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Fildy 10-10-07 12:17 AM

Beat: I got robbed.
So, I work as a booth attendant at the parking garage at my school. Its a nice job because I get out of school at 1:45 and start at 2:30 and it is slow enough to where I can do my homework and study/read most of the time. I have no more than like $200 dollars in my booth at any one time and there are security guards on duty at all times and campus police are in and out of the lot like all day. So today I was reading a book which I normally do and I hear "Give me the money in the booth." I look up kinda laughing thinking someone is joking around (security guards and other booth attendants play like this sometimes idk) and I say "I'm sorry I can't do that." Apparently I answered that question incorrectly because as I finish looking up, he opens my door and punches me in the face (NICE!). At this point I fall on the ground (in shock and in pain) and tell him to just take the money that I don't care. He wasn't happy with that, so he proceeds to kick me in my face, my chest, my stomach, and stomp on me. All together he probably struck me like 30+ times. So he takes the money, then hit the button to let himself out with the $200 or so dollars in the booth.(nice, don't just rob me and beat my ass but fuck up my paperwork too, asshole). So I lay there for a few seconds and eventually get up. Someone else had seen the attack and ran to get security, who then got the manager, my uncle and they came running up after he left. The campus police come over and I am filling out a report when they get a call that another booth is being robbed (the other one locks from the inside and they called it in). So campus police go over there and arrest the guy and bring him over to me and ask if this is the guy. Naturally my first instinct is to kick the guy in his face a few times, but I decide that I don't want to risk trouble as well. So instead a spit in his face, and just in case that didn't answer the quest I said "Yea thats him". So campus police take this guy away and I finish my report and finish out the day at work and come home.

TL;DR Crowd: I got beat up bad for 200 dollars. Guy got caught and arrested.

So now I am home, store bought painkillers suck, I am in incredible amount of pain and feel like curling up, drinking a bottle of vodka and sleeping it off.

Beat 2: I'm out of vodka

Talking Poker 10-10-07 12:43 AM

Good story, FWIW.

If you really did spit in the guy's face, props to you. :cheers:

People suck.

Fildy 10-10-07 12:50 AM

Indeed I did. And I know the cops cant condone anything like that, but the younger cop, a guy I talk with on a semi-regular basis cracked a smile. Even though its not even close to getting equal, it felt like slight vindication.

2Tone 10-10-07 12:52 AM

Totally sucks
Sorry to hear that, man. Glad they caught the guy.

Talking Poker 10-10-07 01:05 AM

Did anything every come of your robbery? I assume nothing was ever found....?

2Tone 10-10-07 01:25 AM

Good memory. Nah, nothing. State Farm exceeded expectations and cut me a check right away with no hassle. I purchased an alarm system which we set everytime we leave the house. The music and hardware was easily replaced. But the digital photos and two years worth of live game records are gone forever.

Hearing stories from others, I consider us to have gotten off pretty lucky, all things considered.

Gordogg 10-10-07 01:30 AM

That is fucked up Fildy. Glad they caught the dumbshit. :cheers:

Reel Deal 10-10-07 02:42 AM

That sucks. Sorry bud.

Ando05 10-10-07 03:02 AM

I'm guessing he didn't have any weapons on him, which is a good thing...but how fuckin dumb can someone to go rob something where he is only gonna get $200 out of it, and if he gets caught he goes to jail for $200? Wow that's gayyy

The problem may be that this guy went broke in online poker and decided to go on life tilt and get his money back

On the side note if someone just opened the door and punched me in the face, I think my first reaction would be to retaliate

Fildy 10-10-07 03:15 AM

It was my first reaction, unfortunately my body/face's first reaction was "FUCK THAT HURT, and WTF IS GOING ON" and like you said I didn't know if he had any weapons or what, and I might be a bitch for laying on the ground, but the one time out of a hundred that he has a gun and I try to fight him I'm dead. I know thats 1% but if I "fold" (go to the ground)right there I'm never gonna experience a "bad beat" (uhhhh death?)

