VB here, but I give him 98 or X:d:X:d: so I check too see if he'll stab, but he snap checks behind and turns over JJ. I scoop the pot in disgust and somehow tilt after winning!

One last interesting hand from the Swed... He raised the 150-300 blinds to 800, the SB calls and I call light out of the BB with 4:c:3:c:. Flop comes 7:s:6:c:3:d:. Checks around. Turn 6:h:. SB checks, I bet 1700 and he raises me to 5850. SB folds... I like have to have the best hand here right? He doesn't check behind 6s or overpairs like ever here.... I just don't wanna play a big pot with him so I tank a little and eventually muck telling him im 99% sure Im folding the best hand... at the end of the session we talked a little and he said he had AK.... yea I figured.... nh. He said he was betting 12k on most rivers, so bleh...

GL tom JD and Windbreaker, keep me updated. Im at table 133 Fri for Day 2A if anyone wants a mini rail.

Talking Poker 07-08-10 12:44 PM

Nice work, Zy... I expect big things from you.... gogogo!

Windbreaker 07-08-10 01:58 PM

Your Day 2 Seating Assignment.

Alan Brodsky 12,575 AMAZON / 133 / 1
Lance Gettler 16,200 AMAZON / 133 / 2
Marc Naalden 37,925 AMAZON / 133 / 3
Greg Himmelbrand 58,500 AMAZON / 133 / 4
James Haver 34,675 AMAZON / 133 / 5
Alexis Cordova-Nieto 18,000 AMAZON / 133 / 6
Brian Taylor 10,225 AMAZON / 133 / 7
Nicolas Fierrogottner 47,175 AMAZON / 133 / 8
D'Andre Brown 87,700 AMAZON / 133 / 9

2Tone 07-08-10 03:38 PM

Good to hear, Zy. Go deep!

Should hand #1 been played more aggressively on the flop and/or turn, or does that risk not getting sufficient value from TPTK?

Zybomb 07-08-10 05:28 PM

I'll be 2nd in chips and there's 3 shorties... looks solid for me

Zybomb 07-08-10 05:30 PM

I could certainly be wrong, but the hand is pretty standard as far as I go.

I figure by checking the flop we ensure a few things:

-We save ourselves $ the times that villain flopped a set of Jacks
-We should get two streets of value from AQ, where as by betting we will probably only get one
-We allow villain to bluff the turn a lot when he wouldn't have called the flop

By making our hand look like QQ/KK (check behind flop call turn bet in position like we would with QQ/KK) I think we'll get bet into the river a lot and or looked up on a river bet a lot if they check, where as if we 3 bet pre, bomb the flop and they call and then we bomb the turn again, they'll give us AK+ and fold a lot.... (again i could be giving ppl too much credit but...)

sjay2k 07-08-10 06:12 PM

Hey good luck, I agree with your play on hand 1

JDMcNugent7 07-08-10 08:24 PM

Say the dealer gives u 500 chips back that aren't hrs in main event, do u say something or no?

This tourny is going horrible for me so far n I still have starting stack. If I can make a single hand I think I'll b fine. I've gotten every good hand under the gun n nothing besides QQ in late psotion when an ace n fd flop

Zybomb 07-08-10 09:28 PM

Hell no dont say anything. Were playing for TEN MILLION DOLLARS. This is war

Windbreaker 07-08-10 10:34 PM

8.9 mill for first....71-72k at break.....easy table...making hands...playing good.

People keep paying me off. Made 3 flushes, two straights, one set...or something like that.

I only recognize Aaron Gustaveson (sp?).

Windbreaker 07-09-10 03:31 AM

51.5k to end the day....players were so bad....but never got anything going after dinner break. Aaron went from like 3k to 143k....kept making hands and guys kept paying him off.

Made most of my chips early on with mediocre hands that ended up being straights or flushes....I never had the nuts once.

Lots of chips at this stage still.

