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SirFWALGMan 03-06-05 02:40 AM

S0000ted Connectors
Ok. I have what I hope is a great question. Everyone I have talked to has told me S00ted connectors good, K high flush card bad. Now what the hell is up with that? If you lose alot of money in NL with K high flushes then what the hell are you doing playing something that is going to end up being the 8 high flush? You really can only bet the high end of the straight hard. If both the straight and flush hit the board then you have some protection against suckout by a higher straight I guess.. but I just do not get S000ted Connectors. Anyone want to 'splain?

BrianSwa 03-06-05 02:49 AM

im gonna attempt to answer this but it will probolly be wrong. I'am guessing they say they are better becuase you can make your hand in so many different ways not to mentioin possible straight flush. Like i played 7s8s earlier and ended up making both and took it with the flush.

Anywho I have $730 right now it was a good night, was at a table where 8 people got busted while I sat there.

SirFWALGMan 03-06-05 08:56 AM

What the heck are you playing anyways?

Zybomb 03-06-05 01:26 PM

I think you're misunderstanding a K high flush. A King high flush (when you have only three of the suit are out on the board and two are in your hand) is a monster. I'd bet with it , raise with it etc. The only thing is you just have to be a little careful if an opponent shows a lot of strength, bc it can get you into a lot of trouble.... for this reason its why you dont play a hand like K4s from early/mid position (first bc you're likely to be raised if you limp or reraised if you raised and then you're more than likely a huge dog) and second bc if by chance someone does hit an ace high flush you are gunna lose a lot of chips. Kind of similiar to playing an A6 off...and an Ace hits. Either youre going to win a small pot by betting since the ace will scare everyone without one, or you'll lose a lot of chips being outkicked (unless you are smart enough to throw TP away) With a K high flush if someone is raising and reraising, they probably arent doing it with Q high flush....although you never know.

As for the straight draws, I think you are misunderstanding a bit too....I never want to be drawing to the ass end of a straight but with connectors if I have two to the straight in my hand its a different story. I.e If I have 10 3 (inthe BB lets say) and the flop is 456, I have an open end straight draw but I dont wanna play the hand anymore...why? Bc 1) someone may already have a straight, 2) if a 7 pops up anyone with an 8 now beats my straight, thus my open end if effectively an inside straight, with more potential problems than a normal one

If I have 67 and the flop hits 8,9,A, of course Id rather a 5, 8 blank, but its still a great flop. Even if the turn is a 10, you have the 'ass end' but you still have 2 cards to it. Id bet hard on the turn, bc even if a J comes up, it'll chase out anyone drawing to simply an inside straight (holding a Q). If someone holds JQ (which is less likely also) a bet on the flop can also chase their inside straight out...thus effectively the only drawing hand that'd make sense to stay in is 10,J...and if a Queen does come up, you missed your straight so you can get away from the hand (unless a 4 or 10 hits also).

Suited connectors are good bc they can win in many different ways, and they are great drawing hands in a multiway pot. They also will general pay out highly when they do hit. Straight, Flush, Two pair, Trips etc, and if you miss the flop its very very easy to get away from

BrianSwa 03-06-05 10:05 PM


I choose not to tell what I'am playing at in fear of getting yelled at....again. Sir I would like to get your email so we can talk if you want to private message me it that would be great. Anyway at $935 now which im estatic about.

ChipFish 03-06-05 10:22 PM

You really are an idiot aren't you?
Good luck.
I for one don't want to hear even one post from you if (and more than likely when) you bust out, assuming you are playing over your head.... and it sounds like you may well be doing just that.

BrianSwa 03-06-05 10:37 PM

actully chip im about $100-$200 under what im supposed to be at to play the level I'am playing. I dont think that is stupid if I lose money and drop down to $600 then I drop back down to $1-$2. Now if i where to stay at $2/$4 with $600 yes that would be stupid but I dont think $1,000 is too little to play $2/$4.

Aequitas58 03-06-05 10:38 PM

It sounds like Brian is having a very good week. Like you, I'm waiting for next week, when QQ doesn't rock and his draws don't hit.

I hope you keep winning B, but realize, it's only a matter of time until the tides start turning. I'm not the first (or last) to warn you of playing outside your limits.

BrianSwa 03-06-05 10:40 PM


read the above post do you disagree that I'am, my exact roll is $965 and like I said I have no problem getting up and going to $1-$2 if it drop to $600.