So, I'll be a bitch and go to the ground, every single time.

Ando05 10-10-07 03:20 AM

Yea if you're unsure if he has a weapon or not the best thing to do is lay down there because Gun>Knife>Fist

Fildy 10-10-07 03:28 AM

This is only correct being that the owner of the fist is not Chuck Norris

Ando05 10-10-07 03:31 AM

Chuck Norris>God>Gun>Knife>Fist

PShabi 10-10-07 08:48 PM

Pretty fuckin' dumb, obviously. He robbed another booth in the same garage instead of fleeing.

I would have asked the cops, "Do you mind if I get a quick shot in?" Shit, I'd have let ya.

bunny 10-10-07 09:07 PM

You did the wise thing laying down instead of fighting back. Hope you feel better soon, Fildy:cheers:

Invigilator 10-10-07 09:14 PM

People definitely suck.

May you be deep in the Sunday Millions when the Universe decides to balance out it's karmic debt to you, dude.

Talking Poker 10-10-07 10:54 PM

Who says the robbery wasn't karma balancing the universe? :rolleyes:

Ando05 10-10-07 11:05 PM

BAM!! KO!!

Fildy 10-10-07 11:45 PM

I know that was meant to be a joke, but it kinda wasn't all imo.

Talking Poker 10-10-07 11:47 PM

Really? I thought it was very funny (and somehow appropriate).


Fildy 10-10-07 11:54 PM

Wow, nice to see the true TP I guess. I don't care who you are, or what you did (short of beating someone else like this) NO ONE deserves to have what happened to me happen to them. At all. I guess if you think getting kicked in the face multiple times is = acting retarded/doing something dumb then I guess you aren't as just as I thought you might be.

drewjax 10-11-07 12:11 AM

So in TPs world..................

A 17 year old kid acts like a jerk, and calls and ADULT some names, on a FRIGGIN INTERNET FORUM

and that ===============

That kid getting robbed and viciously beaten while he is working at his job.



I may go so far to say that what you just said in your last two posts is worse than what was said to you by Longshot way back when.

Who is the adult? And who is acting like a stuck up little boy who takes things way to fucking seriously?


TP, please please please tell me you didnt really mean that Fildydonk deserved what happened.
Serioulsy, please.

Talking Poker 10-11-07 01:11 AM


Seriously, what are you guys talking about???

It was a fucking joke, and since the :rolleyes: apparently wasn't obvious enough, I even said it was a joke when Fidly asked me.

Sorry to try to add a little humor to a shitty situation. And yes, that is the "true TP" - It's a sucky situation, beyond our control, and I made a somewhat inappropriate (but still funny, IMO) joke to - The joke failed miserably, obviously. I guess only Chuck Norris jokes and jokes about being out of Vodka are appropriate and funny in a thread like this. My bad.

But seriously, you guys are both way out of line if you thought I meant this as anything more than a joke. Come on. Give me some credit.

And who even said anything at all about what Longshot said on an internet forum, anyway??? FFS, stop trying to create drama where there isn't any.

Seriously, drewjx, I have to say that your response was *way* (bunny stars!) out of line. I know you badly misinterpreted what I was saying, but come on, man... Out of 22k posts or whatever that I've made here, what in the world would lead you to believe that I am the type of person who would "act like a stuck up little boy who takes things way too fucking seriously?" and that I think some kid mouthing off on an internet forum means he deserves a real life beating? Come on...

PLEASE tell me you can see how ridiculous it is that you would even THINK that I wasn't joking and that's what I meant. Seriously, please.

Fildy 10-11-07 01:28 AM

Apology accepted. I think it was just something that can be looked at in two different ways. You looked at it in one way, drew and I another.

FWIW Chuck Norris Jokes will always be funny.

EDIT: Oh, and Oxycotton FTW

Talking Poker 10-11-07 01:31 AM


Fidly and I just had a little chat on AIM - I think we're all clear now. Sorry again to anyone who took what I said as anything more than a poor taste, unfunny joke.

I really did think it was funny, but alas, I = :donkey.

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