JDMcNugent7 07-09-10 03:06 PM

19k to end, i played pretty good besides 1 hand. i have yet to make any hands. best hand ive had was AT on AT9 flop, vs JQ and lost obv. besides that ive hit 2 pair once and nothing else.

bluffing and stealing pf only way im still alive. gonna hit some cards tomorrow tho

Windbreaker 07-09-10 05:15 PM

Your day 2 seat draw:

David Larson 44,975 PAVILION / 182 / 1
Guillaume Rivet 26,350 PAVILION / 182 / 2
Ken Michelman 30,950 PAVILION / 182 / 3
Joseph Davidson 19,325 PAVILION / 182 / 4
Pablo Peralta 5,150 PAVILION / 182 / 5
David Olson 57,525 PAVILION / 182 / 6
Mads Andersen 29,625 PAVILION / 182 / 7
David Chiu 48,500 PAVILION / 182 / 8
Fabrizio Gonzalez 30,100 PAVILION / 182 / 9

You still have a lot of chips....kind of sucks to have a short stack in seat 5. Pretty sure Seat 6 and 7 only play poker for a living. And David Chiu, I'm sure you know...not the best seat draw....but don't worry about it. Think positively, play well, play hard.

Zybomb 07-09-10 06:53 PM

Where do u go to find table draws? Im at 2nd break 93k btw. full report after day

Windbreaker 07-09-10 07:13 PM

Kevmath on 2+2 finds all these things. Basically wsop's twitter has a pdf file with all players remaining and seat assignments arranged alphabetically...he takes and rearranges according to tables.

Day 2A

Day 2B

Fildy 07-10-10 12:09 AM

Seat 7 for sure, he was at the WPT final table that Joe Hachem took down.

Zybomb 07-10-10 02:59 AM


Finished the day with 121k. I had 152k 3 hands before the end but ran into a major cooler... I kinda fucked up a little also.

500/1000 A100, folds around to Button with 130k who opens to 2300. SB folds and I call from the BB with 7:d:6:d:. Flop comes T:d:8:h:4:d:, giving me a double gutshot and FD. I check, he bets 4800.... hmmm

I planned on C/Ring initially, but when he like pots it almost I thought he may've had a big hand... I didn't wanna c/r to 15k or so and then have him 4 Bet at this point bc Im never folding and I didn't wanna play a 260k pot 3 hands before the end of the day.... so I just flat (I suck)

Turn is a 2:c: I check and he checks

River is a 9:c:. I bet 11,100, he tanks and then min raises to 22,200.


WTF is goin on ... let's see how I can get coolered.... I call....

Guy flips J:h:7:h:....JESUS

Whatever my goal was 120k at the start of today and I have that, avg is around 70k i think.

Other notable hands

I open the 200-400 blinds to 1050 w TT, short shoves for 9300, next guy w 47k insta calls.... im like hmm ok and I fold. Shover has 77 and caller has QQ, flop comes T high JG;EUR RTPUHGUGTRKGKHTJT i get everything if i call.

Right before the first table breaks (softest table in american history btw, furious that it broke) shorty shoves for 8100 and i wake up w QQ in the BB and call. He shows KQo. Flop AJT.... thats nice....

New table was tough. Aggro guy to my right opening a ton everytime Im in a steal posiiton hes opening before me. Guy to my right is a 3 bet machine... and had a team PS pro also i dunno his name but recognized him....pretty solid.

At new table UTG opens to 1500, i repop to 5k with KK and he shoves 99 for like 11k total. I call and knock him out.

Aggro CO opens to 1100, I flat OTB with A:d:9:d:, BB who had 3 bet several times 3 bets to 3600, CO folds and I flat IP, thinking he's light and unoriginal so I can probably outplay post. Flop comes 633 two hearts one diamond. He bets 5200 with 24800 behind. I float overs and BD FD. Turn J:h:, he checks I bet 8100 (I think small bet accomplishes everything I want to givin his stack) and he folds.

Another interesting hand vs pro with A:h:Q:h: but my cpu time is up... will edit later

Im at table 298 Monday

GL Windbreaker and JD

Windbreaker 07-10-10 03:36 AM

Hand 1 - I like to bet the flop so I can bet-3bet...instead of going check-raise-call....and missing turn and going now wth do I do.

Seems like your playing fine. Don't worry about results....even a 10 bb stack is so valuable in this tourney.

You have a ton of chips...good luck Monday.

- And JD/Zy.....I have another wrist band for the Stars Party on Sunday night if you guys need one.

Zybomb 07-10-10 04:49 AM

Rest of previous post... A:h:Q:h: hand crazy.