Aequitas58 03-06-05 10:41 PM

I think $1000 is fine to play $2/4 - but don't be surprised when you take 4-5 big hands on the chin. Not to mention when you start missing some of those draws...

Aequitas58 03-06-05 10:43 PM

It takes a lot of discipline to DROP DOWN when you're on a losing streak. Most players UP the stakes because they want to win money back. Don't take this as an insult, but I definitely see you being one of those players.

Back to my NJ bar application.

BrianSwa 03-06-05 10:45 PM


I dont draw anymore...unless I got a draw to the nutflush and straight im not messing with it. Loses money in long run sir, most money ive made is from people trying to hit there's. Yes I have seen the hits and I have gotten them, lost close to $60 when I first started playing tonight now im up close to $100.

I have learned to deal with the swings and to stop drawing to stupid hands that hit seldom and most likley are already beat. I used to draw to flushes and straights no matter what and lost tons of money doing it. Even when board is paired I use to draw to them. Also used to never raise and play stupid which I have stopped, now im not saying im some great player now but I play alot smarter now.

BrianSwa 03-06-05 10:49 PM


maybe I used to be but I got this bankroll by moving up levels one by one and im not about to lose it too some stupid shit like that. I agree with you totally that 6 months if I took a hit and lost $400 i would go to 3/6 and try to win it back. I can honestly say I would go down no problem at all!

not arguing with you at all and no im not even close to a great player but I have seen improvement and that is all I want. I feel real comfortable at this level and plan on staying here for a long long time no matter what my bankroll is.

drewjax 03-06-05 11:06 PM

Are you playing stictly limit, NL, or switching it up?

I am considering giving NL ring a try. but I can feel that i would go in a bit unsure of myself and I know that can be a recipe for disaster right there. $25 NL tables, hmm, do you all think I should give it a shot. How soft, aggressive, whatever are these at Party?

BrianSwa 03-06-05 11:25 PM


I play mostly not good enough yet to put that much money in a single hand in NL games yet. Like if I had 2nd bets possible flush I dont mind paying $4 to see if you have ace flush but I dont know about paying $50 to see it. I did play some NL tables to get roll where it was but I played them VERY TIGHT with my origional $25 deposit. I have over a grand now but alot of it was luck...a little skill...and some stupid people (besides me).

Talking Poker 03-06-05 11:51 PM

Does anyone else find it extremely annoying how in every single one of Brian's posts, he feels the need to mention that he's not good, he's no expert, the advice he's about to give is "prolly" wrong, etc, etc?

Sorry. It's just wearing on me, Brian. We get it, already. You're a bad player who has been on a rush. We get it.

BrianSwa 03-06-05 11:57 PM


well dont concider myself a bad player but also dont want someone to jump down my throat when I give wrong advice. I'am on a rush but its not like im playing bad cards and getting lucky or making all my draws. I'am making the most out of my good hands and dealing with the outdraws and comming out on top. I do think when I first came to the forum I was a terrible player and I do think the advice here helped me alot. I have never had a week long rush so I have to be doing something right. Dont want to be called a fibber so actully 4 day rush.

ChipFish 03-07-05 12:11 AM

I am entrigued.
You went from horrible player to a huge run.

I really want to see how this turns out.

It's kind of like the reason people watch Nascar....
Is it to watch the cars go round and round? No.
I think people watch Nascar for the spectacular Crashes.

Talking Poker 03-07-05 12:15 AM

:D :D :D

ChipFish 03-07-05 12:16 AM

Just sat down to watch Brian and I am already shaking my head.
He decides to go for a cigarette and promptly sits out.
As he was 3-tabling this cost him 7 free hands.

Better than Nascar.

BrianSwa 03-07-05 12:18 AM

hey im addicted I cant help it and my wife will KILL me if I smoke in the house again :)

ChipFish 03-07-05 12:22 AM

Wait until you hit the blinds then don't post.
Chances are you would have been dealt nothing, but who knows you could have passed up Aces or Kings and would have seen the hands for free (you already posted the blinds for that orbit)
Do that enough times and it adds up.
Wait until the blinds come to you before sitting out.

BrianSwa 03-07-05 12:26 AM


will do.

Aequitas58 03-07-05 12:51 AM

I've been thinking this for the past week. I didn't want to say anything because I want to see how long he continues it. I imagine that he'll stop, just because you've made mention of it.

... not that I know anything.

Aequitas58 03-07-05 12:52 AM

If I was your wife, I would have killed you a month ago for still wanting to play online poker.

;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

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