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BlibbityBlabbity 04-04-05 10:40 AM

Good Payout and a Chop Question
So the good news... I essentially finished 1st in one of PokerMountain's "pokerpoints" freerolls. I had accumulated the 2000 point buyin from playing some PLAY money single table games (to test the software). There were 70 players in it with a $2500 prize pool.

So we have been battling at the final table for about an hour and it is finally down to three. PokerMountain has a "DEAL" button and if all layers have it turned on then it asks to confirm a deal. It also keeps a running ticker of what your cut of a potential deal would be after every hand. Stacks were something like 40,000 (me), 20,000 and 12,000 with blinds of 2,000/4,000. After a few hands I had taked one hit and the stacks were about 30,000 (me), 22,000, and 20,000. I took the deal.

Here was my thinking...
Blinds were high enough (and coming around quickly three handed)that if either or both of them caught a few more hands and I didn't I would be short and might get stuck with 3rd ($250) or 2nd ($450). First would have been $750 and I made the deal based on chips/chis in play for $565.

Was this the correct move, and should I have just made the deal when I had 40,000 and it was down to three?? That would have been $600+.

In any case I was overjoyed with a $565 payday as my 2nd highest tourney payout was $70. :)

Penguinfan 04-04-05 10:56 AM

This is completely up to personal preference and how good you feel about your short handed and heads up play. As for weather or not to chop when you would have got 600+, I say no way, you were a 2-1 chip leader over the second place person and well clear of the 3rd guy, get to heads up and then make a deal or let what happened happen.

BlibbityBlabbity 04-04-05 11:03 AM

Yeah, I was pretty comfortable with my chances and my play vs their play, (moreso when I was 2-1) but my thinking was unless I am 99% sure I am going to take 1st, I should take the deal since 1st was the only place higher than what I could get right then.

That and $565 sounded SOOOO good!! :D

Penguinfan 04-04-05 11:06 AM

In all honesty I would have done the same exact thing exactly when you did it. I am not sure I like the auto chop option, at Stars you can negotiate a better deal for yourself outside of the chip count.

Congrats on the win and the score by the way.

Kurn 04-04-05 12:26 PM

You got a slightly better deal than just chip percentage (if the info in your post was accurate). I had you getting 544, 2nd getting 211 and 3rd 195.

BlibbityBlabbity 04-04-05 12:32 PM

Those numbers were estimated...This was a few weeks ago, I just got around to asking the question that I had at the time.

I am pretty sure there was not a way to negotiate beyond the deal the software came up with, but it all happened pretty quick (window popped up with a 15 second clock saying confirm/decline).

Tony Cheval 04-04-05 05:51 PM

So how is Poker Mountain now? (besides good for your bank account obviously) :D

BrianSwa 04-04-05 05:56 PM


anyone else have trouble connecting to this site?

BlibbityBlabbity 04-04-05 06:05 PM

The interface (slider, buttons, etc) is still a bit touchy. The table layout is OK. They do have a bonus, but their game selection (at least at the times I checked was not very good). They are running some sattelites to live events.

I deposited to be able to withdraw the money and then cashed back out and I hit the submit button and a weird thing happened.....It said processing, processing, transaction completed.....Now I said to myself "could it really be in my Neteller account in realtime???" So, I checked and there it was. :)

I have recieved answers back from their support very quickly. Actually I had a few issues making my account "real money" before getting into this tourney. I had to email them and I didn't expect to hear back in time to get into the tourney (1 hour before). They responded in 15 minutes....luckily, as it turns out, I got into it ok :D

I would say it could be a very good site if they can get some more action on the site.


From my expreience, in the beta testing phase the site would crash ALL the time. Seems to be more stable now. Do you have problems? Is it crashing or just not cnnecting at all?

BrianSwa 04-04-05 08:18 PM

wasnt connecting at all but went through later, might be on my side. On side note how do you change the sig under my name?

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