250-500 PS Pro raises to 1100 from 2nd and I flat out of the BB with A:h:Q:h:.

Flop comes 7:h:5:h:2:c:. I check and he checks behind

Turn is a 4:c:. I bet 1600 and he raises to 5100 w 20k behind.

I have 2 draws, 2 over cards, and potentially the best hand considering he checked the flop... I consider both reraising and flatting but finally decide to flat with the intention of CRAI all hearts and c/cing all 3s.

River is 9:c:. I check and he bets 16k........ wtf:confused: I actually don't automuck and begin to think my A high could be good here... this is like backdoor clubs or air right? I eventually fold bc I dont have a good enough read to call here and I dont wanna give this guy chips.

Had a big hand with 99 faded major outs. Aggro raiser opened to 1800, I call with 99, CO calls and BB calls.

Flop J:d:9:d:3:h:

BB checks, PFR bets 4600, I raise to 15,200, CO folds and BB shoves for 36k, PFR tanks and folds and I sucks bc I already know he has to have a combo draw unless its 33.... obv its a combo draw and he flips Q:d:T:d: blehhh... i actually fade it somehow. There's a few other hands but i lost the 2nd message in my phone damn it... oh well

Oh yea and Norman Chad came by my table and bullshitted with me for 5-6 minutes and took my info down before he left -- maybe ill be tracked day 3.

Windbreaker if you could hook up my table whenever u get it I'd appreciate it.... and yea I'd be down for the Stars thing lemme know whats up.

GL to u guys tom, take it down... JD u got a tough table but hopefully u get some deserved cards.

Keep me posted about everything... hopefully see both of u Monday

Windbreaker 07-10-10 07:43 AM

JD - I think your table is one of the first to don't worry about it. (I assume they break Pavilion High to Low). If that's the case, your table probably won't last an hour.

Zy - can meet up Sunday. I'm over at where the Party is at.

And table draws won't be listed till about 10-11 AM check with
.....full one list won't happen till tomorrow since day 2B is going on.

Zybomb 07-10-10 12:13 PM

Oh shit -- I totally forgot about this other complete setup hand where I had QQ vs AA and lost ONE BB.

UTG opens the 500/1000 A100 blinds to 2300. UTG is the bum thats been 3 betting a ton. UTG+1 has just recently moved to the table and has 100k and 3 bets him to 7000. Folds around to me in the BB and I look down and see QQ.

gvhbrthy g98egh8eorghuiy685h8rtj

I tank for a long time and then figure even if I have the best of it, Im OOP with nothing in the pot and don't wanna play a huge pot where Im not sure so I muck it. UTG folds.... Im curious about his hand, so I quickly say, I hope you know I folded two Queens for you right there.... he nods his head and flashes me AA..... sick, they're trying to felt me!!

Windbreaker, we'll figure out Sunday for sure. Im def down just gimmie the details of where and when -- Im goin out tonight to a club somewhere with some of my boys that are in town for the weekend if either you or JD want to come thru after, but I doubt you'll be up for it after a long day. Play finishes around 10:50 we play 4 levels ending with half of the 500-1000 level

GL today guys, put in work!!

sjay2k 07-10-10 12:49 PM

Nice work, keep it up!

Windbreaker 07-10-10 12:54 PM

You have two pretty sick players at your Day 3 table so far Zy....Cole South and Jason Somerville.

They have a good stack and position.

Edit - Weird they have your entire table draw already... I guess 2A guys play 2A guys on Day 3.

Cole South 304,200 AMAZON / 298 / 1
Nicholas Schwarmann 45,100 AMAZON / 298 / 2
Sylvian Solfrini 22,200 AMAZON / 298 / 3
Dash Dudley 150,600 AMAZON / 298 / 4
Duane Carlson 81,000 AMAZON / 298 / 5
Greg Himmelbrand 120,800 AMAZON / 298 / 6
Thor Hansen 40,700 AMAZON / 298 / 7
Jason Somerville 185,200 AMAZON / 298 / 8
Eetu Lehtonen 119,700 AMAZON / 298 / 9

Wes 07-10-10 02:18 PM

cts is at your table. sucks to be you. gl though.

Zybomb 07-10-10 03:11 PM

Wow that is a tough draw. Do u know where my table is on the break list?

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